Friday, September 30, 2016

Week of October 3, 2016

Events of the Week:
Can you believe it is October already. This week will be very exciting with all the Spirit activities and Homecoming. I encourage everyone to participate and join in the fun. The students love when we get involved. On Friday, we are hosting the 1st Annual Southwest Faculty vs Student Cornhole Tournament after school. Please see Mrs. Repko or a Leadership Class student to sign up. All proceeds will be given to St. Jude. Even if you do not participate, please come out and enjoy fellowship with one another before the Big Game. Our Faculty meeting is this Wednesday morning in the Media Center. The sooner you arrive, the sooner you can get out and back to your classrooms. 

This Week: Homecoming/Spirit Week!!
Oct. 3rd
- Spirit - America Day
Oct. 4th
- Instructional Meeting in Mrs. Barnum's room 2nd period
- Spirit -Pajama Day
Oct. 5th
- Faculty Meeting in the Media Center at 7:55 a.m.
- Spirit -Class Day - (Choose which ever theme suits you!)
Oct. 6th
- Benefits Enrollment in Media Center - All Day
- Spirit -Hawaiian Day
Oct. 7th
- Benefits Enrollment in Media Center - All Day
- Spirit -Cowboy Day
- Early Release - Professional Development in the Media Center at 1:45 p.m.
- 1st Annual SW Staff vs Student Cornhole Tournament begins at 5;00 p.m.
- Homecoming Football Game and Festivities at 7:30 PM
No PLCS this week with 2 meetings

- Make sure you double check the duty schedule at the beginning of each week 
- Please make sure you are updating your grades in Powerschool weekly
- Make sure you continue to encourage all parents to complete the AdvancEd survey

Next Week:
Oct. 11th
- Instructional Meeting in Mrs. Barnum's room 2nd period
Oct. 12th
- Leadership Meeting in Mrs. Barnum's Room at 7:45 a.m.
Oct. 14th
- Pep-Rally 4th period TBA
PLCS this week 

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