Friday, May 25, 2018

Week of May 28


This weekend is Memorial Day weekend. Memorial Day is a solemn day of remembrance for everyone who has died serving in the American armed forces.Please take a moment to reflect during the weekend and think about those who have served. 

On behalf of the senior class, what a great day on Friday! Thank you to everyone who contributed in every single activity that the seniors participated in. The amount of work that takes place behind the scenes is beyond what one can imagine. Thank you, thank you, thank you to everyone who was involved!!  

We now have 4 full instructional days left.  It is clear that students are becoming a little restless as summer is approaching quickly. Please make sure we are reinforcing our school wide expectations, that instruction is engaging and bell to bell. If we do not finish strong, it will show through the students' behaviors and their academic performance during these last days of the year. Let's keep the foot on the gas as we are almost there.

We are still in need of your help. I need everyone to report any students who look like they are in danger of failing your class to:


12th grade = Rainey, Phillips, Hettenbach, Richards, Hudgens
11th grade = Barnum, Graves
10th grade = Monell, Hawkins
9th Grade = Compton, Hawkins

While I certainly do not want to emphasize one grade more than another, the next 4 days are the last days we are able to assist seniors.

When you e-mail the above groups, it is necessary to share all communications with contacts you have put forth. This is vital for these groups when having conversations with homes, and students.

This process should occur every week until we leave for the summer. No blindsides of failing grades should occur and remember to keep your communication logs. 

With all of the expectations put on us throughout this campus, in our county and from the state, I am so proud of everyone who has stepped up to the wellness board. I certainly appreciate everyone adhering to the honor policy with the jean incentives for exercising 30 minutes the prior day. Please relax a little over this 3 day weekend. You are all very deserving of this extra time off. Great job!!! 

An ongoing reminder as we start approaching the end of the year, GCS is expecting all staff to attend HS Graduation ceremonies and be in regalia. With this expectation, I will provide a FULL day of comp time that can be used for NEXT school year. The Graduation date for SWHS is Saturday, June 16 at 9:00 AM at the Greensboro Coliseum. More information will follow. It is expected that staff have the same expectations as students when it comes to dress attire. In other words, shorts, loafers, tank tops, hats would not be considered appropriate. For those of you that were at graduation last year, it really was a beautiful thing to see and recognize the staff for all that they do in front of 5000 people. You all deserve this at the very least. 

Reminder: The building will always be open on Sunday from roughly 7-1 due to Piedmont Chapel church. 

May 28
No School - Memorial Day

May 29
10:30 - 11:40 - Instructional team - Barnum's Office
6:00pm - 8:00pm - Spring Sports Banquet - Auditorium

May 30
8:00AM - Faculty Meeting - Media Center
8:00AM - 8:30AM - Faculty meeting (last of the year) -Media Center
6PM - Sandy Hook Promise Training - Know The Signs - Auditorium
5:30pm - 7:30pm - Athletic Physicals - Coggins Gym (Physicals Form and $5 needed)

May 31 
Exam exemption card distribution - Freshman cards will be distributed before school in Freshman Gym. Upper classmen cards will be distributed in all 4 lunches. 
6:30 - 8:30 - Beta Club Dodgeball Tournament for charity

June 2
8AM - Noon - EOC Boot Camps - Bio, Math 1 or English 10 teachers need to communicate to the homes for this opportunity

June 4
1st and 3rd block Teacher made exams (extended time for these blocks) - Regular school day. 2 and 4 are regular classes
1st Block:  8:40am -10:30am
2nd Block: 10:35am – 11:45am
3rd & 4th Blocks:  Regular schedule

June 5
2nd and 4th block Teacher made exams (extended time for these blocks) - Regular school day. 1 and 3 are regular classes
1st Block: 8:40am – 9:50am
2nd Block:  9:55am – 11:45am
3rd Block:  11:50am – 1:40pm
1st: 11:45-12:10
2nd: 12:15-12:40
3rd: 12:45-1:10
4th: 1:15-1:40
4th Block:  1:45 – 3:35pm

June 6
1st Block exams - early Release - 1:05

June 7
2nd Block exams - early Release - 1:05

June 8
3rd Block exams - early Release - 1:05

June 11
4th Block exams - early Release - 1:05
1:30 PM - Senior Awards - Auditorium
4:00 - 6:00 PM - Mandatory Graduation Practice - SWHS Auditorium (Graduation tickets will be distributed)

June 12
Make up exam day, last day of school
1:15 - Staff Luncheon - Cafeteria
4:00 - 6:00 PM - Mandatory Graduation Practice - Greensboro Coliseum special events center (be there by 3:15)
June 16
9:00 AM - Graduation

- Make sure you are updating grades in Power School 
Remember to reference CANVAS for all pertinent information. If you find that a document is not located on CANVAS, please inquire with one of the Assistant Principals or Tinisha Shaw.

Mr. Hettenbach


Front Lobby                                        Boulton
Attendance                                         Davison
Outside Media Center                        Vlazny
Inside Media Center                           Silvas
Cafeteria Inside (late bus)                  Evans
Cafeteria inside                                  Hammersley
Cafeteria outside                                Duran
Student lot outside gym                      Wesney
Gravel lot behind cafeteria                 Stone
Main hallway to Student Parking        Vonsteen
Academy gym (inside)                        Lovett
Academy gym (hallway)                     Caldwell


1st Lunch
Teacher 1                                             Demercurio
Teacher 2                                             Doak
Teacher 3                                             Gaines

2nd Lunch
Teacher 1                                             Byrd
Teacher 2                                             Atwood
Teacher 3                                             Kornegay

3rd Lunch
Teacher 1                                             Repko
Teacher 2                                             Canon
Teacher 3                                             Burroughs

4th Lunch
Teacher 1                                             Brady
Teacher 2                                             McDonald
Teacher 3                                             Jacobs

Please assist us in keeping students seated until the bell rings. Also – if you have lunch supervision, you can dismiss your class 2 minutes (no earlier) in order to get to the cafeteria before the students arrive.

Teacher 1 = Inside Cafeteria at Cashiers transitioning to old section of cafeteria
Teacher 2 = Outside serving line inside old section of cafeteria transitioning to large section of cafeteria
Teacher 3 = Outside line in hall transitioning to cafeteria exit

We are... Southwest!

Friday, May 18, 2018

Week of May 21


I hope each and everyone of you enjoyed your teacher appreciation week. The administrative team appreciates everything each and everyone of you do on a daily basis for the students of Southwest Guildford High School. 

Moving forward, I would like to challenge you and your health as we finish the year strong. I will allow you to wear jeans ANY day for the rest of the year ONLY IF you have exercised for 30 minutes the prior day. This exercise will not count if it relates to your professional responsibilities/duties (walking the hall for sweeps, walking to the copier, walking to the car, parking lot duty, walking to meetings, listening to Glenn Boulton, etc..... I think you understand. :))  However, if you want to walk the halls before or after school,or even during your planning for 30 minutes, at home, at a gym, etc, that will work.) All I ask is to make a note that you exercised and date it on our invisible dry erase "Wellness" board in the office hallway across from Mrs. Harris' and Mrs. Phillips'  office. I.e "Hettenbach - 5/23")
We will stick to the honor system with this challenge to finish up the year. As we all know, teachers are some of the best snitches, but not as good as the administrators. :) 

The countdown begins.....we are only 9 full regular days away from the start of teacher made exams on June 4th, and we are in need of your help. I need everyone to report any students who look like they are in danger of failing your class to:

E-mail the following groups:

12th grade = Rainey, Phillips, Hettenbach, Richards, Hudgens
11th grade = Barnum, Graves
10th grade = Monell, Hawkins
9th Grade = Compton, Hawkins

While I certainly do not want to emphasize one grade more than another, the next 9 days are the last days we are able to assist seniors.

When you e-mail the above groups, it is necessary to share all communications with contacts you have put forth. This is vital for these groups when having conversations with homes, and students.

This process should occur every week until we leave for the summer. No blindsides of failing grades should occur and remember to keep your communication logs. 

Mandatory Senior meeting is Monday in the Coggins Gym during 2nd block. We will need supervision from teachers who have ALL senior enrolled classes at that time. 

Saturday, May 26th is the last Saturday School for seniors.

Thank you to the departments that provided me with necessary feedback to formulate survey questions to the staff. This will allow us to steer towards improvements from this past year. Your contributions to this are very important. 

An ongoing reminder as we start approaching the end of the year, GCS is expecting all staff to attend HS Graduation ceremonies and be in regalia. With this expectation, I will provide a FULL day of comp time that can be used for NEXT school year. The Graduation date for SWHS is Saturday, June 16 at 9:00 AM at the Greensboro Coliseum. More information will follow. It is expected that staff have the same expectations as students when it comes to dress attire. In other words, shorts, loafers, tank tops, hats would not be considered appropriate. For those of you that were at graduation last year, it really was a beautiful thing to see and recognize the staff for all that they do in front of 5000 people. You all deserve this at the very least. 

Reminder: The building will always be open on Sunday from roughly 7-1 due to Piedmont Chapel church. 

Monday, May 21
  • Last Interim Report for the year! Please distribute to all students in ALL blocks. Please make sure all students' homes been communicated to about: grades below a C, behavioral or attendance concerns.
  • 10:10 - TBD - MANDATORY Senior Graduation Meeting - Coggins Gym - attendance will be taken.
Tuesday, May 22
  •  6:30PM-8:30PM - Orchestra Concert - Auditorium
  • 10:30 AM Instructional Meeting - Barnum's Office
Wednesday, May 23
  • 8AM - 11:30AM - AP Testing - AP English Language Composition 
Thursday, May 24
  • 6:30PM-8:30PM - Chorus recital - Auditorium
Friday, May 25
  • 8:45 - 11:15 - Graduation walks at Florence and SWES - meet in auditorium with cap and gown
  • 11:30am - 2:00pm - Senior Picnic - Stadium
Saturday, May 26
  • 8:00AM - Noon - Saturday School - Media Center - Last one.
May 28
No School - Memorial Day

May 29
6:00pm - 8:00pm - Spring Sports Banquet - Auditorium

May 30
8:00AM - 8:30AM - Faculty meeting (last of the year) -Media Center
PM - Sandy Hook Promise Training - Know The Signs - Auditorium
5:30pm - 7:30pm - Athletic Physicals - Coggins Gym (Physicals Form and $5 needed)
May 31 
Exam exemption card distribution - Freshman cards will be distributed before school in Freshman Gym. Upper classmen cards will be distributed in all 4 lunches. 

June 2
8AM - Noon - EOC Boot Camps - Bio, Math 1 or English 10 teachers need to communicate to the homes for this opportunity

June 4
1st and 3rd block Teacher made exams (extended time for these blocks) - Regular school day. 2 and 4 are regular classes
1st Block:  8:40am -10:30am
2nd Block: 10:35am – 11:45am
3rd & 4th Blocks:  Regular schedule

June 5
2nd and 4th block Teacher made exams (extended time for these blocks) - Regular school day. 1 and 3 are regular classes
1st Block: 8:40am – 9:50am
2nd Block:  9:55am – 11:45am
3rd Block:  11:50am – 1:40pm
1st: 11:45-12:10
2nd: 12:15-12:40
3rd: 12:45-1:10
4th: 1:15-1:40
4th Block:  1:45 – 3:35pm

June 6
1st Block exams - early Release - 1:05

June 7
2nd Block exams - early Release - 1:05

June 8
3rd Block exams - early Release - 1:05

June 11
4th Block exams - early Release - 1:05
1:30 PM - Senior Awards - Auditorium
4:00 - 6:00 PM - Mandatory Graduation Practice - SWHS Auditorium (Graduation tickets will be distributed)

June 12
Make up exam day, last day of school
1:15 - Staff Luncheon - Cafeteria
4:00 - 6:00 PM - Mandatory Graduation Practice - Greensboro Coliseum special events center (be there by 3:15)
June 16
9:00 AM - Graduation

- Make sure you are updating grades in Power School 
Remember to reference CANVAS for all pertinent information. If you find that a document is not located on CANVAS, please inquire with one of the Assistant Principals or Tinisha Shaw.

Mr. Hettenbach


Front Lobby                                        Luce
Attendance                                         McDonald
Outside Media Center                        Whitestone
Inside Media Center                           Sturgill
Cafeteria Inside (late bus)                  Wood
Cafeteria inside                                  Middleton
Cafeteria outside                                Larson
Student lot outside gym                      Bratton
Gravel lot behind cafeteria                 
Main hallway to Student Parking        Shavers
Academy gym (inside)                        Wright
Academy gym (hallway)                     Muse


1st Lunch
Teacher 1                                             Sturgill
Teacher 2                                             Ynoa Lantigua
Teacher 3                                             Compton

2nd Lunch
Teacher 1                                             Spillman
Teacher 2                                             Evans
Teacher 3                                             Shaw

3rd Lunch
Teacher 1                                             Philpott
Teacher 2                                             Christman
Teacher 3                                             Graves

4th Lunch
Teacher 1                                             Butler
Teacher 2                                             Bratton
Teacher 3                                             Hawkins

Please assist us in keeping students seated until the bell rings. Also – if you have lunch supervision, you can dismiss your class 2 minutes (no earlier) in order to get to the cafeteria before the students arrive.

Teacher 1 = Inside Cafeteria at Cashiers transitioning to old section of cafeteria
Teacher 2 = Outside serving line inside old section of cafeteria transitioning to large section of cafeteria
Teacher 3 = Outside line in hall transitioning to cafeteria exit

We are... Southwest!

Saturday, May 12, 2018

Week of May 14th


A teacher affects eternity; he can never tell where his influence stops. - Henry Brooks Adams


I want to extend a big thank you for everything you do on a daily basis. We would not be the school that is so highly sought after if it wasn't for everyone's daily contributions. What you do during the day, along with after and before school hours is a testament to your investment in children. Thank you from the bottom of my heart. Reminder that you can wear jeans all week! 

To all Moms......I wish all Mothers out there a very Happy Mother's Day. I hope your day is filled with laughter, smiles, and sunshine!
As AP testing continues, we will continue to send out the announcements via e-mail. PLEASE share these with your 3rd block class. 

The PROM is this coming Saturday 8PM - Midnight at Union Square in High Point. Please reach out to Beth Burroughs and Dawn Davis if you are able to assist with the PROM. Comp time will certainly be provided.

Thank you to the departments that provided me with necessary feedback to formulate survey questions to the staff. This will allow us to steer towards improvements from this past year. Your contributions to this are very important. 

An ongoing reminder as we start approaching the end of the year, GCS is expecting all staff to attend HS Graduation ceremonies and be in regalia. With this expectation, I will provide a FULL day of comp time that can be used for NEXT school year. The Graduation date for SWHS is Saturday, June 16 at 9:00 AM at the Greensboro Coliseum. More information will follow. It is expected that staff have the same expectations as students when it comes to dress attire. In other words, shorts, loafers, tank tops, hats would not be considered appropriate. For those of you that were at graduation last year, it really was a beautiful thing to see and recognize the staff for all that they do in front of 5000 people. You all deserve this at the very least. 

Reminder: The building will always be open on Sunday from roughly 7-1 due to Piedmont Chapel church. 

Monday, May 14
Staff Appreciation - Ice Cream Sandwiches giveaway
8AM - 11:30AM - AP Testing - AP Bio and AP Music Theory
Noon - 3:30 - AP Testing - AP Physics C
8:40AM - 3:40PM (your planning period) - Test Training NCFE and EOC - Media Center
Athletics - Check for latest playoff information
Tuesday, May 15
7:45AM - 8:30PM - Pancake breakfast for staff served by Admin - Far side of Cafeteria
8AM - 11:30AM - AP Testing - AP Calculus AB and BC
Noon - 3:30 - AP Testing - AP French Language and AP Computer Science
8:00AM - 8:30AM - Test Training EOC Online Test Training - Media Center Comp Lab (pick AM or PM
3:30PM - 4:15PM - Test Training EOC Online Test Training - Media Center Comp Lab (pick AM or PM
10:30 AM Instructional Meeting - Barnum's Office
Athletics - Check for latest playoff information

Wednesday, May 16
Optional Teacher Workday
8AM - 11:30AM - AP Testing - AP English Language Composition MOVED to May 23rd
Athletics - Check for latest playoff information

Thursday, May 17
7:45AM - 8:30AM - Discipline task Force Meeting - Barnum's office
SWHS SAVE Shirts on sale in cafeteria
6:30PM - 8:30PM - Band Concert - Auditorium
4:00PM - 6:00PM SW Spurs Dance Tryouts - C105 Dance room
8AM - 11:30AM - AP Testing - AP Comparative Government and Politics and  AP World History
Noon - 3:30 - AP Testing - AP Statistics
Athletics - Check for latest playoff information

Friday, May 18
Staff Appreciation - BBQ - during your lunch - outside of cafeteria
PTSA Jean day with bracelet or SWHS SAVE shirt
8AM - 11:30AM - AP Testing - AP Human Geography and AP Microeconomics
Noon - 3:30 - AP Testing - AP European History and AP Latin
Athletics - Check for latest playoff information

Saturday, May 19
8:00PM - Midnight - PROM 2018 - Union Square (410 English Road, High Point, NC 27262)

Coming Up...
May 21
Last Interim Report for the year! Please distribute to all students in ALL blocks. Have students' homes been communicated to about: grades below a C, behavioral or attendance concerns?
10:10 - TBD - MANDATORY Senior  Graduation Meeting - Auditorium 

May 22
6:30PM-8:30PM - Orchestra Concert - Auditorium

May 24
6:30PM-8:30PM - Chorus recital - Auditorium

May 25
Graduation walks at Florence and SWES
Senior Picnic

May 26
8:00AM - Noon - Saturday School - Media Center

May 30
8:00AM - 8:30AM - Faculty meeting (last of the year) -Media Center

June 4
1st and 3rd block Teacher made exams (extended time for these blocks) - Regular school day

June 5
2nd and 4th block Teacher made exams (extended time for these blocks) - Regular school day

June 6
1st Block exams - early Release - 1:05

June 7
2nd Block exams - early Release - 1:05

June 8
3rd Block exams - early Release - 1:05

June 11
4th Block exams - early Release - 1:05
1:30 PM - Senior Awards - Auditorium
4:00 - 6:00 PM - Graduation Practice - SWHS Auditorium

June 12
Make up exam day, last day of school
4:00 - 6:00 PM - Graduation Practice - Greensboro Coliseum special events center (be there by 3:15)

- Make sure you are updating grades in Power School 
Remember to reference CANVAS for all pertinent information. If you find that a document is not located on CANVAS, please inquire with one of the Assistant Principals or Tinisha Shaw.

Mr. Hettenbach


Front Lobby                                        Burroughs
Attendance                                         Ridge
Outside Media Center                        Puckett
Inside Media Center                           Steely
Cafeteria Inside (late bus)                  Bednarski
Cafeteria inside                                  Lasher
Cafeteria outside                                Shields
Student lot outside gym                      Black
Gravel lot behind cafeteria                 Hagler
Main hallway to Student Parking        Byrd
Academy gym (inside)                        Richmond
Academy gym (hallway)                     Demercurio


1st Lunch
Teacher 1                                             Murphy
Teacher 2                                             Puckettt
Teacher 3                                             Rodriguez

2nd Lunch
Teacher 1                                             Shavers
Teacher 2                                             Wesney
Teacher 3                                             Hudgens

3rd Lunch
Teacher 1                                             Heffner
Teacher 2                                             Luce
Teacher 3                                             Duran

4th Lunch
Teacher 1                                             Ridge
Teacher 2                                             Silvas
Teacher 3                                             VonSteen

Please assist us in keeping students seated until the bell rings. Also – if you have lunch supervision, you can dismiss your class 2 minutes (no earlier) in order to get to the cafeteria before the students arrive.

Teacher 1 = Inside Cafeteria at Cashiers transitioning to old section of cafeteria
Teacher 2 = Outside serving line inside old section of cafeteria transitioning to large section of cafeteria
Teacher 3 = Outside line in hall transitioning to cafeteria exit

We are... Southwest!