Friday, November 18, 2016

Week of November 21, 2016

Events of the Week: I hope you all enjoy your time off with friends and family over the Thanksgiving Holiday. You should come back rested and ready to finish this year strong! When we do return, we need to focus on the number of students with low or failing grades. Parent contact is a must. While the parent portal, remind, and other types of communication are tools, nothing beats a phone call home. If you are having difficulty getting a hold of a parent, please reach out to us for assistance. We can send a letter or possibly even do a home visit to encourage parent involvement. I appreciate your help with reaching all of our students.   

This Week:
Nov. 22nd
- Pie Day - PTSA Teacher Appreciation
Nov. 23rd
- No School For students and staff
Nov. 24th (Thanksgiving)
- No School For students and staff
Nov. 25th 
- No School For students and staff
No PLCS this week 

- Make sure you continue to encourage all parents to complete the AdvancEd survey
- Please remember to update your grades in Powerschool weekly. 
- Also, please help us monitor in the morning so that students are not roaming the building and are in designated areas.

Next Week:
Nov. 28th
- Fall Sports Banquet at 6:30 PM in the Auditorium
Nov. 29th
- Interim Reports for students with a D or F.
Dec. 2nd
- Bloodmobile in the Parking lot from 3:00 to 7:00 PM
PLCS this week 

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