Friday, September 30, 2016

Week of October 3, 2016

Events of the Week:
Can you believe it is October already. This week will be very exciting with all the Spirit activities and Homecoming. I encourage everyone to participate and join in the fun. The students love when we get involved. On Friday, we are hosting the 1st Annual Southwest Faculty vs Student Cornhole Tournament after school. Please see Mrs. Repko or a Leadership Class student to sign up. All proceeds will be given to St. Jude. Even if you do not participate, please come out and enjoy fellowship with one another before the Big Game. Our Faculty meeting is this Wednesday morning in the Media Center. The sooner you arrive, the sooner you can get out and back to your classrooms. 

This Week: Homecoming/Spirit Week!!
Oct. 3rd
- Spirit - America Day
Oct. 4th
- Instructional Meeting in Mrs. Barnum's room 2nd period
- Spirit -Pajama Day
Oct. 5th
- Faculty Meeting in the Media Center at 7:55 a.m.
- Spirit -Class Day - (Choose which ever theme suits you!)
Oct. 6th
- Benefits Enrollment in Media Center - All Day
- Spirit -Hawaiian Day
Oct. 7th
- Benefits Enrollment in Media Center - All Day
- Spirit -Cowboy Day
- Early Release - Professional Development in the Media Center at 1:45 p.m.
- 1st Annual SW Staff vs Student Cornhole Tournament begins at 5;00 p.m.
- Homecoming Football Game and Festivities at 7:30 PM
No PLCS this week with 2 meetings

- Make sure you double check the duty schedule at the beginning of each week 
- Please make sure you are updating your grades in Powerschool weekly
- Make sure you continue to encourage all parents to complete the AdvancEd survey

Next Week:
Oct. 11th
- Instructional Meeting in Mrs. Barnum's room 2nd period
Oct. 12th
- Leadership Meeting in Mrs. Barnum's Room at 7:45 a.m.
Oct. 14th
- Pep-Rally 4th period TBA
PLCS this week 

Friday, September 23, 2016

Week of September 26, 2016

Events of the Week:
I hope you enjoyed the early release PD last Wednesday. A lot of information was shared and I appreciate everyone that presented and shared. I have enjoyed reading your answers to the questionnaire regarding purpose and why we do what we do. For the rest of this school year, I will continue to probe and ask questions to gauge our progress. My wish is for us to consistently reflect on everything we do in order to reach our goals. We are going to look at data, present best practices, and develop ways to improve teaching and learning. I know for some of you this is going to take you out of your comfort zone, but in order to get better, we must be willing to look inward. If you ever have a question as to our direction, please do not hesitate to stop by and talk. I appreciate your hard work so far this school year and look forward to us continuing to build trust in one another.   

This Week:
Sept. 27th
- Instructional Meeting in Mrs. Barnum's room 2nd period
Sept. 29th
- Celebration of Excellence at Page High School from 5:30 p.m. to 7:30 p.m.
Sept. 30th
- SWGHS Blood Drive
PLC Meetings 

- Please make sure you are updating your grades in Powerschool weekly
- Make sure you continue to encourage all parents to complete the AdvancEd survey

Next Week: Homecoming/Spirit Week!!
Oct. 4th
- Instructional Meeting in Mrs. Barnum's room 2nd period
Oct. 5th
- Faculty Meeting in the Media Center at 7:55 a.m.
Oct. 6th
- Benefits Enrollment in Media Center - All Day
- Pep Rally during 4th period
Oct. 7th
- Benefits Enrollment in Media Center - All Day
- Early Release - Professional Development in the Media Center at 1:45 p.m.
No PLCS this week with 2 meetings

Friday, September 16, 2016

Week of September 19, 2016

Events of the Week:
I know I said we would not make a lot of changes early, but I guess that was not quite true for a few things. We will no longer be sending home Interim Reports with all students. Please help us to encourage all parents to access the Parent Portal. You are only required to send home paper reports to students with D's or F's and parents that do not have any access to Powerschool.  You can send them home either Monday or Tuesday. On Wednesday, we will have our first faculty meeting/staff development. The theme or topic I want you to think about is "purpose". As we navigate through this year together, I want us to stop along the way and reflect on why we do what we do each day and how we can improve. Many of your PLC discussions in the future will be centered on our purpose as educators and what we can do to help all students. 
Please help me welcome 2 new faces to "The Ranch", Shannon Taylor and Zenaida Flores. Both are new teacher assistances in our EC department.

This Week:
Sep. 19th
- Progress Reports for all students with a D or F
Sept. 20th 
- Progress Reports for all students with a D or F
- PTSA Meeting at 6:00 p.m. in the Media Center
Sept. 21st
- Senior Meeting in the Auditorium from 9:00 a.m. to 11:00 a.m.
- Early Release day for all Students at 1:35 p.m. (Schedule is in Canvas)
- 2:00 p.m. Faculty Meeting/Staff Development in the Media Center
No PLC Meetings this week

- Please make sure you are updating your grades in Powerschool weekly
- Make sure you continue to encourage all parents to complete the AdvancEd survey

Next Week:
Sept. 29th
- Celebration of Excellence at Page High School from 5:30 p.m. to 7:30 p.m.
Sept. 30th
- SWGHS Blood Drive

Saturday, September 10, 2016

Week of September 12, 2016

Events of the Week:
I am hoping that all HVAC issues will be resolved this week. I know it has been hot, and I appreciate your patience. This week in your PLCs, we would like you to develop your vision and mission for this year. Developing a purpose helps us stay focused on why we do what we do each and every day. We are going to steer your discussions throughout this year, but want to know what it is you all want to accomplish as a team. This will help us find the resources that you need to be successful. The administrative team will also begin our observation cycles this week, So look for an individual email from your evaluator on the process. We will also be visiting classrooms and doing walkthroughs using our Iphones. We are recording data that we will share with you at the end of each quarter for reflection. 

This Week:
Sep. 13th
- School Picture Day for all underclassmen - (1st 2 periods)
- Instructional Meeting in Mrs. Barnum's Office 2nd period
- "Say Yes to Education" presentation at Southwest from 5:30 to 7:30PM
Sept. 14th 
- Leadership Meeting in Mrs. Barnum's Office at 7:45AM
PLC Meetings 
- Please make sure to set up your Powerschool correctly, it goes live on the 15th
- Please continue to remain consistent with dress code and expectations

Next Week:

PLC Meetings 

Friday, September 2, 2016

Week of September 5, 2016

Events of the Week:
I want to thank you all for a great start to this school year. I am impressed so far and excited on seeing how well you all work together. At different times, you may hear me question why we do certain things the way we do, or pose questions to you about things I see, understand that this is how I process. It does not mean change is coming, but could mean we may adjust a few of our methods so we become more efficient in the future. Remember, we have Open House Tuesday night at 6:30PM, I expect everyone to attend unless you have already spoken with me previously. Also, this Thursday, you will complete our PDPs and your teacher survey for our AdvancED accreditation during your planning periods. This will be a busy semester, so we are trying our best to get out in front of it. 

This Week:
Sep. 5th
- Labor Day Holiday - No school for students and staff
Sept. 6th 
- Open House for all students from 6:30 to 8:00 p.m.
Sept. 7th 
- EC Verification Day in Room D-140
Sept. 8th 
- Planning Period Meetings in the computer lab to complete PDPs and Teacher Survey for AdvancED. All teachers are expected to attend
Sept. 9th 
- Club Day in the Cafeteria for all Lunches
PLC Meetings

- Please let Ms. Nichols know your PLC members, where you plan to meet, and when
- Please make sure to set up your Powerschool correctly, it goes live on the 15th
- Let's stay diligent and consistent with dress code and expectations

Next Week:
Sep. 13th
- "Say Yes to Education" presentation at Southwest from 5:30 to 7:30PM
Sept. 14th 
- Leadership Meeting in Mrs. Barnum's Office at 7:45AM
PLC Meetings