Friday, April 28, 2017

Week of May 1, 2017

Team - 

AP testing starts this week.

There is a Faculty meeting this Wednesday at 7:50. Please be in attendance and on time as we will be discussing the budget as well as testing. 

Teachers of seniors, please remember to provide Mrs. Phillips, Mr. Rainey, Mr. Hawkins and myself a weekly update for students who are "on the radar". The graduation team will alert you if you have a child on the radar. Teachers of ALL grade levels - please e-mail the grade level administrator and counselor if you have any child failing and needs extra motivation. Southwest HS is well known for demanding the best out of students as we finish each school year. Let's continue to demonstrate these efforts.   

Please continue to greet your students at the doors at the beginning of each class, addressing the basics of SWHS's expectations. We must demonstrate they we are united in upholding our student code of conduct. We, as a staff, continue to send mixed messages to our students and these very students are not hesitating to let the administration aware of who is and who is not upholding the school's expectations. Thank you to everyone who continues to enforce our expectations. 

Thank you for everything you continue to do and have a great week!

WE ARE...SOUTHWEST!!  Go Cowboys!

Events of the Week:
All athletic events are listed below

PLCS next week   (reference Canvas)

Driver's ed continues this week and lasts until May 10 (3:40-6:30)

May 1, Monday
District Benchmarks Monday - Frida
School Wide Non EOC 12 week Benchmarks, Monday - Friday
AP Testing - Monday - Friday
6:00 pm          JV Baseball (NWHS)
9:30 am          Golf @ Maple Chase
May 2, Tuesday 

4:30 pm          Men's Varsity Tennis @ TBA
5:30/7:00        Women's JV & Varsity Soccer (NWHS)
7:00 pm          Varsity Baseball Semis @ Ragsdale
7:00 pm          Varsity Women's Softball Conference semis @ Glenn

May 3, Wednesday 
7:50 am         Faculty Meeting
5:00 pm          Varsity Baseball  Semis @ Ragsdale
1:00 pm          Coed Varsity Track (Away)
7:00 pm          Men's Varsity Lacrosse  - States - away TBD
7:00 pm          Varsity Softball Conference - @ Glenn

May 4, Thursday

5:30/ 7:00 pm Women's JV and Varsity Soccer (Summit/HP Central) 

May 5, Friday 

2:00 pm            Men's Varsity Tennis - Regionals @ Grimsley
7:00 pm            Men's Varsity Baseball - Conference finals @ Ragsdale
7:00 pm            Men's Varsity Lacrosse - 2nd round states - TBD
7:00 pm            Women's Softball - conference finals - @ Glenn

No PLCs this week

Next week:
May 10 - Leadership Meeting (7:45)
May 13 - Prom - 8-Midnight (The Loft)

Coming Up:
May 15-19 Teacher Appreciation Week sponsored by the PTSA
May 16 - Band Concert
May 18 - Interim Reports
May 21 - Baccalaureate Service for Seniors at Jamestown United Methodist Church
May 23 - Chorus recital
May 25 - Orchestra Concert
May 26 - Senior Class picnic
June 10 - Graduation (1 pm)

- Make sure you are updating grades in Power School 
Remember to reference CANVAS for all pertinent information. If you find that a document is not located on CANVAS, please inquire with one of the Assistant Principals or Julie Nichols.

 -Mr. Hettenbach


Front Lobby                                     Bradshaw
Cafeteria Inside                                 Kornegay
Cafeteria inside                                 Hagler
Cafeteria outside                               Nichols
Outside Media Center                       Talley
Student lot outside gym                     Ridge
Attendance                                         Cooke
Academy gym                                    Caldwell
Academy gym                                    Gann
Back doors by gym                            Hmiel


1st Lunch
Teacher 1                                             Hinson
Teacher 2                                             Silvas
Teacher 3                                             Muse

2nd Lunch
Teacher 1                                             Talley
Teacher 2                                             Vlazny
Teacher 3                                             Arrington

3rd Lunch
Teacher 1                                             Duran
Teacher 2                                             Luce
Teacher 3                                             Hagler

4th Lunch
Teacher 1                                             Wood
Teacher 2                                             Nadeau
Teacher 3                                             Mode

Please assist us in keeping students seated until the bell rings. Also – if you have lunch supervision, you can dismiss your class 2 minutes (no earlier) in order to get to the cafeteria before the students arrive.

Teacher 1 = Inside Cafeteria at Cashiers transitioning to old section of cafeteria
Teacher 2 = Outside serving line inside old section of cafeteria transitioning to New section of cafeteria
Teacher 3 = Outside line in hall transitioning to cafeteria exit

Saturday, April 22, 2017

Week of April 24, 2017

Team - 

This Thursday, we distribute interim reports for the first 3 weeks of the 4th quarter for all students with Ds and/ or Fs. Our level of communication must continue as we approach the finish line. Please make sure grades are updated as much as possible in PowerSchool. 

Teachers of seniors, please remember to provide Mrs. Phillips, Mr. Rainey, Mr. Hawkins and myself a weekly update for students who are "on the radar". The graduation team will alert you if you have a child on the radar. Teachers of ALL grade levels - please e-mail the grade level administrator and counselor if you have any child failing and needs extra motivation. Southwest HS is well known for demanding the best out of students as we finish each school year. Let's continue to demonstrate these efforts.   

Please continue to greet your students at the doors at the beginning of each class, addressing the basics of SWHS's expectations. We must demonstrate they we are united in upholding our student code of conduct. We, as a staff, continue to send mixed messages to our students and these very students are not hesitating to let the administration aware of who is and who is not upholding the school's expectations. Thank you to everyone who continues to enforce our expectations. 

In closing, one of the MANY things I am proud of with this staff, is the overall dedication of working with all students and with your peers. I need everyone to sit back, breathe, and recognize the accomplishments this school continues to receive and grow upon as well. While we will always have room to proceed upon, and challenges to face, we should never fail to recognize the greatness we are achieving. Relationships with your students and with your peers is the foundation to extraordinary success. Truly take a moment and ask yourself if you have this with both of these groups.  Can you truly and honestly say yes to this?  Both groups? If not, how do you grow as an individual, a professional in the educational environment? 

I am going to end this week's Round Up with a quote.....

"To effectively communicate, we must realize that we are all different in the way we perceive the world and use this understanding as a guide to our communication with others." - Tony Robbins

Thank you for everything you continue to do and have a great week!

WE ARE...SOUTHWEST!!  Go Cowboys!

Events of the Week:
All Home athletic events are listed below

No PLCS this week  (reference Canvas)

Driver's ed starts this week and lasts until May 10 (3:40-6:30)

April 24, Monday 
5:30 pm          Women's Varsity Lacrosse Conference Tournament @ Simeon Stadium
7:30 pm          Men's Varsity Lacrosse Conference Tournament @ Simeon Stadium
April 25, Tuesday 
- Cap and Gown pictures in Ping Pong room
- Instructional Meeting 2nd Block (Barnum's Office)
Noon               Men's Varsity Golf Conference (Jamestown)
5:00/7:00 pm  Women's JV and Varsity Softball (5/7) (Northwest)
5:30/7:00 pm  Men's JV and Varsity Baseball (Northwest)
6:00 pm          Varsity women's soccer (Ragsdale)  

April 26, Wednesday  
3:00 pm          Men's Varsity Tennis - conference tournament
4:30 pm          Coed Varsity Track vs Glenn/Ragsdale 

April 27, Thursday
- 4th quarter, 1st interim reports 
4:00 pm          Men's Varsity Tennis Conference Finals
5:00/ 7:00 pm Women's JV and Varsity Softball (JV vs RJR, V vs High Point Central)
5:30/ 7:00 pm Women's JV and Varsity Soccer (East Forsyth) 
7:00 pm           Men's Varsity Baseball (High Point Central)

April 28, Friday 
- April 28 - Spotlight Breakfast
4:30/ 7:00 pm   Men's JV and Varsity Baseball (Western)

PLCS next week 

Next week:

May 1-5 District EOC Benchmarks
May 1-5 School wqide NON-EOC 12 week Benchmarks 
May 1-5 AP Testing
May 3 - Faculty meeting (7:50)

Coming Up:

May 10 - Leadership Meeting (7:45)
May 13 - Prom - 8-Midnight (The Loft)
May 16 - Band Concert
May 18 - Interim Reports
May 21 - Baccalaureate Service for Seniors at Jamestown United Methodist Church
May 23 - Chorus recital
May 25 - Orchestra Concert
May 26 - Senior Class picnic
June 10 - Graduation (1 pm)

- Make sure you are updating grades in Power School 
Remember to reference CANVAS for all pertinent information. If you find that a document is not located on CANVAS, please inquire with one of the Assistant Principals or Julie Nichols.

 -Mr. Hettenbach


Front Lobby                                     Keveryn
Cafeteria Inside                                 Larson
Cafeteria inside                                 Chapman
Cafeteria outside                               Monroe
Outside Media Center                       Middleton
Student lot outside gym                     Philpott
Attendance                                         Powell
Academy gym                                    Repko
Academy gym                                    Gaines
Back doors by gym                            Meck


1st Lunch
Teacher 1                                             Wright
Teacher 2                                             Demercurio
Teacher 3                                             Lovett

2nd Lunch
Teacher 1                                             Baker
Teacher 2                                             McGowan
Teacher 3                                             Puckett

3rd Lunch
Teacher 1                                             Repko
Teacher 2                                             Cheriyan
Teacher 3                                             Davis

4th Lunch
Teacher 1                                             Shavers
Teacher 2                                             Stone
Teacher 3                                             Rainey

Please assist us in keeping students seated until the bell rings. Also – if you have lunch supervision, you can dismiss your class 2 minutes (no earlier) in order to get to the cafeteria before the students arrive.

Teacher 1 = Inside Cafeteria at Cashiers transitioning to old section of cafeteria
Teacher 2 = Outside serving line inside old section of cafeteria transitioning to New section of cafeteria
Teacher 3 = Outside line in hall transitioning to cafeteria exit

Saturday, April 15, 2017

Week of April 17, 2017

Team - 

As we are in the 4th quarter, it is vital to keep those grades updated as often as possible. If we continue to ask parents to stay on top of their child's grades, we must do our part to be current with our delivery of information.  Teachers of seniors, please remember to provide Mrs. Phillips, Mr. Rainey, Mr. Hawkins and myself a weekly update for students who are "on the radar". The graduation team will alert you if you have a child on the radar. Teachers of ALL grade levels - please e-mail the grade level administrator and counselor if you have any child failing and needs extra motivation. Southwest HS is well known for demanding the best out of students as we finish each school year. Let's continue to demonstrate these efforts.   

As we return from break, I am quite sure the warm clothes are coming out of the closets or purchased over break. Please enforce the dress code as written in the handbook. If we are united on these expectations, the dress code will be easily addressed school wide. 

Thank you for everything you continue to do and have a great week!

WE ARE...SOUTHWEST!!  Go Cowboys!

Events of the Week:
All Home athletic events are listed below

PLCS this week  (reference Canvas)

April 17, Monday 

- 4:30 pm Mens Varsity Tennis vs East Forsyth High School
- 5:30 pm Mens Junior Varsity Lacrosse vs Northwest Guilford High School
- 7:00 pm Mens Varsity Baseball vs Ragsdale High School 
- 7:30 pm Mens Varsity Lacrosse vs Northwest Guilford High School 

April 18, Tuesday 
- Report Cards go home to students
- Homeroom at the end of the day (3:30)
- Instructional Meeting 2nd Block (Barnum's Office)
- 4:30 pm Mens Varsity Tennis vs High Point Central High School  

April 19, Wednesday  
- Leadership Meeting 7:45 AM Barnum's office.
- 4:30 pm Mens Varsity Tennis vs New Garden Friends School 

April 20, Thursday
- 4:30 pm CoEd Varsity Track

- 5:30 pm Mens Junior Varsity Baseball vs East Forsyth High School
- 5:30 pm Womens Varsity Lacrosse vs High Point Central High School 
- 7:30 pm Mens Varsity Lacrosse vs High Point Central High School 

April 21, Friday 
- Carowinds Trip - please check list of who is on the trip
- Jazz Band MPA
- 5:00 pm Womens Junior Varsity Softball (Rockingham County High School)
- 7:00 pm Womens Varsity Softball (Rockingham County High School) 

No PLCS next week 

Next week:

Coming Up:

April 24-May 10 - Drivcer's Ed, 3:40-6:30
April 25 - Cap and Gown Pictures for Seniors
April 27 - Benchmarks
April 28 - Spotlight Breakfast
April 28 - Spring Fling (6-8:30)

- Make sure you are updating grades in Power School 
Remember to reference CANVAS for all pertinent information. If you find that a document is not located on CANVAS, please inquire with one of the Assistant Principals or Julie Nichols.

 -Mr. Hettenbach


Front Lobby                                     Canon
Cafeteria Inside                                 Jacobs
Cafeteria inside                                 Puckett
Cafeteria outside                               Mode
Outside Media Center                       Baker
Student lot outside gym                     Szitas
Attendance                                         Donovan
Academy gym                                    Shields
Academy gym                                    Doak
Back doors by gym                            Stone


1st Lunch
Teacher 1                                             Kornegay
Teacher 2                                             Burroughs
Teacher 3                                             Caldwell

2nd Lunch
Teacher 1                                             Haith
Teacher 2                                             Atwood
Teacher 3                                             Evans

3rd Lunch
Teacher 1                                             Butler
Teacher 2                                             Canon
Teacher 3                                             Donovan

4th Lunch
Teacher 1                                             Richmond
Teacher 2                                             Gann
Teacher 3                                             Nix

Please assist us in keeping students seated until the bell rings. Also – if you have lunch supervision, you can dismiss your class 2 minutes (no earlier) in order to get to the cafeteria before the students arrive.

Teacher 1 = Inside Cafeteria at Cashiers transitioning to old section of cafeteria
Teacher 2 = Outside serving line inside old section of cafeteria transitioning to New section of cafeteria
Teacher 3 = Outside line in hall transitioning to cafeteria exit

Sunday, April 2, 2017

Week of April 3, 2017

Team - As this past Friday was the last day of the 3rd quarter, grades are due the end of the day on Wednesday, April 5th. 

Grade changes can be submitted after report cards have been printed.  Mrs. Cline has e-mailed and attached the grade change form that has to be filled out for all grade changes (this was sent to you at 8:56 AM on 3/31). You will make the change in your gradebook but you have to give Mrs. Cline the form to let her know what you have changed in order for her to store the grade in their historical marks.   

You should be entering grades for all students. INC’s are only for students that have had medical issues or student’s that have been pre-approved by myself (Hettenbach) to receive INC’s.

Students that need to make up time due to too many absences should receive a “55” and use comment code:  56244- An “55” indicates the attendance policy was violated

To add a comment for an individual student see step #4, to add a comment for the entire class to see step #8.

You will need to print out and give to Kristy Cline only the Score Sheet which is your spreadsheet with assignments & Final Grade. (screen shots are included in the attachment (sent 3/31)  so you can see exactly what Mrs. Cline is asking for)

Report cards will be printed on April 17th and they will be given to students Tuesday, April 18th

If you haven't done so already, please solicit help for Julie Nichols for April 4th, senior project night. You may utilize her email (sent on 3/20 @ 1:59 PM) as a simple copy and paste. 

As we have one week before spring break, we are in REGULAR dress code attire. We should be extra vigilant this week and do everything we can to keep students engaged instructionally. 

There will be a Saturday School on Saturday, April 8, from 8am - Noon. If students come in without anything to do, refusing to out away food, drinks, electronics, etc. or simply refusing to comply with Ms. Baker, they will be asked to leave. Make sure they are aware of the expectations set forth for Saturday School.

Last, and most importantly, thank you for everything you do on a daily basis !  WE ARE...SOUTHWEST!!  Go Cowboys!

Events of the Week:
All Home athletic events are listed below

NO PLCS this week  (reference Canvas)

April 3, Monday  
- Poe Center's Drugs Uncovered Presentation 
- District EOC Benchmarks
- Men's Varsity Tennis (4:30)
- Men's Varsity Golf (4:00)

April 4, Tuesday 
- 2nd semester senior project speech night
- District EOC Benchmarks
- Instructional Meeting 2nd Block (Barnum's Office)
- JV Baseball (5:30)

April 5, Wednesday  
- Faculty Meeting 7:50 AM quick presentation form ValuTeachers.
- Men's Varsity Tennis (4:30) 

April 6, Thursday
- Principal's meeting all day (Hettenbach)
- Women's JV and Varsity Soccer (5:30/7:30)

April 7, Friday 
- Varsity Women's Lacrosse (6:00)
- JV Baseball (5:30)

April 8, Saturday
- Saturday School 8am - Noon

PLCS this week 

Next week:


Coming Up:

April 18th - Report Cards to Students
April 19th - Leadership meeting 7:45, Barnum's office
April 21 - Carwoinds Trip
April 21 - Jazz Band MPA
April 24-May 10 - Drivcer's Ed, 3:40-6:30
April 25 - Cap and Gown Pictures for Seniors
April 27 - Benchmarks
April 28 - Spotlight Breakfast
April 28 - Spring Fling (6-8:30)

- Make sure you are updating grades in Power School 
Remember to reference CANVAS for all pertinent information. If you find that a document is not located on CANVAS, please inquire with one of the Assistant Principals or Julie Nichols.

 -Mr. Hettenbach


Front Lobby                                     McIvor
Cafeteria Inside                                 Wood
Cafeteria inside                                 Holmes
Cafeteria outside                               Richards
Outside Media Center                       Luce
Student lot outside gym                     Sturgill
Attendance                                         Nadeau
Academy gym                                    Muse
Academy gym                                    Demercurio
Back doors by gym                            Richards


1st Lunch
Teacher 1                                             Nichols
Teacher 2                                             Compton
Teacher 3                                             Whitestone

2nd Lunch
Teacher 1                                             Ridge 
Teacher 2                                             Talley
Teacher 3                                             Boulton

3rd Lunch
Teacher 1                                             Wesney
Teacher 2                                             Long
Teacher 3                                             Rodriguez

4th Lunch
Teacher 1                                             Vonsteen 
Teacher 2                                             Stone
Teacher 3                                             Middleton

Please assist us in keeping students seated until the bell rings. Also – if you have lunch supervision, you can dismiss your class 2 minutes (no earlier) in order to get to the cafeteria before the students arrive.

Teacher 1 = Inside Cafeteria at Cashiers transitioning to old section of cafeteria
Teacher 2 = Outside serving line inside old section of cafeteria transitioning to New section of cafeteria
Teacher 3 = Outside line in hall transitioning to cafeteria exit