Before going into the specifics for the week that are important to know, I wanted to express my thanks for everyone giving the school their very best this year. All of you continue to amaze me day in and day out as we fight the fight for students and public education. We have a lot to be proud of this past year. For those of you who are attending graduation, you will hear me emphasize this past year and what SWHS stands for. I have never been surrounded by such an amazing group of giving staff members, students, and community members. The amount of giving we displayed this past year is absolutely incredible. As little as we are taken care of year after year, we unselfishly assist others who are in far more need than ourselves. Thank you.
I would also like to express my thanks for the many conversations I have had with you over this year. I can not tell you how much I appreciate the professional conversations that have taken place in and out of my office. It also impresses me the global understanding you have about how GCS is taking shape as a district. Whenever there is new leadership, whether it be the Superintendent, Central Office staff, Principal, Assistant Principal, Department Chair, etc, change is inevitable. With new people in these roles, we are given the opportunity to embrace or fight any change that we may face. It is important for you to know that I have also felt the pressure this past year that each and everyone of you have faced as well. One of the hardest things to learn over my 23 years in education is how to embrace change. This has taught me how to be a positive part of the change and how to make it work for myself and my teammates.
I would also like to thank everyone who has brought their feedback to me, good and bad. While I can't promise that I will make a move on every suggestion brought to me, your input is extremely valuable and it helps me make the best decision possible for the school.
Last, I have a challenge for you. Please make the effort to support your colleagues in any time of need. Whether it be personal or professional. Lift them up when they are in an unhealthy place. Be willing to have open dialogue with each other. Think about whether or not you would want to be made aware of your strengths or pitfalls from those you work with and care about on a daily basis. With what all has been placed upon us this year, many of you have stepped up to the plate and I appreciate that very much. Teamwork is the key to the many successes that come before us.
Thank you for exemplifying the total educator.
Monday is the last exam day, Block 4, with make ups on Tuesday. Please remember if you have students who are staying after the 1:05 time, to contact Mr. Miller so he can relay the transportation needs. Students would then be sent to the transportation trailer at 3:35.
If you have a student who has failed by a couple points or so, please reach out to Mr. Rainey about a 10 day grade recovery.
Please turn in all communication logs before you leave for the year to Mrs. Barnum. We typically receive phone calls form parents inquiring about grades. It is nice to be able to support the staff with the communications you have provided over the course of the year.
From Mrs. Cline:
Below is a wonderful opportunity surrounding mental health and some training the county is providing to assist our young people. Feel free to sign up.
I would like to remind everyone of the staff luncheon on Tuesday from 12:30 to 1:30 in the cafeteria. Thank you to the Sunshine Club for providing lunch.
I would also like to express my thanks for the many conversations I have had with you over this year. I can not tell you how much I appreciate the professional conversations that have taken place in and out of my office. It also impresses me the global understanding you have about how GCS is taking shape as a district. Whenever there is new leadership, whether it be the Superintendent, Central Office staff, Principal, Assistant Principal, Department Chair, etc, change is inevitable. With new people in these roles, we are given the opportunity to embrace or fight any change that we may face. It is important for you to know that I have also felt the pressure this past year that each and everyone of you have faced as well. One of the hardest things to learn over my 23 years in education is how to embrace change. This has taught me how to be a positive part of the change and how to make it work for myself and my teammates.
I would also like to thank everyone who has brought their feedback to me, good and bad. While I can't promise that I will make a move on every suggestion brought to me, your input is extremely valuable and it helps me make the best decision possible for the school.
Last, I have a challenge for you. Please make the effort to support your colleagues in any time of need. Whether it be personal or professional. Lift them up when they are in an unhealthy place. Be willing to have open dialogue with each other. Think about whether or not you would want to be made aware of your strengths or pitfalls from those you work with and care about on a daily basis. With what all has been placed upon us this year, many of you have stepped up to the plate and I appreciate that very much. Teamwork is the key to the many successes that come before us.
Thank you for exemplifying the total educator.
Monday is the last exam day, Block 4, with make ups on Tuesday. Please remember if you have students who are staying after the 1:05 time, to contact Mr. Miller so he can relay the transportation needs. Students would then be sent to the transportation trailer at 3:35.
Any students who WILL fail your class should be reported to:
12th grade = Rainey, Phillips, Hettenbach, Richards, Hudgens
11th grade = Barnum, Graves
10th grade = Monell, Hawkins
9th Grade = Compton, Miller
Please turn in all communication logs before you leave for the year to Mrs. Barnum. We typically receive phone calls form parents inquiring about grades. It is nice to be able to support the staff with the communications you have provided over the course of the year.
From Mrs. Cline:
Senior Grades – ASAP, once seniors have taken your exam please post their grades. I will be storing 1st round of senior grades the end of day June 6th.
Underclassmen Grades are due by the end of the day Thursday, June 14th
*****English II & English III teachers may be affected with a delay in exam scores.
For any course that has a NC final exam please enter the following until the scores are in:
4th qtr = actual grade
Exam (E1) = INC
Semester Final grade (F1) = INC
**********All teacher made exams can be entered and completed the afternoon of the exam. (you do not need to wait)
Use 6/11 or 6/12 for exam due dates – you will not be able to click for the green E2 Grades Complete. It will still calculate, just make sure you do click for
Q3, Q4 and F1 Grades Complete.
Students that need to make up time due to too many absences should receive an “55” – use comment code:
56244- A “55” indicates the attendance policy was violated.
Reporting Periods | End of Reporting Period | Last Day Student to make up work/attendance | Last Day for teacher to change grade | Data Manager completes the Restore Process |
4th | 6/12/2018 | 6/26/2018 | 06/27/2018 (Last day for teachers is 06/15/2018) | 6/27/2018 at 5 PM |
You will need to print out and give to me only the Score Sheet which is your spreadsheet with assignments & final grade. Please don’t turn them in until they are as correct as they will be.
By following these instructions below you can make sure your name & class are on your spreadsheet-
Click on Reports>Spreadsheet>Click on the Layout Tab, in the Top Note box type your last name & click on Run Report >Ok>Print>Click on Shrink oversized paper & Landscape>PRINT
Report cards will be mailed to students June 21st.
Grade changes can be submitted after report cards have been printed. (For instructions on changing grades - AKA “manually overriding grades” please see the attachment). I have attached the grade change form that has to be filled out for all grade changes. You will make the change in your gradebook but you have to give me the form to let me know what you have changed so I can store the grades which will update student’s transcript.
Youth Mental Health First Aid Training
Youth Mental Health First Aid Training is being offered June 11th , in room 201 at Washington Street. It will be offered again this summer, July 17 and 18, 2018, at the EC Summer Institute at UNCG. Youth Mental Health First Aid Training is primarily designed for adults who regularly interact with young people. The course introduces common mental health issues for youth, reviews typical adolescent development and teaches a 5-step action plan for how to help young people in both crisis and non-crisis situations. To register, use this link: GCS: Mental Health First Aid forYouth. I would like to remind everyone of the staff luncheon on Tuesday from 12:30 to 1:30 in the cafeteria. Thank you to the Sunshine Club for providing lunch.
As a reminder, GCS is expecting all staff to attend HS Graduation ceremonies and be in regalia. With this expectation, I will provide a FULL day of comp time that can be used for NEXT school year. The Graduation date for SWHS is Saturday, June 16 at 9:00 AM at the Greensboro Coliseum. Please make sure you are there no later than 8:15. It is expected that staff have the same expectations as students when it comes to dress attire. In other words, shorts, loafers, tank tops, hats would not be considered appropriate. For those of you that were at graduation last year, it really was a beautiful thing to see and recognize the staff for all that they do in front of 5000 people. You all deserve this at the very least. More information will be coming via e-mail from Kim Cofer. Thank you to everyone who is assisting us with graduation practice Monday and Tuesday as well as additional responsibilities on Saturday at graduation practice!
Reminder: The building will always be open on Sunday from roughly 7-1 due to Piedmont Chapel church.
June 11
4th Block exams - early Release - 1:05
1:30 PM - Senior Awards - Auditorium
4:00 - 6:00 PM - Mandatory Graduation Practice - SWHS Auditorium
June 12
Make up exam day, last day of school
12:30 - 1:30PM - Staff Luncheon - Cafeteria
4:00 - 6:00 PM - Mandatory Graduation Practice - Greensboro Coliseum special events center (be there by 3:15)
June 14
Grades due for all underclassmen by the end of the day.
June 16
9:00 AM - Graduation - staff must be at the coliseum by 8:15AM for robing.
June 21
Report Cards will be mailed to homes of students
- Make sure you are updating grades in Power School
Remember to reference CANVAS for all pertinent information. If you find that a document is not located on CANVAS, please inquire with one of the Assistant Principals or Tinisha Shaw.
No one scheduled. Anyone not testing - help would be greatly appreciated
1st Lunch
Teacher 1 Greene
Teacher 2 Holmes
Teacher 3 Richards
2nd Lunch
Teacher 1 Littles-Thiam
Teacher 2 Bassett
Teacher 3 Keveryn
3rd Lunch
Teacher 1 Shields
Teacher 2 Talley
Teacher 3 Donovan
4th Lunch
Teacher 1 Gann
Teacher 2 Rainey
Teacher 3 Jacobs
Please assist us in keeping students seated until the bell rings. Also – if you have lunch supervision, you can dismiss your class 2 minutes (no earlier) in order to get to the cafeteria before the students arrive.
Teacher 1 = Inside Cafeteria at Cashiers transitioning to old section of cafeteria
Teacher 2 = Outside serving line inside old section of cafeteria transitioning to large section of cafeteria
Teacher 3 = Outside line in hall transitioning to cafeteria exit
We are... Southwest!
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