Friday, November 20, 2020

Staff Round Up for November 23


I hope this Staff Round Up finds everyone doing well!

As we approach Thanksgiving, please do your very best to put school on hold. You all deserve every bit of it.

A big thank you to Eric Rainey and everything he has done for this campus and community. You will be missed greatly Coach! ...... worked right up to the last minute.

Thank you to everyone who contributed towards turkey dinners to our community members in need! Ms. Wright was able to purchase 15+ turkey dinners!  Football payers will be taking a part in this distribution.  What a great way to utilize our students to play a role in giving back to the community!

Any students who may be interested in enrolling into a Social Justice class next semester must contact their counselor immediately.  If you know of any students you believe would enjoy this, please let them know about this opportunity. 

Intro to Racial Equity and Social Justice explores the foundations of big concepts like power, identity, and authority that play various roles in our daily lives. In addition to examining the present, we’ll look into the past to deepen our understanding of how we came be here, in this place; this now, where racial equity is again centered in our national conversations. In doing so, we’ll discover some ways that we might individually and collectively make a difference in the pursuit of social justice while also recognizing that learning truly is power.

A 15 minute opportunity to speak to me about anything…. Questions, concerns, meal choices for Thanksgiving….. anything.

As it relates some other pressing questions:

As covered in the staff meeting, will the remote schedule stay intact? At this time, I am not changing it as I have not been provided a non-negotiable directive to change it to 9:55-4:25. Once I receive that directive (or if), we will change it at that time. (except for Adaptive)

Will the "office day" change? Until the office of Teaching and Learning changes their Professional Development schedule, we will stay with Monday - Thursday instruction, Friday - Office hours. 

Will staff have to return?  Yes, all staff will return starting December 7th. Time of day will be communicated. Check in and check out procedures will be implemented. Anyone who has provided Benefits and myself with a reasonable accommodation request with supporting medical documentation has been communicated to, by me, on Thursday, November 12th with my approval have received reasonable accommodations up to January 20th, or earlier, pending the schools needs, or any change by the Board of Education.  If you did not receive an e-mail from me on this date, you are required to return to work on December 7th. If you choose not to come in, please make sure you get with Renee to take an extended leave. You will be responsible for getting a substitute and providing on line lessons for students to access on each day. 

Also - for clarification purposes, please know submitting a Reasonable Accommodations request to Benefits must still be approved by myself. Please know, that even though you may have provided a request to Benefits to work remotely, or even with medical support, I am still able to require staff to come in for various reasons (testing for an example). 

Now, when it is time to move forward with this, if you have non-school aged children, you must start working out any day care needs. If you have school aged children who are working remotely, you may bring them to your classroom, under your supervision at all times, and following all health and safety guidelines. (Note: this includes walking them to the bathroom)

As discussed in the faculty meeting, please refer to the flow charts attached here when it comes to leave while in Covid.

Any questions should be directed to Mrs. Harris in this FORM

From the desk of Mrs. Michelle Cook:

All Guilford County students in grades 9-12 are required to take the Career Interest Finder survey in We are asking each teacher to post the following assignment in their Canvas Course and stress the importance of completing this assignment by November 24th. This assignment can be completed anytime, even for a bell ringer, or a Friday could be an ideal day to not take away from your 1 hour live instruction time.  It should take around 10-15 minutes. Each student who completes the Career Interest Finder Survey and submits can send a screen shot to you for extra credit.

From the desk of our Curriculum Facilitator, Mrs. Moore

Mrs. Moore will hold office hours next week to discuss your specific individual and departmental needs as we move toward the end of the 2nd nine weeks. Be on the lookout for an email.

The Nearpod Google images feature in Nearpod will be disabled. 

Are there any limitations I need to keep in mind once this feature has been disabled?

  1. Note that lesson codes for student-paced Nearpods that have already been generated will keep Google Image Search - disabling Google Image Search will only work for newly-generated Codes and lessons. 
  2. Editing a Nearpod that has a student-paced code generated already will remove the code.
  3. Teachers will still see the Google Image search option for Collaborate on sessions they launch, but if they switch to student view, they’ll see that students won’t see the Google Image Search option

What happens when Google Image search is disabled?

  1. Students will not be able to search Google Images in "Draw It and Collaborate" responses. However, they’ll still be able to upload images. 

Does this impact Google Search in a web browser?

No. Students will be able to Google Search, including searching Google Images, in a normal web browser. GCS filters for student safety apply to these searches

FastBridge information and training coming soon!

Canvas has been updated for teachers to continue uploading PLC notes.

Interims Assessments are upon us! Emails have been sent accordingly. Feel free to contact me with any questions or concerns.

Resources and Curriculum Updates:

Please see the attached document where resources have been gathered for teachers. One Stop Shop SWHS.docx The SWHS Canvas page is also being updated and houses lots of great information, please make sure to check out the “Modules” listed. The SWHS Licensed Teacher Teams page now has a “Curriculum Facilitator News” channel, curriculum updates from the district will be posted and uploaded there in order to cut down on school wide emails.

Upcoming service activities:

December 18th - "Rylie's Blessings" - collecting new or slightly used toys to be donated to Wake Forest's Pediatric Unit playroom.

Counselors' caseloads are as followed: Ms.Graves A-D 10th-12th, Ms.Campbell E-L 10th - 12th, Ms. Graham M-R 10th - 12th, Mrs. Hudgens S-Z 10th - 12th, Ms.Compton 9th grade counselor

Attention all SW Fans!  Can’t come to see our Volleyball, Basketball, Lacrosse, Football or Soccer teams play?  No problem.  All games will be broadcasted “Live” on our NFHSnetwork Streaming program.  Go to

Subscription monthly $10.99 and Annually $69.99

See all home and many away games (based on who has the program at their school)

Great opportunity to everyone to see SW Volleyball next Thursday night!

Have you left your mark at SWGHS? Buy a Legacy Brick to commemorate your time as a Southwest Cowboy, and make a contribution to your sport, band or chorus to help fund critical equipment and uniform purchases and fees! AND get a great deal RIGHT NOW! The first 21 seniors/senior families to purchase a Legacy Brick this year will get 21% off the price of the brick! That's $21 off the $100 brick! Click here to order your brick, and enter 212021 in the promo code field to take advantage of this deal! 

SW Athletic Department would like to thank each and every one of you that gave to the Cowboy Reunite Athletic Campaign for the month of October.  With your generous donations, we raised $10,000 for equipment purchases for the upcoming seasons.  We can’t thank you all enough and the money will be help us during this difficult time!  We Are Southwest!

Help SW Athletics and Booster Club by Linking your Amazon Account to our Charity!

Click here: 

 By clicking the link above, you can help SW Athletics get .5% from your Amazon orders to support our student athletes.  

SW Athletics for Nov. 23-25th:🤠🤠💚🖤💚🖤

For Game Schedules go to

🏊🏊Swim Team Tryouts- Nov. 23—25th at Smith HS Pool, 6:30 PM🏊🏊

  • All Return to Play Paperwork is required to attend (can be email in or dropped off at the front door of school)
  • Must contact Coach Byrd to reserve a tryout time @

Monday, Nov 23rd

5 PM                     🏐JV Volleyball vs. Wheatmore Home

6:30 PM               🏐V Volleyball vs. Wheatmore  Home

(Games will be broadcasted at  or )

6:45                        🏊M/W Swim Team Try outs     Smith HS Pool


Tuesday, Nov. 24th

5 PM                     🏐JV Volleyball @ NWGHS                         Away                     🏐

6:30 PM               🏐V Volleyball @ NWGHS                           Away

4PM                       🥇Conference XC Meet @ Ivey Redmon Park, Kernersville

6:45 PM               🏊M/W Swim Team Tryouts       Smith HS Pool


Wednesday, Nov. 25th

6:45 PM               🏊M/W Swim Team Practice      Smith HS Pool- May be cancelled check with Coach Byrd


Thursday, Nov. 26th

Happy Thanksgiving from our SW Athletic Department!

Friday, Nov. 27th – 29th

No Practices for all sports

#Note:  All other practices next week are postponed due to the NCHSAA Dead Period and Thanksgiving Weekend.

Week of Nov. 30- Dec. 4th: Football (Conditioning starts), Lax, Soccer (resume Conditioning), Basketball (Normal times for 90 min. Skill Development sessions)

🏈🏈Football Conditioning- Starts Dec. 1 @ 4:15 PM🏈🏈

                All Return to Play paperwork must be signed and turned into the athletic dept. before you can attend

                All questions or interested players need to email Coach Doak at


Monday, November 23
JV Volleyball Home - Wheatmore - 5PM
V Volleyball Home - Wheatmore - 6:30PM

Tuesday, November 24
JV Volleyball - Away - NWGHS
V Volleyball - Away - NWGHS
XC - at Ivey Redmon Park - 4PM

Monday 11/23-11/24
Swim Tryouts - 6:45 - Smith HS Pool

Wednesday November 25th - 27th
No School for Staff or Students (Thanksgiving)

Monday, December 14th
2nd interim report for the 2nd quarter

Friday, December 18th 
"Rylie's Blessings"

Wednesday, December 23rd
Staff workday - No School for Students

Thursday December 24th - Friday, January 1st
Winter Break - No School for Staff or Students

Monday, January 4th
Mandatory workday for staff - No School for Students

Friday, January 15th
End of 1st semester

Monday, January 18th
MLK Holiday - No School for Staff and Students

Tuesday, January 19th
Mandatory workday for teachers - No School for students

Wednesday, January 20
Current plan for re-entry for HS on 50% capacity - A/B day model
1st day of 2nd semester starts

Thursday, January 28th
Reports cards distributed

We are in it it together. We got this. We are... Southwest!

Enjoy your weekend!

Mr. Hettenbach

Friday, November 13, 2020

Staff Round Up for November16


I hope this Staff Round Up finds everyone doing well!

Hopefully, all of you have read the outcome from this past week's GCS Board Meeting as it relates to High School. Adaptive students return on Monday for full days Monday through Thursday. Also, our Nursing Fundamental students return as well in order to obtain their necessary hours.  All of these students will be arriving in the Media Center entrance for a grab and go breakfast, answer the attestation questions, and get their temperature check. Teachers with Nursing Fundamental students in their class, I ask you to please work with them if any conflicts arise, as they have to catch up on their hours, a very daunting task with so little time left. These students are: 

Jiya Banger

Arianna Bratton

Reece Burmeister

Lauren Cook

Riyasha Gautam

Jhascia Green

Karla Rubio

Aye Zaw

As it relates some other pressing questions:

As covered in the staff meeting, will the remote schedule stay intact? At this time, I am not changing it as I have not been provided a non-negotiable directive to change it to 9:55-4:25. Once I receive that directive (or if), we will change it at that time. (except for Adaptive)

Will the "office day" change? Until the office of Teaching and Learning changes their Professional Development schedule, we will stay with Monday - Thursday instruction, Friday - Office hours. 

Will staff have to return?  Yes, all staff will return starting December 7th. Time of day will be communicated. Check in and check out procedures will be implemented. Anyone who has provided Benefits and myself with a reasonable accommodation request with supporting medical documentation has been communicated to, by me, on Thursday, November 12th with my approval have received reasonable accommodations up to January 20th, or earlier, pending the schools needs, or any change by the Board of Education.  If you did not receive an e-mail from me on this date, you are required to return to work on December 7th. If you choose not to come in, please make sure you get with Renee to take an extended leave. You will be responsible for getting a substitute and providing on line lessons for students to access on each day. 

Also - for clarification purposes, please know submitting a Reasonable Accommodations request to Benefits must still be approved by myself. Please know, that even though you may have provided a request to Benefits to work remotely, or even with medical support, I am still able to require staff to come in for various reasons (testing for an example). 

Now, when it is time to move forward with this, if you have non-school aged children, you must start working out any day care needs. If you have school aged children who are working remotely, you may bring them to your classroom, under your supervision at all times, and following all health and safety guidelines. (Note: this includes walking them to the bathroom)

As discussed in the faculty meeting, please refer to the flow charts attached here when it comes to leave while in Covid.

Any questions should be directed to Mrs. Harris in this FORM
Social Emotional Learning

Community Connection Care Theme for November 


1 -  Please understand that emails from Mrs. Barnum must address the full spectrum of teachers with zero experienced with testing to those who are experienced and fully understand testing to experienced but still working toward understanding the testing world.  She will attempt to not overwhelm our newer teachers nor patronize our very competent test administrators.  If you find yourself feeling either of these two extremes, please don’t.  

2-   There is a lot of testing ahead of us, therefore a lot of test plans to be submitted to the GCS Office of Assessment and they are wanting to see the plans earlier than ever before.  Emails regarding test plans are high priority emails and will have a standing response time of 24 hours or less, unless stated in the email. MS Forms has been helpful in getting your feedback but as we all return to being in the building all day, every day, it may become less applicable. The old days of just search the test plan for your name, there’s your plan for the day, may be right around the corner. 

3 – Test administrator and proctor training.  PSAT training was online and provided by the College Board.  Proctors printed off certificates of completion and turned them in to Mrs. Barnum.  ACT and PreACT test training – TBA.  EOC test administration training – TBA.  As test coordinator training has been live for Mrs. Barnum and Mrs. Cooke, presume it will be live test training for EOCs.  

From the desk of Mrs. Michelle Cook:

All Guilford County students in grades 9-12 are required to take the Career Interest Finder survey in We are asking each teacher to post the following assignment in their Canvas Course and stress the importance of completing this assignment by November 24th. This assignment can be completed anytime, even for a bell ringer, or a Friday could be an ideal day to not take away from your 1 hour live instruction time.  It should take around 10-15 minutes. Each student who completes the Career Interest Finder Survey and submits can send a screen shot to you for extra credit.

From the desk of our Curriculum Facilitator, Mrs. Moore

Mrs. Moore will hold office hours next week to discuss your specific individual and departmental needs as we move toward the end of the 2nd nine weeks. Be on the lookout for an email.

FastBridge information and training coming soon!

Canvas has been updated for teachers to continue uploading PLC notes.

Interims Assessments are upon us! Emails have been sent accordingly. Feel free to contact me with any questions or concerns.

Resources and Curriculum Updates:

Please see the attached document where resources have been gathered for teachers. One Stop Shop SWHS.docx The SWHS Canvas page is also being updated and houses lots of great information, please make sure to check out the “Modules” listed. The SWHS Licensed Teacher Teams page now has a “Curriculum Facilitator News” channel, curriculum updates from the district will be posted and uploaded there in order to cut down on school wide emails.

From our Social Worker, Emily Wright

Next week our district will recognized Hunger and Homelessness Awareness Week.  Every night in Guilford County, 900 people sleep in shelters, under bridges, in woods or in cars.  Of our 73,000 GCS students, 65% receive free or reduced lunches.  At SWHS, we have 23 students in transition – most are doubled up because they cannot afford their own place to live. Right now, 3 of those families are living in hotels.

In recognition of GCS’s families in transition, Ms. Wright's Social Work intern, Molly Staley and her will represent SWHS and volunteer at the Out of the Garden program’s Fresh Foods Giving Day next Tuesday, Nov. 17th.  She has referred many, many families to this resource for their Fresh Mobile Markets and emergency food for years and she is honored to support them. 

Would you like to show your support too?  Ms. Wright is organizing to provide a Thanksgiving meal to our 3 families living in hotels. Harris Teeter has complete pre-cooked meals for 50$ each.   If you would like to get together as a grade level/subject area and support one family, just let her know.

Upcoming service activities:

      November 20th - "Cover the City" - collecting slightly or new blankets for the Homeless and Urban Ministry.  A representative will come to collect the blankets this day. 

December 18th - "Rylie's Blessings" - collecting new or slightly used toys to be donated to Wake Forest's Pediatric Unit playroom.

Counselors' caseloads are as followed: Ms.Graves A-D 10th-12th, Ms.Campbell E-L 10th - 12th, Ms. Graham M-R 10th - 12th, Mrs. Hudgens S-Z 10th - 12th, Ms.Compton 9th grade counselor

Attention all SW Fans!  Can’t come to see our Volleyball, Basketball, Lacrosse, Football or Soccer teams play?  No problem.  All games will be broadcasted “Live” on our NFHSnetwork Streaming program.  Go to

Subscription monthly $10.99 and Annually $69.99

See all home and many away games (based on who has the program at their school)

Great opportunity to everyone to see SW Volleyball next Thursday night!

Have you left your mark at SWGHS? Buy a Legacy Brick to commemorate your time as a Southwest Cowboy, and make a contribution to your sport, band or chorus to help fund critical equipment and uniform purchases and fees! AND get a great deal RIGHT NOW! The first 21 seniors/senior families to purchase a Legacy Brick this year will get 21% off the price of the brick! That's $21 off the $100 brick! Click here to order your brick, and enter 212021 in the promo code field to take advantage of this deal! 

SW Athletic Department would like to thank each and every one of you that gave to the Cowboy Reunite Athletic Campaign for the month of October.  With your generous donations, we raised $4,286 for equipment purchases for the upcoming seasons.  We can’t thank you all enough and the money will be help us during this difficult time!  We Are Southwest!

Help SW Athletics and Booster Club by Linking your Amazon Account to our Charity!

Click here: 

 By clicking the link above, you can help SW Athletics get .5% from your Amazon orders to support our student athletes.  

GAME WEEK! Cheer on the SW Volleyball Team and XC team next week!

Nov. 17th Volleyball @ Page         5/6:30 PM           No Visiting Spectators

Nov. 18th              Home XC Conference Meet vs. Smith, Dudley, WG    4 PM Start

Nov. 19th              Volleyball Home vs. NWGHS 5/6:30  Home Season Pass holder only admitted  Game can be viewed on the  “Live Streamed” Cost is $10.99 monthly or $69.99 for the year which includes all VB, BB, FB, Lax, and Soccer games!

Nov. 20th              Home XC Meet vs. NWG/RJR      Senior Night       Start time 4 PM

Attention- Tryouts for M/W Swimming- Official Date- Nov. 23rd, 24th and 25th

Dates:  Nov. 16-20th

Note- We are still looking for 9th-12th boys and girls to join our XC team this fall. Please reach out to Coach Patrick or Coach Baker at or

XC GCS Fair Play Meeting- Thursday, Nov. 12th- 5:45 PM Stadium, Student Athlete and I Parent required

Upcoming Return to Play Sports: (Conditioning only first two weeks)

Nov. 9th- M/W Swimming              Times/Dates: Nov. 16th/18th, 4 PM     email Coach Byrd:

Nov.9th – Men’s JV/V Soccer        Times/Dates:  Nov. 17th/19th, 4 PM                  email Coach Manley:

Nov. 9th- Men’s Lax                        Times/Dates: Nov. 16th/18th, TBA            email Coach Kanowicz:

Conditioning ONLY Practices:

M. Soccer- Nov. 17th/19th 4 PM check-in (Gym Parking lot)            Conditioning-SW Tennis Courts        Practice Ends:  5:30

M. Lax- Nov. 16th/18th Time TBA check-in (Gym Parking Lot)        Conditioning- SW Tennis Courts  Practice Ends:  TBA

M/W Swimming- Nov. 16th/18th  4 PM check-in (Gym Parking Lot)       Conditioning- Behind Gym Practice Ends: 5:30 PM


Practice Schedule for Nov. 16-20th

Cheerleading- M/W       4:45 PM      Check-in:  SW Gym       End:  6:15 PM

M. Basketball- M, T, Thurs)- 3:45 PM        Check-in SW Gym         End: 5:30 PM Wed. Practice- 2 PM

W. Basketball- M, T, Thurs- 5:30 PM         Check-in SW Gym         End:  7 PM

Volleyball- M-F 3:45 PM          Check-in SW Gym                  End 5:45

XC- M-F 4:15 PM                    Check-in SW Gym                  End 6 PM

M. Soccer- T/Thurs 4 PM        Check-in SW Gym         Conditioning only End 5:30 PM

Swimming- T/Thurs 4 PM       Check-in SW Gym         Conditioning only End 5:30 PM

M. Lax- M/W 4 PM                  Check-in SW Gym         Conditioning only End 5:30 PM 

Required Paperwork and Items for Practices:

*All GCS/NCHSAA Covid-19 Return to Play forms and 20-21 Medical Health Form with Physical

*Must have water bottle, towel, bookbag each day for practice

From the desk of our Football Coach, Chuck Doak, 


If you are interested in playing and have not talked with Coach Doak please click the link below and fill out the questionnaire.


Monday, November 16

Return to school for Adaptive and Nursing Fundamental Students

NLI Signing Day - invite only (5:45PM)

Tuesday, November 17
Volleyball @ Page         5/6:30 PM           No Visiting Spectators

Wednesday, November 18
2nd quarter - 1st interim report
Nov. 18th             4 PM Start Home XC Conference Meet vs. Smith, Dudley, WG  (Families of XC runners allowed at site - health and safety protocols must be followed)   

Thursday, November 19
Volleyball Home vs. NWGHS 5/6:30  Home Season Pass holder only admitted  Game can be viewed on the  “Live Streamed” Cost is $10.99 monthly or $69.99 for the year which includes all VB, BB, FB, Lax, and Soccer games!

Friday, November 20th 
"Cover the City"
Home XC Meet vs. NWG/RJR      Senior Night       Start time 4 PM
(Families of XC runners allowed at site - health and safety protocols must be followed)

Wednesday November 25th - 27th
No School for Staff or Students (Thanksgiving)

Monday, December 14th
2nd interim report for the 2nd quarter

Friday, December 18th 
"Rylie's Blessings"

Wednesday, December 23rd
Staff workday - No School for Students

Thursday December 24th - Friday, January 1st
Winter Break - No School for Staff or Students

Monday, January 4th
Mandatory workday for staff - No School for Students

Friday, January 15th
End of 1st semester

Monday, January 18th
MLK Holiday - No School for Staff and Students

Tuesday, January 19th
Mandatory workday for teachers - No School for students

Wednesday, January 20
Current plan for re-entry for HS on 50% capacity - A/B day model
1st day of 2nd semester starts

Thursday, January 28th
Reports cards distributed

We are in it it together. We got this. We are... Southwest!

Enjoy your weekend!

Mr. Hettenbach