Tuesday, November 21, 2017

Week of November 27

Team -

Please take this Thanksgiving break to enjoy your friends and family. When we return, with all the breaks/holidays we have and will continue to experience through the end of this semester, we must remember to maintain structure as best possible. One way to do this is to demonstrate consistency in everything we do, particularly with student management. While I applaud the use of cell phones as a tool in the classroom, the supervision of this process needs to improve. When students are not following your expectations with using phones as an academic tool, follow the student handbook and confiscate them. Please know we are are seeing an increase in our students using social media and inciting drama DURING the instructional day.  Please take a moment and listen to our JV cheerleaders advice when it comes to students having their cell phones out for a non academic purpose.  

I look forward to seeing everyone Monday morning!

Mr. Hettenbach

WE ARE...SOUTHWEST!!  Go Cowboys!

Below are our games and activities for next week. Feel free to navigate the athletic department's website.... www.cowboysports.org

Monday, November 27
No athletic events
PTSA Meeting  6-8 - Conference Room, C130

Tuesday, November 28
Instructional Meeting - 10:30 - Mrs. Barnum's Office
4:30 PM Mens Junior Varsity Basketball High Point Central High School Away 
5:00 PM Coed Varsity Swimming High Point Central High School Away 
6:00 PM Womens Varsity Basketball High Point Central High School Away 
7:30 PM Mens Varsity Basketball High Point Central High School Away 

Wednesday, November 29
Spikesgiving - 6:30PM - Coggins gym
Wednesday Walkthroughs reconvene

4:30 PM Coed Varsity Track GCS Polar Bear Meet @ SEGHS Home 
7:00 PM Mens Varsity Wrestling Dudley Senior High School Match Away

Thursday, November 30
4:30 PM Mens Junior Varsity Basketball Ragsdale High School Away 
6:00 PM Coed Varsity Swimming Bishop Mc Guinness Memorial H S Home 
6:00 PM Womens Varsity Basketball Ragsdale High School Away 
7:30 PM Mens Varsity Basketball Ragsdale High School Away 

Friday, December 1
5:00 PM Mens Varsity Wrestling Falcon Frenzy @ W. Henderson Away

Coming Up....

December 5-7
Workkeys testing - more info from M. Cook will be shared

Wednesday, December 6
Faculty meeting - 8:00 - Media Center
Wednesday Walkthroughs reconvene

- Make sure you are updating grades in Power School 
Remember to reference CANVAS for all pertinent information. If you find that a document is not located on CANVAS, please inquire with one of the Assistant Principals or Tinisha Shaw.

 -Mr. Hettenbach


Front Lobby                                        Rodriguez
Attendance                                         Ridge
Outside Media Center                        Davis
Inside Media Center                           Shaw
Cafeteria Inside (late bus)                  Hawkins
Cafeteria inside                                  Kornegay
Cafeteria outside                                Donovan
Student lot outside gym                      Evans
Gravel lot behind cafeteria                  Brown
Main hallway to Student Parking        Phillips
Academy gym (inside)                        Demercurio
Academy gym (hallway)                     Wright


1st Lunch
Teacher 1                                             Hammersley
Teacher 2                                             Gann
Teacher 3                                             Shields

2nd Lunch
Teacher 1                                             Cox, S
Teacher 2                                             Spillman
Teacher 3                                             Ynoa Lantigua

3rd Lunch
Teacher 1                                             Donovan
Teacher 2                                             Bratton
Teacher 3                                             Davis

4th Lunch
Teacher 1                                             Black
Teacher 2                                             Cox, J.
Teacher 3                                             Lasher

Please assist us in keeping students seated until the bell rings. Also – if you have lunch supervision, you can dismiss your class 2 minutes (no earlier) in order to get to the cafeteria before the students arrive.

Teacher 1 = Inside Cafeteria at Cashiers transitioning to old section of cafeteria
Teacher 2 = Outside serving line inside old section of cafeteria transitioning to New section of cafeteria

Teacher 3 = Outside line in hall transitioning to cafeteria exit

Sunday, November 19, 2017

Week of November 20th

Team -

Please take this Thanksgiving break to enjoy your friends and family. Please know we are aware of how hard everyone is working and how well deserved this break is for all of you. As we move into a holiday in which we reflect for what we are thankful for, one of the things I am extremely thankful for, is the staff at SWHS and what you do for the students at our school.

Thank you.

Enjoy your break and I look forward to seeing everyone on Monday, November 27th.

Mr. Hettenbach

WE ARE...SOUTHWEST!!  Go Cowboys!

Below are our games and activities for next week. Feel free to navigate the athletic department's website.... www.cowboysports.org

 Monday, November 20

Tuesday, November 21
No Instructional Meeting
Interim reports are distributed in each class to every student
Jean day for all PTSA members
Jean day for all students who have purchased a PTSA bracelet

Wednesday, November 22

Thursday, November 23

Friday, November 24

Monday, November 27

Tuesday, November 28
Instructional Meeting - 10:30 - Barnum's office

- Make sure you are updating grades in Power School 
Remember to reference CANVAS for all pertinent information. If you find that a document is not located on CANVAS, please inquire with one of the Assistant Principals or Tinisha Shaw.

 -Mr. Hettenbach


Front Lobby                                       Burroughs
Attendance                                         McGowan
Outside Media Center                        Whitestone
Inside Media Center                           Canon
Cafeteria Inside (late bus)                  Hudgens
Cafeteria inside                                  Chapman
Cafeteria outside                                Littles-Thiam
Student lot outside gym                     Heffner
Gravel lot behind cafeteria                 VonSteen
Main hallway to Student Parking       
Academy gym (inside)                       Holmes
Academy gym (hallway)                    Crawford


1st Lunch
Teacher 1                                             Wright
Teacher 2                                             Demercurio
Teacher 3                                             Rodriguez

2nd Lunch
Teacher 1                                             Repko
Teacher 2                                             Atwood
Teacher 3                                             Whitestone

3rd Lunch
Teacher 1                                             Canon
Teacher 2                                             Heffner
Teacher 3                                             Chapman

4th Lunch
Teacher 1                                             McGowan
Teacher 2                                             Ridge
Teacher 3                                             Haith

Please assist us in keeping students seated until the bell rings. Also – if you have lunch supervision, you can dismiss your class 2 minutes (no earlier) in order to get to the cafeteria before the students arrive.

Teacher 1 = Inside Cafeteria at Cashiers transitioning to old section of cafeteria
Teacher 2 = Outside serving line inside old section of cafeteria transitioning to New section of cafeteria
Teacher 3 = Outside line in hall transitioning to cafeteria exit

Friday, November 10, 2017

Week of November 13th

Team -

An overall great job on administering the ACT to 10th graders last Wednesday! As we move forward administering more tests during the course of the year, please be sure we are following all directions from Ms. Shaw. Disregarding the testing code of ethics is something you certainly do not want to find yourself in the position of explaining. The ACT test date for 11th graders is set for February 27th... please mark your calendars.

After a week off from the Wednesday Walk throughs, we are back at it this coming week. Please check the schedule!

Consistency...... please be sure you are checking for dress code, electronic devices, checking passes, making phone calls, updating grades, no drinks and food in the classroom, etc.. Consistency is a GCS Core Value and it is something that the SW staff has brought to the administration that we need to work on..... Let's be on the same page with everything we do. 

Thank you for everything you continue to do to make Southwest GREAT!

Mr. Hettenbach

WE ARE...SOUTHWEST!!  Go Cowboys!

Below are our games and activities for next week. Feel free to navigate the athletic department's website.... www.cowboysports.org

 Monday, November 13

Tuesday, November 14
Instructional Meeting - 2:30 - Barnum's Office
Senior Speech Night - 5:30 - 9:00

Wednesday, November 15
Guilford Apprenticeship Partners Information session - Media Center - 10:30 - 11:30 AM
Wednesday Walk throughs
6:00 PM Mens Varsity Wrestling Tri-Meet with Northwood/Smith Home
6:00 PM Coed Varsity Swimming Glenn Home

Thursday, November 16
6:00 PM Womens Junior Varsity Basketball Ronald Reagan High School Home
7:30 PM Womens Varsity Basketball Ronald Reagan High School Home

Friday, November 17
All County Orchestra

Saturday, November 18
HOSA Event - 7 AM - 5:30PM - SWHS
All County Orchestra - SWHS
9:00 AM Mens Varsity Wrestling Cedar Ridge Round Robin @ Cedar Ridge HS Away
8:00 PM Coed Varsity Swimming Freshman and Sophomore Invitational Meet host by Grimsley HS Away

Monday, November 20
Reality of Money for Freshmen - 8:15-3:35 - Old gym
New website training for all teachers -planning periods - Computer lab 1

Tuesday, November 21

Instructional Meeting - 10:30 - Barnum's office
5:00 PM Mens Junior Varsity Basketball Southeast Guilford High School Away
6:00 PM Mens Varsity Basketball Southeast Guilford High School Home
6:30 PM Womens Junior Varsity Basketball Southeast Guilford High School Away
7:00 PM Coed Varsity Swimming Northwest Senior High School Away
7:30 PM Womens Varsity Basketball Southeast Guilford High School Home

- Make sure you are updating grades in Power School 
Remember to reference CANVAS for all pertinent information. If you find that a document is not located on CANVAS, please inquire with one of the Assistant Principals or Tinisha Shaw.

 -Mr. Hettenbach


Front Lobby                                       Arrington
Attendance                                         Murphy
Outside Media Center                        Puckett
Inside Media Center                           Silvas
Cafeteria Inside (late bus)                  Nadeau
Cafeteria inside                                  Cook, M
Cafeteria outside                                Medley
Student lot outside gym                     Wesney
Gravel lot behind cafeteria                 Szitas
Main hallway to Student Parking       Mode
Academy gym (inside)                       Richmond
Academy gym (hallway)                    Corriher


1st Lunch
Teacher 1                                             Grene
Teacher 2                                             Gaines
Teacher 3                                             Puckett

2nd Lunch
Teacher 1                                             Szitas
Teacher 2                                             Littles-Thiam
Teacher 3                                             Wesney

3rd Lunch
Teacher 1                                             Vlazny
Teacher 2                                             Fry
Teacher 3                                             Chambers

4th Lunch
Teacher 1                                             Brady
Teacher 2                                             Meck
Teacher 3                                             Hagler

Please assist us in keeping students seated until the bell rings. Also – if you have lunch supervision, you can dismiss your class 2 minutes (no earlier) in order to get to the cafeteria before the students arrive.

Teacher 1 = Inside Cafeteria at Cashiers transitioning to old section of cafeteria
Teacher 2 = Outside serving line inside old section of cafeteria transitioning to New section of cafeteria
Teacher 3 = Outside line in hall transitioning to cafeteria exit

Sunday, November 5, 2017

Week of November 6th, 2017

Team -

Great job to everyone who continue to strive towards greatness at Southwest Guilford High School!! Just so everyone knows, this award selection is quite difficult as there are so many deserving recipients each month. A weekly awards program would certainly be more beneficial to celebrate what all of you are doing here on the Ranch. Remember that the Horace Mann Crystal Apple focus for November is on collaboration among peers. A big thanks to Mr. Murphy who assisst with the role as the emcee!

As we approach the Pre-ACT for 10th graders, please pay close attention to ALL testing instructions from Ms. Shaw, including any possible altered locations for all homerooms. Please help us by communicating these locations to your students, specifically the students who are displaced from their normal homeroom. 

Wednesday is an early release for all students at 1:35. Seniors, will be escorted to the Coggins Gym right after announcements. They will be released after all communications are shared. 9th and 11th will stay in their homerooms for the day. Report Cards will be shared in all locations, inlduing 10th grade locations.  

Incentive trips for Freshmen and Juniors occur this week. Please pay attention to e-mails pertaining to any allowable absences. 

Great job to everyone (observers and observed) who participated in this past week Wednesday walkthoughs! It is really a joy to listen to the professional conversation taking place amongst everyone!

Remember that Friday is a holiday and there is no school for staff and students. Also, I hope everyone remembers to change those clocks back one hour!

Thank you for everything you continue to do to make Southwest GREAT!

Mr. Hettenbach

WE ARE...SOUTHWEST!!  Go Cowboys!

Below are our games and activities for next week. Feel free to navigate the athletic department's website.... www.cowboysports.org
Monday, November 6
Freshman Incentive trip

Tuesday, November 7
Instructional Meeting - 10:30 - Barnum's Office

Wednesday, November 8
Seniors order graduation supplies - Coggins Gym (early release for seniors)
Report Card Distribution
Early Release Day for students
Pre ACT Test (10th graders

Thursday, November 9
Junior Incentive trip
Leadership Meeting - 7:45 AM  - Barnum's Office

Friday, November 10
Holiday - No School

Coming up.....

Tuesday, November 14th
Senior Speech Night - 5:30 - 9:00

Saturday, November 18th
Saturday School 8:00 - Noon

- Make sure you are updating grades in Power School 
Remember to reference CANVAS for all pertinent information. If you find that a document is not located on CANVAS, please inquire with one of the Assistant Principals or Tinisha Shaw.

 -Mr. Hettenbach


Front Lobby                                       Hudgens
Attendance                                         Cooke
Outside Media Center                        Bratton
Inside Media Center                           Baker
Cafeteria Inside (late bus)                  Phillips
Cafeteria inside                                  Philpott
Cafeteria outside                                Ynoa Lantigua
Student lot outside gym                     Stone
Gravel lot behind cafeteria                 Lasher
Main hallway to Student Parking       Cox, S.
Academy gym (inside)                       Greene
Academy gym (hallway)                    Gaines


1st Lunch
Teacher 1                                             Murphy
Teacher 2                                             Arrington
Teacher 3                                             Philpott

2nd Lunch
Teacher 1                                             Byrd
Teacher 2                                             Cooke
Teacher 3                                             

3rd Lunch
Teacher 1                                             Steely
Teacher 2                                             Wood
Teacher 3                                             Bradshaw

4th Lunch
Teacher 1                                             Nix-Stevenson
Teacher 2                                             McDonald
Teacher 3                                             Evans

Please assist us in keeping students seated until the bell rings. Also – if you have lunch supervision, you can dismiss your class 2 minutes (no earlier) in order to get to the cafeteria before the students arrive.

Teacher 1 = Inside Cafeteria at Cashiers transitioning to old section of cafeteria
Teacher 2 = Outside serving line inside old section of cafeteria transitioning to New section of cafeteria
Teacher 3 = Outside line in hall transitioning to cafeteria exit