Saturday, September 30, 2017

Week of October 2nd

Team - 

As we finish September, we have much to be proud of. A big thank you for everyone who has been  persevering through the challenges put in front of you. It is important to know that EVERY single staff member on this campus has their own set of challenges in front of them. As we continue to push from GOOD to GREAT. it is important to make sure we are constantly motivating each other and providing assistance when necessary.  

Great job with the last two weeks of Wednesday Walkthroughs. I've heard a lot of positives and kudos to the staff that are participating in more than their assigned week.  Remember to  check your calendar for your Wednesday Walkthrough dates.

Wednesday morning, we will have our monthly faculty meeting at 8 - 8:30. We have a lot to cover in a short time, so please be on time. Wednesday afternoon, please report to the media center at 2:00 to sign in for the GOOD to GREAT SWHS PD.

As we have already started the first round of evaluations and should have already completed the preliminary PDPs, remember to reflect on how we are focused on integrating the EOCs (English 2, Math 1, Biology), Meaningful effort towards reducing the achievement and suspension gap. Additionally, as we have reviewed data for our school, AP and ACT should also be a focus. Thank you to everyone who is embracing these challenges put in front of them.

PSAT day is coming.... Wednesday, October 11th for 10th and 11th graders. Please pay careful attention to Ms. Shaw's e-mails related to training, testing assignments, locations, etc. This Thursday, October 5, we will hold homerooms from 8:40-9:00 to provide the students (10th and 11th) with more information related to the PSAT.

As you meet your students at your doorway entering your classroom, never hesitate to ask a student to show you their SW spirit shirt. Students are taking more advantage of staff who do not address the code as it was written. Remember, we must be consistent. 

Additionally, food and drinks, cell phone, hallway monitoring has been much improved as it relates to consistency. As a friendly reminder, much of this can be eliminated at the door before the students enter. Thank you to everyone who continues to demonstrate consistent managerial practices. 

One week from Monday is the 2nd interim report distribution day for all students regardless of their grades. Please remember to contact all students who have Ds and Fs!  Last, please make the effort to update grades in PowerSchool weekly.

Thank you for everything you continue to do to make Southwest GREAT!

Mr. Hettenbach

WE ARE...SOUTHWEST!!  Go Cowboys!

Below are our games for next week. Feel free to navigate the athletic department's website....

Monday, October 02
2:00 PM           Womens Varsity Golf Postponed- Conference Championship Meet @ TBA Away
4:30 PM           Womens Varsity Tennis Western Guilford High School Match Away
5:00 PM           Womens Junior Varsity Volleyball East Forsyth High School Home
6:30 PM           Womens Varsity Volleyball East Forsyth High School Home
Tuesday, October 03
10:30 AM        Instructional Meeting - Barnum's Office
Planning           Media Center - all staff report to Media Center
2:00 PM           Womens Varsity Golf Conference Championship Meet @ TBA Away
4:30 PM           Womens Varsity Tennis High Point Christian Academy Home
5:00 PM           Womens Junior Varsity Volleyball Western Guilford High School Match Away
5:30 PM           Mens Junior Varsity Soccer Western Guilford High School Away
6:30 PM           Womens Varsity Volleyball Western Guilford High School Match Away
7:00 PM           Mens Varsity Soccer Western Guilford High School Away
Wednesday, October 04
8:00-8:30         Faculty meeting - Media Center
8:45-10:00       Wednesday Walkthroughs - none scheduled
1:35 PM           Early release for students 
2:00 PM           SWHS PD GOOD to GREAT - Media Center         
4:00 PM           Womens Varsity Tennis Asheboro High School Away
5:00 PM           Coed Varsity Cross Country Conference Meet @ N. Forsyth HS Away
5:00 PM           Womens Junior Varsity Volleyball Northwest Senior High School Home
6:30 PM           Womens Varsity Volleyball Northwest Senior High School Home
Thursday, October 05
8:40 - 9:00       Homeroom - PSAT info (for 10th and 11th) to follow from Ms. Shaw
6:00 PM           Tri-M Induction - Auditorium
4:00 PM           Womens Varsity Golf Tri-Match vs. Grimsley/Glenn Home
4:45 PM           Mens Middle School Soccer Jamestown Middle School Home
5:30 PM           Mens Junior Varsity Soccer Page High School Away
7:00 PM           Mens Varsity Soccer Page High School Away

Friday, October 06
No Athletic events

- Make sure you are updating grades in Power School 
Remember to reference CANVAS for all pertinent information. If you find that a document is not located on CANVAS, please inquire with one of the Assistant Principals or Tinisha Shaw.

 -Mr. Hettenbach


Front Lobby                                       Rodriguez
Attendance                                         Ridge
Outside Media Center                        Vlazny
Inside Media Center                           Stirgill
Cafeteria Inside (late bus)                  Fry
Cafeteria inside                                  Long
Cafeteria outside                                Larson
Student lot outside gym                     Hagler
Gravel lot behind cafeteria                 Meck
Main hallway to Student Parking       Vonsteen
Academy gym (inside)                       Crawford
Academy gym (hallway)                    Demercurio


1st Lunch
Teacher 1                                             Hammersley
Teacher 2                                             Gann
Teacher 3                                             Hagler

2nd Lunch
Teacher 1                                             Keveryn
Teacher 2                                             Hinson
Teacher 3                                             Mode

3rd Lunch
Teacher 1                                             Burroughs
Teacher 2                                             Powell
Teacher 3                                             Shields

4th Lunch
Teacher 1                                             Hmiel
Teacher 2                                             Larson
Teacher 3                                             Ynoa Lantigua

Please assist us in keeping students seated until the bell rings. Also – if you have lunch supervision, you can dismiss your class 2 minutes (no earlier) in order to get to the cafeteria before the students arrive.

Teacher 1 = Inside Cafeteria at Cashiers transitioning to old section of cafeteria
Teacher 2 = Outside serving line inside old section of cafeteria transitioning to New section of cafeteria
Teacher 3 = Outside line in hall transitioning to cafeteria exit

Sunday, September 24, 2017

Week of September 25

Team - 

Week four down and going strong!

First and foremost, I am really enjoying seeing the PLCs developing as we go. Please remember that if Ms. Shaw provides you with feedback, to take is just as that and use the feedback as an opportunity to grow professionally. If you need more specific help, please do not hesitate to see her in person or invite her to your next PLC. 

Thank you to everyone who is submitting their lesson plans into their red binder. It certainly helps when someone walks in the room. It provides clarity to what is being observed and it also allows instructional conversations to take place.

Wednesday Walkthroughs began successfully this past Wednesday and will continue again this week starting at 8:45 (Wednesday), breaking out into classrooms and then finishing up in Mrs. Barnum's office. We will send a reminder of who is observing and being observed. Remember, this is an opportunity for takeaways as well as providing feedback. 

We had a great time celebrating at last Tuesday's Celebration of Excellence. Southwest HS was named on numerous occasions. We should always remember to celebrate our efforts and accomplishments as we progress through the year. With that being said, it has been a pleasure to receive e-mails each day on the wonderful things you can share about your colleagues, what you have observed, experienced, etc. Keep them coming!

Dress code, food and drinks, cell phone, hallway monitoring has been much improved as it relates to consistency. Please remember that much of this can be eliminated at the door before the students enter. Thank you to everyone who continues to demonstrate consistent managerial practices. 

Let's make week 5 a great one!  Thank you for everything you continue to do to make Southwest GREAT!

Thank you team!

Mr. Hettenbach

WE ARE...SOUTHWEST!!  Go Cowboys!

Below are our games for next week. Feel free to navigate the athletic department's website....

September 25, Monday 
4:30 PM           Womens Varsity Golf Conference Meet by SWGHS Home
4:30 PM           Womens Varsity Tennis Mount Tabor High School Match Away
5:00 PM           Womens Junior Varsity Volleyball Cornerstone Charter Academy Home

September 26, Tuesday
4:00 PM           Womens Varsity Golf Conference Meet hosted by Dudley Away
4:30 PM           Womens Varsity Tennis East Forsyth High School Home
5:00 PM           Womens Junior Varsity Volleyball Mount Tabor High School Match Away
5:30 PM           Mens Junior Varsity Soccer Mount Tabor High School Away
6:30 PM           Womens Varsity Volleyball Mount Tabor High School Match Away
7:00 PM           Mens Varsity Soccer Mount Tabor High School Away
10:30                Instructional Meeting - Barnum's Office

September 27, Wednesday 
8:45-10:00       Wednesday Walkthroughs begin - check you schedule
4:00 PM            Womens Varsity Golf Match vs. Glenn/NWG/Ragsdale @ Olde Homeplace Away
4:30 PM            Womens Varsity Tennis Dudley Senior High School Match Home
5:00 PM            Coed Varsity Cross Country Conference Meet hosted by SWGHS Home
5:00 PM            Womens Junior Varsity Volleyball Ragsdale High School Away
6:30 PM            Womens Varsity Volleyball Ragsdale High School Away

September 28, Thursday
4:30 PM           Womens Varsity Tennis Glenn Away
5:30 PM           Mens Junior Varsity Soccer Cornerstone Charter Academy Home
6:00 PM           Womens Varsity Volleyball Dudley Senior High School Match Home
7:00 PM           Mens Varsity Soccer Dudley Senior High School Home
7:00 PM           Mens Junior Varsity Football Dudley Senior High School Away
6:30 PM           The School for Scandal - SWH Theatre performance - Auditorium

September 29, Friday 
7:30 PM           Mens Varsity Football Dudley Senior High School Home
6:30 PM           The School for Scandal - SWH Theatre performance - Auditorium
8:45 - 10AM    STARRS Kickoff - all of 1st block - Trailer 6 (Please check e-mails)

September 30, Saturday
2:00 PM           The School for Scandal - SWH Theatre performance - Auditorium

- Make sure you are updating grades in Power School 
Remember to reference CANVAS for all pertinent information. If you find that a document is not located on CANVAS, please inquire with one of the Assistant Principals or Tinisha Shaw.

 -Mr. Hettenbach


Front Lobby                                       Burroughs
Attendance                                         McGowan
Outside Media Center                        Talley
Inside Media Center                           Steely
Cafeteria Inside (late bus)                  Cox, S
Cafeteria inside                                  Lasher
Cafeteria outside                                Sheilds
Student lot outside gym                     Wesney
Gravel lot behind cafeteria                 Canon
Main hallway to Student Parking       Mode
Academy gym (inside)                       Corriher
Academy gym (hallway)                    Holmes


1st Lunch
Teacher 1                                             Wright
Teacher 2                                             Demercurio
Teacher 3                                             Evans

2nd Lunch
Teacher 1                                             Cox, S
Teacher 2                                             Spillman
Teacher 3                                             Middleton

3rd Lunch
Teacher 1                                             Donovan
Teacher 2                                             Repko (switched with Bratton?)
Teacher 3                                             Rodriguez

4th Lunch
Teacher 1                                             Black
Teacher 2                                             Cox, J
Teacher 3                                             Whitestone

Please assist us in keeping students seated until the bell rings. Also – if you have lunch supervision, you can dismiss your class 2 minutes (no earlier) in order to get to the cafeteria before the students arrive.

Teacher 1 = Inside Cafeteria at Cashiers transitioning to old section of cafeteria
Teacher 2 = Outside serving line inside old section of cafeteria transitioning to New section of cafeteria
Teacher 3 = Outside line in hall transitioning to cafeteria exit

Friday, September 15, 2017

Week of September 18

Team - 

What a fabulous week!

Wow, I have experienced many powerful conversations this week, and I have enjoyed every single one of them! Please remember, as we continue to address our challenges as a school (PLCs, Lesson Plans, Scores, Achievement Gap, Discipline, etc...,) please know it is important to me that we we use these conversations as a tool to improve SWHS. These conversations, as already demonstrated, will allow us to make a powerful decision as professionals; accepting the challenge and, as a team, address any issues that may be brought up in a positive manner that steer the decision making in the best interest of children. I can't be any more proud of the conversations I have had with staff this week, and the number of conversations I have been involved with, has been positively overwhelming. The majority of you are on board and I can't tell you enough how much the administrative team and I appreciate it. Thank you. 

PLCs should be in full gear at this time. Please accept Ms. Shaw's guidance on the PLCs as you continue to meet. She has shared many great suggestions and guidance in what I have seen so far. 

Reminder - Thank you for making sure that interim reports go home with EVERY child Monday from EVERY class. Staff absences should not be a reason for failing to provide your students with an interim report on Monday. I have communicated and will reiterate to parents that their child should have a report from every teacher when they return form school on interim report/report card distribution days. This is a great way to get connected with all your parents and ride that momentum right up to the very next interim. Remember that all Ds and Fs should have prior communication. Thank you for making that happen. 

Wednesday Walkthroughs begin on Wednesday starting at 8:45 - 10 in Mr.s Barnum's office. We will send a reminder of who is observing and being observed. Remember, this is an opportunity for takeaways as well as providing feedback. 

Tuesday is the GCS Celebration of Excellence. We have a lot to be proud of! It starts at 5:30 at Grimsley High School. The administrative team will be present and we welcome ANYONE from our staff to join us. If you plan on coming, please let me know so I can decide on a meeting location that will allow us to all sit together during the event. Here is what we are being recognized for:

Vanessa Jacobs – School level teacher of the year!
SWHS Exceeding expected growth
SWHS (90-99% Graduation Rate)
SWHS Ejection Free School

SWHS Washington Post 2017 America’s Most Challenging High Schools
Four Bus drivers with perfect attendance form last year:
·              Dil Chhetri  BUS 1017
·             Wanda Vance BUS 600
·             Wendy Washington BUS 1265
·             Wanda McDonald  BUS 104 (77) PM

Thank you team!

Mr. Hettenbach

WE ARE...SOUTHWEST!!  Go Cowboys!

Below are our games for next week. Feel free to navigate the athletic department's website....

September 18, Monday 
4:30 PM           Womens Varsity Golf Conference Meet hosted by SWGHS Home
4:30 PM           Womens Varsity Tennis Ben L. Smith High School Match Home
5:00PM            Womens Junior Varsity Volleyball Wheatmore High School Away
6:30 PM           Womens Varsity Volleyball Wheatmore High School Away
6:00 PM           PTSA Meeting - Room C130(Conference room)

September 19, Tuesday
1:30 PM           Womens Varsity Golf Guilford County Invitational @ Bryan Park Away
5:00 PM           Womens Junior Varsity Volleyball Ben L. Smith High School Match Home
5:30 PM           Mens Junior Varsity Soccer Ben L. Smith High School Home
6:30 PM           Womens Varsity Volleyball Ben L. Smith High School Match Home
7:00 PM           Mens Varsity Soccer Ben L. Smith High School Home
10:30                Instructional Meeting - Barnum's Office
5:30                  Celebration of Excellence -Grimsley High School

September 20, Wednesday 
8:45-10:00       Wednesday Walkthroughs begin - check you schedule
2:10 PM           SIP Presntation (Hettenbach/Shaw)       
4:00 PM           Womens Varsity Golf Match vs. HPC/Rags/E. Forsyth Home
4:30 PM           Womens Varsity Tennis Parkland High School Match Away
5:00 PM           Coed Varsity Cross Country Conference Meet Hosted by W. Guilford Away

September 21, Thursday
4:30 PM           Womens Varsity Tennis Wheatmore High School Home
5:00 PM           Womens Junior Varsity Volleyball Parkland High School Match Away
5:30 P M          Mens Junior Varsity Soccer Parkland High School Away
6:30 PM           Womens Varsity Volleyball Parkland High School Match Away
7:00 PM           Mens Varsity Soccer Parkland High School Away
7:00 PM           Mens Junior Varsity Football Parkland High School Home

September 22, Friday 
7:30 PM           Mens Varsity Football Parkland High School Away

- Make sure you are updating grades in Power School 
Remember to reference CANVAS for all pertinent information. If you find that a document is not located on CANVAS, please inquire with one of the Assistant Principals or Tinisha Shaw.

 -Mr. Hettenbach


Front Lobby                                       Arrington
Attendance                                         Murphy
Outside Media Center                        Davis
Inside Media Center                           Shaw
Cafeteria Inside (late bus)                  Graves
Cafeteria inside                                  Powell
Cafeteria outside                                Spillman
Student lot outside gym                     Stone
Gravel lot behind cafeteria                 Szitas
Main hallway to Student Parking       Ynoa Lantigua
Academy gym (inside)                       Gaines
Academy gym (hallway)                    Richmond


1st Lunch
Teacher 1                                             Greene
Teacher 2                                             Gaines
Teacher 3                                             Davis

2nd Lunch
Teacher 1                                             Repko
Teacher 2                                             Atwood
Teacher 3                                             Lasher

3rd Lunch
Teacher 1                                             Canon
Teacher 2                                             Heffner
Teacher 3                                             Puckett

4th Lunch
Teacher 1                                             McGowan
Teacher 2                                             Ridge
Teacher 3                                             Wesney

Please assist us in keeping students seated until the bell rings. Also – if you have lunch supervision, you can dismiss your class 2 minutes (no earlier) in order to get to the cafeteria before the students arrive.

Teacher 1 = Inside Cafeteria at Cashiers transitioning to old section of cafeteria
Teacher 2 = Outside serving line inside old section of cafeteria transitioning to New section of cafeteria
Teacher 3 = Outside line in hall transitioning to cafeteria exit

Friday, September 8, 2017

Week of September 11th

Team - 

Another great week at the Ranch! 

At this time, most of you should have seen one of us come in to your room for a quick visit. Please remember that we are focused on consistency in EVERYTHING we do. Lesson plans should be visible, student expectations should be communicated and reinforced the same from one staff member to the next, effective and consistent PLCs will be an emphasis and the achievement gap(s) will be in every conversation throughout the evaluation process.  

We are coming to a close on our first 10 days in schedule changes. A big THANK YOU to everyone who has been impacted by not only first semester changes, but to 2nd semester changes as well. I want to applaud their teamwork reception of the news I had to provide them with. We are also making moves to balance schedules as best possible.  This has unfortunately required changes in teachers' schedules. All teachers who have had their schedules changed so far have been notified. We appreciate your understanding while we make changes that benefit our students. We still have some more changes to make. If it impacts you, we will make sure we communicate with you regarding the change. 

Also - every teacher should have grades in their system by now. First interim reports go out on Monday, September 18. A report goes home to EVERY student, regardless of their grades. Try to minimize the printing to a half sheet of paper to save on paper cost. :)
Thank you for everything you do as we make Southwest go from good to great.  Remember to be a part of the team and not the staff member that is negative, resistant to challenges, not solution orientated. We are much better than that and we will show GCS what Southwest is truly capable of. 

Monday is the PTSA Walk the Schedule Night!  6-7:30, starting in the auditorium. Please remind your parents through your e-mails.

Thank you team!

Mr. Hettenbach

WE ARE...SOUTHWEST!!  Go Cowboys!

Below are our home games for next week. Feel free to navigate the athletic department's website to see all events.

September 11, Monday 
4:30                      Women's JV Tennis vs. Mt Tabor
5:00 and 6:30       Women's JV /Varsity Volleyball home versus Glenn
Walk the Schedule 6-7:30 - starts in the auditorium - breaks out to class schedule. Please pass this on to all your e-lists! 

September 12, Tuesday
10:30                   Instructional Meeting -Barnum's Office

September 13, Wednesday 
7:45 - 8:30           Leadership Meeting

September 14, Thursday
4:00                     Women's JV Tennis at home vs. HP Christian
4:30                      Women's Varsity tennis at RJ Reynolds
5:00 and 7:00       Women's JV and V Volleyball at N Forsyth
5:30 and 7:00       Men's JV and Varsity Soccer at N Forsyth
7:00                      Men's JV Football home versus NW High School

September 15, Friday 
7:30                      Men's Varsity Football at  NW High School

- Make sure you are updating grades in Power School 
Remember to reference CANVAS for all pertinent information. If you find that a document is not located on CANVAS, please inquire with one of the Assistant Principals or Tinisha Shaw.

 -Mr. Hettenbach


Front Lobby                                       Hawkins
Attendance                                         Cooke
Outside Media Center                        Whitestone
Inside Media Center                           Canon
Cafeteria Inside (late bus)                  Byrd
Cafeteria inside                                  Kornegay
Cafeteria outside                                Donovan
Student lot outside gym                     Black
Gravel lot behind cafeteria                 Duran
Main hallway to Student Parking       McSorley
Academy gym (inside)                       Hmiel
Academy gym (hallway)                    Greene


1st Lunch
Teacher 1                                             Murphy
Teacher 2                                             Arrington
Teacher 3                                             Chapman

2nd Lunch
Teacher 1                                             Szitas
Teacher 2                                             Littles-Thiam
Teacher 3                                             Haith

3rd Lunch
Teacher 1                                             Vlazny
Teacher 2                                             Fry
Teacher 3                                             Philpott

4th Lunch
Teacher 1                                             Brady
Teacher 2                                             Meck
Teacher 3                                             VonSteen

Please assist us in keeping students seated until the bell rings. Also – if you have lunch supervision, you can dismiss your class 2 minutes (no earlier) in order to get to the cafeteria before the students arrive.

Teacher 1 = Inside Cafeteria at Cashiers transitioning to old section of cafeteria
Teacher 2 = Outside serving line inside old section of cafeteria transitioning to New section of cafeteria
Teacher 3 = Outside line in hall transitioning to cafeteria exit