Wednesday, December 23, 2020

Staff Round Up for the holidays


I hope this Staff Round Up finds everyone doing well and ready for this well deserved break. up as much as possible from this past break.  As discussed in the faculty meeting, everyone is expected to return to campus on January 4th.  Please see below. If you have been approved for reasonable accommodations, we must have a discussion on what reasonable accommodations you will need in order to be on campus. That will still need to be approved by me. 
  • Schedule is 9-4:30pm. 
  • No one is allowed to enter prior to 7:30 other than custodians and the "temperature checkers". 
  • Everyone must enter the front doors, and exit the same doors. 
  • Please sanitize before entering. (Sanitizer will be located outside the door). 
  • Use the QR code upon entering and submit your responses. 
  • Your temperature check MUST be taken so you can submit that as well. 
  • Sign in AND sign out will be required (clean writing utensils then transferred to dirty - they will be sanitized every day multiple times). This will be near the entrance of the school. 
  • Masks must be worn at all times unless you are in your room/office alone. 
  • If you have children that are not aligned with our schedule, they can come on the days 1/4 to 1/6. They must be under your supervision at ALL times, and must follow the same health and safety expectations. 
I am currently starting the A/B/At-Risk cohort build for 2nd semester. Additionally, starting the 2nd semester, office days will move to Wednesdays. Staff will be on campus, same schedule as the other 4 days. 

Dr. Monell sent out an e-mail for any requests for a face shield and gloves in preparation for student return. Please make sure you fill this out if you need any. 

Thank you to everyone who provided feedback for the return of students during exams. Please refer to the e-mail I sent to the school on 12:18 at 4:46PM with my responses. The only pieces I believe I still needed to address was the change in staff schedule. That is now 9 to 4:30. The other piece was a concern about students walking the halls eating with out their masks on.  We have created a process where students will enter either the old gym or Freshman gym and "snake through" the "Monell Maze" finishing their food before they exit, throwing their trash away and putting on their mask immediately at the end.  Thank you again!

SWGHS Fall 2020 Exam Schedule

Monday, January 4th: Mandatory Workday

Tuesday, January 5th: Normal Remote Instruction

Wednesday, January 6th: Normal Remote Instruction

Thursday, January 7th: (remote) Virtual Teacher Made/GCS Final Exams*

Block 1 (9:30-11:30)

Block 2 (12:30-2:30)

*If the student’s class is not a teacher made/GCS exam, then the teacher may decide to have remote class during that period and time listed above for review. Please check with your teachers.

Friday, January 8th: (remote) Virtual Teacher Made/GCS Final Exams*

Block 3 (9:30-11:30)

Block 4 (12:30-2:30)

*If the student’s class is not a teacher made/GCS exam, then the teacher may decide to have remote class during that period and time listed above for review. Please check with your teachers.

All exams below MUST be taken on campus

Monday, January 11th:

All EOCs Exam Block 1, and the following CTEs:

Hospitality and Tourism

Sports and Entertainment Marketing I

Child Development

Early Childhood Education I

And the following NCVPS/ALVS Courses: Principles of Business and Finance

     Accounting I

     Career Management

                                                                      Foundations of Information Technology

Tuesday, January 12th: All EOCs Exam Block 2, and the following CTEs:

Business Management I

Accounting I

Hospitality and Tourism

Wednesday, January 13th: All EOCs Exam Block 3, and the following CTEs:

Business Management I

Principles of Business and Finance

Interior Design I

Thursday, January 14th: All EOCs Exam Block 4, and the following CTEs:

Child Development

Principles of Business and Finance

Interior Design I

Foundations of Health Science

Health Science I

Friday, January 15th: Make Up CTE/EOC Exam

*CTE/EOC Exam Week: Students will be coming into the school building to take these exams. Students will be screened once they arrive and must wear a mask. Students who do not comply with the mask expectations will be removed from testing immediately. Students arrive between 9:35-9:45. Buses will run for students that need transportation. Students need to ask their teacher where to report once at the school on the day of their testing. There will be no early release from exams. If student does not have a CTE or EOC exam, they do not come to the school that week. Students will not be allowed into the building until 9:15.

Communication about dismissal on exam days should be delivered by Blog, Teachers, Counselors, connect ed messages.

"Since all phones will be collected and turned off upon the start of exams, phones may be used upon the classroom's completion of the test. If a student can do one of the following, they will be dismissed...

  • Show text message proof that they drive. 
  • Show that their parents are currently waiting outside - text message.  
  • Receive text message that their friend is driving them and currently waiting outside.
If a student does not have a phone, the parent/guardian can call the school number at 336-819-2970 to inform the front office that they are outside waiting for their student. Please do not call earlier. Once that student's room is complete with testing, that student will be allowed to exit. 

Mr. Hettenbach will also send a connect ed upon completion of the testing campus wide. This will only be sent to the homes in which students were assigned to test on that day. 

Students riding a bus must stay on campus in their testing location until buses arrive no later than 4:25. Students are not allowed to wait for their rides on campus. Immediate dismissal is expected." 

 Note: whenever you speak to the media, or have a student speak to the media, you must notify Mr. Hettenbach prior to. 

Any students who may be interested in enrolling into a Social Justice class next semester must contact their counselor immediately.  If you know of any students you believe would enjoy this, please let them know about this opportunity. 

Intro to Racial Equity and Social Justice explores the foundations of big concepts like power, identity, and authority that play various roles in our daily lives. In addition to examining the present, we’ll look into the past to deepen our understanding of how we came be here, in this place; this now, where racial equity is again centered in our national conversations. In doing so, we’ll discover some ways that we might individually and collectively make a difference in the pursuit of social justice while also recognizing that learning truly is power.

As discussed in the faculty meeting, please refer to the flow charts attached here when it comes to leave while in Covid.

Any questions should be directed to Mrs. Harris in this FORM

Counselors' caseloads are as followed: Ms.Graves A-D 10th-12th, Ms.Campbell E-L 10th - 12th, Ms. Graham M-R 10th - 12th, Mrs. Hudgens S-Z 10th - 12th, Ms.Compton 9th grade counselor

Attention all SW Fans!  Can’t come to see our Volleyball, Basketball, Lacrosse, Football or Soccer teams play?  No problem.  All games will be broadcasted “Live” on our NFHSnetwork Streaming program.  Go to

Subscription monthly $10.99 and Annually $69.99

See all home and many away games (based on who has the program at their school)

Have you left your mark at SWGHS? Buy a Legacy Brick to commemorate your time as a Southwest Cowboy, and make a contribution to your sport, band or chorus to help fund critical equipment and uniform purchases and fees! AND get a great deal RIGHT NOW! The first 21 seniors/senior families to purchase a Legacy Brick this year will get 21% off the price of the brick! That's $21 off the $100 brick! Click here to order your brick, and enter 212021 in the promo code field to take advantage of this deal! 

Help SW Athletics and Booster Club by Linking your Amazon Account to our Charity!

Click here: 

 By clicking the link above, you can help SW Athletics get .5% from your Amazon orders to support our student athletes.  

For Game Schedules go to


Wednesday, December 23rd
Staff workday - No School for Students

Wednesday, Dec. 23rd

7am JV VB Practice                                 (In Season)                                              @ SW Main Gym

9am VB Practice                                      (In Season)                                              @ SW Main Gym   

3:45- W. Basketball Practice                   (Tryouts)                                                 @ SW 9th grade Gym

3:00- XC Meet @ Mount Tabor              (In Season)                                              @ SW Gym (Meet in Stadium @ 4 PM)

5:45- M. Basketball                                (Tryouts)                                                 @ SW 9th grade gym and Old

Gym at 6 PM

6:30- Swimming Practice                       (In Season)                                              @ Smith Pool

Thursday December 24th - Friday, January 1st
Winter Break - No School for Staff or Students

Thursday, Dec. 24th

9 am- W. Basketball Practice                  (In Season)                                              @ SW New Gym

9 am- M. Basketball                               (In Season)                                              @ SW Old Gym/ JV 9th Grade Gym

Saturday, Dec. 26th

9 am- W. Basketball Practices                 (In Season)                                              Check-ins 9:15 am

9 am- M. Basketball Practice                  (In Season)                                              Check-ins 9:15 am

Dec. 28- Dec. 31 Practices only

9 am W. Basketball Practice                   (In Season)                                              @SW Gym

9:15 M. Basketball Practice                    (In Season)                                              @ SW Gym

Dec. 28-29 @ 4 pm JV VB Practice         (In Season)                                              @ SW Gym

Dec. 29th @ 9 am VB Practice               (In Season)                                              @ SW Main Gym

Monday, January 4th
Mandatory workday for staff - No School for Students
Staff returns - 9 - 4:30

Monday, January 11th
First day of GTCC classes

Thursday, January 7th - Friday, January 15th
Final exams

Friday, January 15th
End of 1st semester

Monday, January 18th
MLK Holiday - No School for Staff and Students

Tuesday, January 19th
Mandatory workday for teachers - No School for students

Wednesday, January 20
Current plan for re-entry for HS on 50% capacity - A/B day model
1st day of 2nd semester starts

Thursday, January 28th
Reports cards distributed

We are in it it together. We got this. We are... Southwest!

Friday, December 4, 2020

Staff Round Up for December 7


I hope this Staff Round Up finds everyone doing well and rested up as much as possible from this past break. I can tell you that I took advantage of eating well and now must pay the price with some extra exercise. Phew. 
Do any of you know all the skills listed below?  Wow!

From the desks of our Crisis Team:

Many of our students are experiencing disappointment and frustration during this Covid-19 pandemic.  In addition to difficulties associated with adapting to online learning, they are facing losses like missing social time with their peers, sports seasons, “senior year” activities and family gatherings.  These social connections are very important to our students at this developmental stage. Some may have also experienced the death of a relative or friend due to Covid-19.  

Some students are more resilient than others in their ability to cope with the stress of this pandemic and may begin to show more clinical signs of anxiety and depression and even thoughts of suicide.  We know many of our students have experienced anxiety, depression and panic attacks over the past months. 

At this time, families may be under great stress due to job loss and the economic challenges that follow.  This stress transfers to the children. Incidences of domestic violence in Guilford County have increased dramatically during the pandemic and some of our students may have been witnesses or victims of abuse. 

The school can be a source of support for them. If teachers and staff hear about a student who is feeling severely depressed or talking about suicide, or if they are made aware of physical or mental abuse occurring in the home, they must report this.  Please contact the grade level counselor and the social worker immediately so they can follow up with the parent and make necessary referrals. 

  • Reports of suicidal ideation should be reported before the end of the day that the teacher or staff person learned of the threat.  Late or “after thought” reporting to administrators or support staff could have serious liability implications. You want to use the quickest means of communication possible. If you can not reach a counselor or Ms. Wright, contact me on my cell.... 336-442-4374.
  • Reports of abuse or neglect must be made to Child Protective Services. Please let an administrator know as well as the school counselor and school social worker so they can assist with this report. 
  • GCS has a list of resources that can be given to families by social workers and counselors. Teachers and staff should never make any personal recommendations to parents regarding mental health providers.  Again, there are liability considerations and these suggestions to parents could create financial obligations for GCS. Please allow the counselors and/or social worker to assist with resources. 

  • Remember that all students have a right to confidentiality.  Please put as little information as possible about students in email and do not discuss mental health matters of students to others.  Phone calls are best.

Remember that counselors and social workers have been trained in how to handle student crises and mental health concerns. Please report, inform and let it go.  That is what they are here for!!!

Any students who may be interested in enrolling into a Social Justice class next semester must contact their counselor immediately.  If you know of any students you believe would enjoy this, please let them know about this opportunity. 

Intro to Racial Equity and Social Justice explores the foundations of big concepts like power, identity, and authority that play various roles in our daily lives. In addition to examining the present, we’ll look into the past to deepen our understanding of how we came be here, in this place; this now, where racial equity is again centered in our national conversations. In doing so, we’ll discover some ways that we might individually and collectively make a difference in the pursuit of social justice while also recognizing that learning truly is power.

As it relates some other pressing questions:
As covered in the staff meeting, will the remote schedule stay intact? At this time, I am not changing it as I have not been provided a non-negotiable directive to change it to 9:55-4:25. Once I receive that directive (or if), we will change it at that time. (except for Adaptive)

Will the "office day" change? Until the office of Teaching and Learning changes their Professional Development schedule, we will stay with Monday - Thursday instruction, Friday - Office hours. 

Will staff have to return?  This has been moved to January 4th. However, everyone must be on campus for any testing needs, amongst any other requests by administration.  
Also - for clarification purposes, please know submitting a Reasonable Accommodations request to Benefits must still be arranged by myself. This does not mean an automatic remote working agreement. However, reasonable accommodations can be an array of things, as explained in the faculty meeting. Remember, you must discuss with me your request so that I can arrange the proper accommodations for you.

As discussed in the faculty meeting, please refer to the flow charts attached here when it comes to leave while in Covid.

Any questions should be directed to Mrs. Harris in this FORM

From the desk of Mrs. Michelle Cook:

All Guilford County students in grades 9-12 are required to take the Career Interest Finder survey in We are asking each teacher to post the following assignment in their Canvas Course and stress the importance of completing this assignment by November 24th. This assignment can be completed anytime, even for a bell ringer, or a Friday could be an ideal day to not take away from your 1 hour live instruction time.  It should take around 10-15 minutes. Each student who completes the Career Interest Finder Survey and submits can send a screen shot to you for extra credit.

Upcoming service activities:

December 18th - "Rylie's Blessings" - collecting new or slightly used toys to be donated to Wake Forest's Pediatric Unit playroom.

Counselors' caseloads are as followed: Ms.Graves A-D 10th-12th, Ms.Campbell E-L 10th - 12th, Ms. Graham M-R 10th - 12th, Mrs. Hudgens S-Z 10th - 12th, Ms.Compton 9th grade counselor

Attention all SW Fans!  Can’t come to see our Volleyball, Basketball, Lacrosse, Football or Soccer teams play?  No problem.  All games will be broadcasted “Live” on our NFHSnetwork Streaming program.  Go to

Subscription monthly $10.99 and Annually $69.99

See all home and many away games (based on who has the program at their school)

Great opportunity to everyone to see SW Volleyball next Thursday night!

Have you left your mark at SWGHS? Buy a Legacy Brick to commemorate your time as a Southwest Cowboy, and make a contribution to your sport, band or chorus to help fund critical equipment and uniform purchases and fees! AND get a great deal RIGHT NOW! The first 21 seniors/senior families to purchase a Legacy Brick this year will get 21% off the price of the brick! That's $21 off the $100 brick! Click here to order your brick, and enter 212021 in the promo code field to take advantage of this deal! 

Help SW Athletics and Booster Club by Linking your Amazon Account to our Charity!

Click here: 

 By clicking the link above, you can help SW Athletics get .5% from your Amazon orders to support our student athletes.  

For Game Schedules go to

Athletic Schedule of Events for Dec. 7th-Dec. 11th

Monday, Dec. 7th

3:45- VB Practice check-ins                         (In season)

3:45- W. Basketball check-ins                     (Tryouts)                                                             @ SW Gym Old Gym

4:00- XC Check-ins                                          (In Season)                                                         @ SW Track

4:45- Cheerleading                                         (In Season)                                                         @ SW Auditorium

5:30- M. Basketball                                         (Tryouts)                                                             @ SW Old Gym and 9th grade gym

6:30- Swimming Practice                              (In Season)                                                         @ Smith HS

*Football, M. Soccer, M. Lax- Dead Period


Tuesday, Dec. 8th

3:15- VB Game vs. WG                                  (In Season)                                                         @ SW Main Gym

3:45- W. Basketball Practice                        (Tryouts)                                                             @ SW 9th grade gym

3:45- XC Check-ins                                          (In Season)                                                         @ SW Track

4:15- M. Basketball                                         (Tryouts)                                                             @ SW Old Gym

6:30- Swimming Practice                              (In Season)                                                         @ Smith Pool

*Football, M. Soccer, M. Lax- Dead Period


Wednesday, Dec. 9th

3:30- VB Practice                                              (In Season)                                                         @ SW Main Gym    

3:45- W. Basketball Practice                        (Tryouts)                                                             @ SW 9th grade Gym

3:00- XC Meet @ SWGHS                             (In Season)                                                         @ SW Gym (Meet in Stadium @ 4 PM)

4:45- Cheerleading                                         (In Season)                                                         @ SW Auditorium

5:30- M. Basketball                                         (Tryouts)                                                             @ SW 9th grade gym and Old Gym at 6 PM

6:30- Swimming Practice                              (In Season)                                                         @ Smith Pool

*Football, M. Soccer, M. Lax- Dead Period


Thursday, Dec. 10th

3:30- VB check-ins for game @ Dudley  (In Season)                                                         @ SW Activity Bus Lot

3:45- W. Basketball Practice                        (In Season)                                                         @ SW Old Gym

3:45- XC Check-ins                                          (In Season)                                                         @ SW Gym

4:00- M. Soccer/Lax                                        (Skill Development)                                         @Check-ins- Training Room Doors

4:00- Football                                                    (Conditioning)                                                   @ SW Main Gym

4:30- M. Basketball                                         (In Season)                                                         @ SW Main Gym/ JV 9th Grade Gym

4:45- Swim Meet @ GAC                              (In Season)                                                         @ SW Activity Bus Lot  


Friday, Dec. 11th

4:00- XC   check-ins                                         (In Season)                                                         @ SW Gym

3:00- VB check-ins-practice                         (In Season)                                                         @ SW Gym/Old Gym

3:45- W. Basketball practice                        (In Season)                                                         @ SW 9th Grade Gym

4:00- Football                                                    (Conditioning)                                                   @ SW Main Gym

4:00- Soccer/M.Lax                                         (Skill Development)                                        @ Check-ins at SW Training Room Doors

5:30- M. Basketball practice                        (In Season)                                                         @ SW Main Gym (Practice in Old gym/9th grade)

6:30- Swimming Practice                              (In Season)                                                         @ Smith Pool


Saturday, Dec. 12th

9 am- Basketball Practices                           Pending                                           Check-ins 8:30 am

11am- XC Meet                                                Home                                                Check-ins- 10 am

4 pm- Swimming Meet v. RJR                     Smith HS                                          Check-ins at Smith Pool


(NOTE:  Dec. 7th, 8th and 9th are Dead Periods for M. Lax, M. Soccer, and Football)


Saturday, December 5
XC - Home - 11AM

Tuesday, December 8
JV/V Volleyball - Home - Western Guilford - 5pm/6:30pm

Wednesday, December 9
XC Conference Meet - Home - 4PM

Thursday, December 10
Swimming - Away - 4:45PM
JV/V Volleyball - Home - Dudley - 5pm/6:30pm

Saturday, December 12
Swimming - Home - RJ Reynolds - 4:45PM
XC Conference Tri-Meet - Home - 11AM
Monday, December 14th
2nd interim report for the 2nd quarter

Friday, December 18th 
"Rylie's Blessings"

Wednesday, December 23rd
Staff workday - No School for Students

Thursday December 24th - Friday, January 1st
Winter Break - No School for Staff or Students

Monday, January 4th
Mandatory workday for staff - No School for Students

Friday, January 15th
End of 1st semester

Monday, January 18th
MLK Holiday - No School for Staff and Students

Tuesday, January 19th
Mandatory workday for teachers - No School for students

Wednesday, January 20
Current plan for re-entry for HS on 50% capacity - A/B day model
1st day of 2nd semester starts

Thursday, January 28th
Reports cards distributed

We are in it it together. We got this. We are... Southwest!