Well, here we are... the last week..... the light is flickering at the end of the tunnel! We enter this week with one student drop off and pick up day, closing out the classroom dates, and graduation drive throughs. A HUGE shout out to Stephanie Powell who has been non stop gathering assistance from the staff to make all these moving parts work. Kudos!!! You and all your help are appreciated! As of the 2nd faculty meeting Friday, we had 87% of staff signed up for the graduation drive through. You rock! Thank you!
SW Staff Close-down Procedures
Please take a moment to review the proposed calendar for next school so you can plan appropriately. Please refrain from scheduling any trips during the last week of school as well as the last week of the 2nd quarter due to testing. Calendar link
We will be conducting two more drive throughs for pick up and drop off of items, including the pick up of yearbooks purchased. Everyone must stay in their cars at all times and wear masks. The dates and times are as followed. There is a QR code within the document that connects with a form allowing students to communicate where personal items are so that we may get them to the students on these days. These multiple opportunities will allow us to get as many report cards, diplomas etc. out to all students who are up to date with their school responsibilities. Staff members who need to distribute/collect items should inform Stephanie Powell. Please share this information with all your students.
SW Staff Close-down Procedures
below are the processes and procedures for closing out your classroom. On the
days listed below, you will be able to gather any belongings necessary in
preparation for summer cleaning. Please make sure you take advantage of
this as the district will not allow return until further notice is given.
If you do not need to gather any belongings, we still need to collect all
keys as the district informed us they will be rekeying at the very
least the exterior doors. We have created a schedule to cut down on traffic and
contact in the building; as well as to assist our custodians in getting areas
sanitized as best as possible once the area has been populated. Please help us
help you and your families by sticking to the schedule as much as possible.
Thank you in advance for thinking of ALL Ranchers!
- Date: Monday, June 1st - D Building, both floors including Media Center
Time: 8am to 5pm
Entrance: Media Center
Parking: Media Center parking lot
- Date: Tuesday, June 2nd - A Building, both floors
Time: 8 am to 5pm
Entrance: Main Entrance
Parking: Front Circle or Academy parking lot
- Date: Monday, June 8th - C Building SECOND
Time: 8am to 5pm
Entrance: Main entrance.
Parking: Front circle. No one will be allowed to enter via the student
parking lot
- Date: Tuesday, June 9th - C Building FIRST floor, B wing, Trailers.
Time: 8am to 5pm
Entrance: Main Entrance
Parking: Front circle (except music wing and trailers). Staff must
enter the main entrance. Staff in trailers and B wing must still bring in keys.
- Date: Wednesday, June 10th (Make-up Day; only if you
have not closed out your room)
Time: 8am - 3pm.
Entrance: Main Entrance
Parking: Front circle or Academy parking lot
Check Out Day
- Come to the designated entrance and check in with
the Administrators on duty
- You will receive a copy of the End of the Year
checklist and an envelope for your keys
- A non-contact thermometer
will be used to take each person’s temperature - anyone with a fever will
be sent home
- Staff entering must
wear gloves, masks and use social distancing practices
- Only GCS personnel
will be authorized on-site with one additional person to assist
- Hand trucks will be
readily available at your designated entranceway and must be returned
after use
- Bags will be in your
- Boxes will be available
upon check-in (We have plenty, please only take what you need
- Anyone that needs
physical accommodations must request this with the supervising
administrators at entranceway/exit
- Please do not congregate
- Other areas of the
building will be closed off. Book rooms will be accessible
- All trash must be placed
out in the halls
- Do not bring any personal
items INTO the building
- Fill out the end of
school year checklist
- Mailbox items have been
placed in your classrooms to minimize front office traffic
- ALL keys must be turned in to
administrators prior to leaving. (Key fob, computer cabinets, file cabinets,
master keys, etc.)
How to Close Out Your Classroom/Offices
- It is encouraged to take
as much as possible
- Excess items should be
put in your classroom closets, or boxed up, labeled and in the
- Anything on your walls
should either be covered with paper, taken down, boxed, or taken it home
- Anything on shelves should
be boxed up and put in the halls, or taken home (your choice)
- Weight Rooms - Do not
touch - Leave as-is for disinfectant purposes
- Book Rooms - Do not touch
- Leave as is
District-wide Procedures
- Rooms will be completely
sprayed down with disinfectant
- The district has stated
they are rekeying the exterior doorways
- It will have to be
pressing for a Principal to allow staff back in the building after
closeout procedures. However, ask me when that time comes so I can approve
or deny.
Please take a moment to review the proposed calendar for next school so you can plan appropriately. Please refrain from scheduling any trips during the last week of school as well as the last week of the 2nd quarter due to testing. Calendar link
We will be conducting two more drive throughs for pick up and drop off of items, including the pick up of yearbooks purchased. Everyone must stay in their cars at all times and wear masks. The dates and times are as followed. There is a QR code within the document that connects with a form allowing students to communicate where personal items are so that we may get them to the students on these days. These multiple opportunities will allow us to get as many report cards, diplomas etc. out to all students who are up to date with their school responsibilities. Staff members who need to distribute/collect items should inform Stephanie Powell. Please share this information with all your students.
Tuesday, June 2, 6PM - 8PM
Monday, June 8 - 6PM to 8PM
Here are some key things to remember when collecting money:
- Only staff members can collect money (No students)
- Staff must write a receipt for $10 or more (if $9.99 or less a student list is needed)
- All funds must be turned in the day it is collected along with a collection report
- If you don’t have a receipt book please check one out
So, with that being said here is plan:
-Students (both Seniors and Underclassmen) will come during the times mentioned above to return materials and pick up materials.
-Seniors will get cords and tassels (Gold Tassels for 4.0 GPA and higher) during this time.
-Seniors will also be able to pay for Fees due to the school (Media Center, Athletics, Cafeteria,etc.) Connect eds will go out to these Seniors individually to let them know that they owe money.
-Anything that you need back can be dropped off during this time. That includes textbooks, calculators, novels, etc.
-Each table will be labeled with a teachers name (teachers that fill out the form below). If you can work these days and times, you can mark off what student gives you what back when they come through.(We need to minimize this to one department rep. No more than one department rep at these events-plan this with your department chairs) If you cannot work these days and times, it is your responsibility to let your students know how they should be returning your materials. For example: English 10 Students, please put your name either on a sticky note or on a piece of paper and place it inside of your novel and textbook when you return your materials during the drive through.
-All materials will be placed in those teachers classroom at the end of each event.
-Students/Parents/Guardians are NOT allowed to get out of the cars. I will make a poster for you to advertise this event.
-If you are working the event, you need to bring a mask to wear and we will have gloves. We still have to abide by the CDC guidelines while doing this.
The Dates and Times:
-June 2nd 6pm -8pm
-June 8th 6pm - 8pm
Please tell the students to make adjustments now so they can handle their responsibility of dropping off or picking up items.
Pick up/Drop Supervisors...
Happy Friday from Stephanie Powell to those helping her with the pick up drop off days!
1) You must be wearing a mask and gloves! We have some gloves at the school, but not enough mask for everyone.
2) There will be tables labeled with your Department/Club. At these tables will be a print out of what I got from your teachers, in your department, that filled out the form.
3) There will be boxes at your table for the materials to go in. The students will drive up and dropped them in the box. We are going for as contactless as we can.
4) If you are handing out cords, GCS is saying that we need to hand them out in ziplock bags. If you have some, bring them. If you do not, I will bring some! Maybe some with Disney on it.... 😄
5) If you are getting money for fees/tassels, make sure that you are following the requirements that Renee put in her email.
"If you will be collecting money next week communicate with your students to bring correct change or checks/money orders made payable to SWHS. This will be the last time I will accept checks (money orders will still be accepted). Please round the fees to the nearest dollar amount and anything under $10 will not need to be receipted but you must provide a student list and the amount they paid. If the amount paid is $10 and up a receipt must be issued."
6) When the event is over, the custodians will then take the boxes to the room of those teachers.
SW Student Drive Through Drop Off/Pick Up Event
May 26th
Juen 2nd
June 8th
Cox, S.
Cook/Cox, J.
| ||
Cook, M
Cook, M
| |
Foreign Language
| |||
Extra Helper
- National Honors Society (Spillman) May 26th and June 2nd
- Beta Club (Davis) May 26th and June 2nd
- Service Learning (Whitestone) May 26th and June 2nd
- National Technical Honor Society (Cook, M.) May 26th and June 2nd
- Health Occupations Students of America (Canon) June 2nd
- Nurse Aid I/Donor Cords (Dusek) June 2nd
Gold Tassels
- Ms. Graves
- Trading White Tassel for Gold Tassel = Free
- Want to keep both White and Gold Tassel =$10 CASH ONLY
- Gold Tassel is for students with 4.0 or higher weighted GPA
Please fill out this form. It is UPDATED and different then the last one.
If you filled out the last form, you still need to fill out this new one. This is the one that I am going to go off of.
May 26th (12am-2pm) May 27th (6pm-8pm), and June 8th (6pm-8pm) will be the times for students to drop off and pick up materials. Please put below if there is something that students should pick up or drop off for you. Any materials that are dropped off will be placed in your classroom.
May 29th – Senior complete all
class assignments (unless approved by Mr. Hettenbach for extension)
June 1st - Senior
grades complete in PowerTeacher Pro
June 2nd - Senior grades
stored in Powerschool
5th = Underclassmen complete all assignments
9th = All teachers complete grades in PowerTeacher
June 10th
= Grades will be stored in Powerschool
June 11th
= GPA/Rank will be ran
June 15th
= Report cards printed
June 29th
= Powerschool goes offline for the all schools
Please make sure
that your senior grades have PC19 or WC19 for their Q3 and F1 grades.
They are not
graded like 9th 10th and 11th graders.
PowerTeacher Pro Grading Guidance
To assist teachers, who teach Grades 9 through 11, with finalizing grades for the 2019/20 school year. Below are links to an FAQ and documents created to help teachers understand the grading process.
Read carefully the first page and half of the second page is only for yearlong classes.
******* J. Cox, Lovett, Muse, Wright, Vonsteen and Byrd. *******
Everyone else has Semester classes so it will be Semester 1 and Semester 2 that you will need to follow.
The Staff Fitness Challenge can be found on the SW Canvas Page under the Distance Learning Module. Again, we encourage you all to participate.
- You must upload a screenshot of what you completed that day or week onto the padlet.
- The screenshot will only count if they have the following on them:
- The date
- The distance of how far you walked or ran
*If you need to figure out how to screenshot your fitness app results, just google it. I use GoogleFit and others may use MapMyRun or another fitness tracking devices. If you use a fitness watch of some sort, the only problem may be that the date will not show up so if you upload a picture of your fitness results from your watch and it does not have the date on it- it will not count. Again, going for accountability, your upload onto Padlet must have the date and the distance… along with your name on it. 😊
- Google Mini- Each week, after you upload a screenshot of you completing at least 3 miles during the week (either walking or running), you will have your name put into the drawing for it; which will be announced on June 8th.
- Tablet- automatically given to the staff member that runs or walks the most from 5/11 till 6/5. Again, you still have to upload a screenshot of what you completed each week.
**If anyone is still lost after watching the how to videos and wants a PLC on how to do this or what Padlet can do so you can use it in your own class, just email Jen Black and she will help you.**
Please help Jae Bratton and her Yearbook staff push the remaining yearbooks our for sale.
Despite the pandemic, the yearbook is finished and on campus. They will be distributed on the dates mentioned above. We still have some books left, especially for those seniors who want some resemblance of normalcy to their senior year. To maintain social distancing, buy your yearbook online at www.yearbookforever.com and get your hands on something that will remind you of this unprecedented school year (and keep you busy while in quarantine!).
Graduation is upon us, and it may be upon us in two waves.... June 4th and 5th, as well as in July. As we all know staff attendance for graduations is mandatory. Don't worry yet about anything in July as we don't know what the Governor will allow or disallow. Let's focus on the drive through. You may sign up for multiple shifts if you would like (link is below). Station leaders are listed in the document and they will have all the directions for those days/times as we will be meeting with them on June 2nd. Be on the lookout for information from them either on June 2nd or June 3rd. Staff who want to decorate their cars will be allowed to park in the front of the campus similar to the cap and gown distribution day. Staff who do not wish to decorate their car will be parking in the student/gravel lot. Supervisors will be in charge of you signing in. Each half day will count for a full day of flex time that may be used for next year.
Drive Through Dates/Times for Graduates
June 4th
o (A-B): 9:00 am – 11:00 am
o (C-G): 11:30 am – 1:30 pm
o (H-L): 2:30 pm – 4:30 pm
June 5th
o (M-O): 9:00 am – 11:00 am
o (P-S): 11:30 am – 1:30 pm
o (T-Z): 2:30 pm – 4:30 pm
Staff are required to work graduation as directed by GCS,
Below is a link for a sign up of responsibilities for these two days of graduation (gentle reminder that if the governor's orders allow it, there will be a traditional face to face the end of July).
Please notice:
1)The sign up times under specific assignments
2) The description of what each responsibly is required to do
3) That there are a total of 4 time opportunities (two time groups for each day) to fulfill your requirement of attending at least one of the sessions.
Please Do Not:
1) Erase names on the document
2) Sign up for more than one time (we want to make sure that everyone has the opportunity to sign up since staff have to attend)
3) Delete anything from the document
When you arrive to the campus at your designated times (please do not be late), you will have two options of parking:
1) If you decorate your car, you will park up front as directed by Coach Chambers crew
2) If you do not, you will park behind the building in the student lot and walk through the school to get to the front.
Attire: Shorts (respectful in length/ironed) and a Southwest Shirt, or Southwest colors
Decorating Cars: Decorate your car celebrating seniors ANY WAY you want!
Parking: Decorated cars up front, non-decorated cars out back
Sign up sheet below:
The community letter detailing SW Drive through days below (please review)
Drive through expectations to the community
Drive through expectations to the community
Weekly Canvas Student Engagement Form
Teachers complete this form weekly, please only fill out for students that are inconsistent with engagement on Canvas.
Week of June 1st work verification link (Being e-mailed as well Monday morning)
We are excited to announce Summer AP Boot Camp opportunities for high school students! Please check out the information within the blog if you believe you may have any interest for your student. Please send this out to all your students!
Who: First time AP students who want to get a head start on learning the skills required for successful AP participation.
What: AP Boot Camps in five categories – AP Math, AP English, AP Science, AP History, AP Social Science
When: Weekly Boot Camps from July 6-10 through August 3-7; two hours of online instruction per day
How: AP Boot Camps will be delivered through Canvas by successful AP teachers across the district. Students may register for up to two Camps using this link: Summer AP Boot Camp Student Registration
Here are more details:
- Our target group is first time AP students and particularly students from underrepresented populations.
- Students who are not new to AP may also register but space is limited and first time AP students will be given priority.
- Boot Camps will focus on building skills such as analyzing dense text, note-taking, efficient study skills, annotation, developing strong arguments, and evaluating sources. The Camps will not teach specific content but will use appropriate content to teach skills.
- AP Math – Calculus and Statistics
- AP English – Language and Literature
- AP Science – Biology and Environmental
- AP History – European, US and World
- AP Social Science – Psychology, Human Geography and Government
July 6-10
July 13-17
July 20-24
July 27-31
August 3-7
AP Math
AP History
AP Science
AP English
AP Social Science
AP History
AP English
AP Social Science
AP Math
AP History
AP Science