Saturday, September 12, 2020

Staff Round Up for September 14

Great week team!

Grading and Attendance are fully underway. As we would during the normal year, if you are finding students absent multiple days in a row (or failing), please make that call. If you have made multiple attempts, have no other contacts, please reach out to Emily Wright for a home visit.

Students should be marked with a 1R (Present off-site) attendance code. Students should not have any blank attendance days.

A student should be marked either a 1R (Present off-site) or 2A (Unexcused absence)

Teachers will be able to go back 10 previous days to adjust attendance and enter attendance 5 days in advance. 

A gentle reminder to review the attendance procedures below, and review again. 

Thank you to Jane Arrington for creating this awesome grades syncing video... which GCS asked if they could use for the system!! Way to go Jane!

Video -- How to Sync from Canvas to PowerTeacherPro Gradebook. 

Instructor Help: Using PowerTeacher Pro in Canvas  
Some Caveats about using the Sync Feature:  

  1. Only Numeric Grades will sync to PowerTeacherPro  ( not Complete/Incomplete, Letter grades, etc. )  
  2. If an assignment is marked Late or Excused in Canvas that will sync to PowerTeacherPro (excused will be marked exempt in PTP)  
  3. Assignments marked as Missing will not sync as Missing to PTP (you can mark it as Missing once it is in PTP)  
  4. Comments do NOT sync from Canvas to PTP   
  5. If you Mark assignments Missing, Incomplete, or Absent or if you add a comment to PTP and then sync the grades from Canvas a second time, all of those marks and the Comments will Disappear! You would have to go to the Assignment tab in Canvas and uncheck that you want it to sync with the SIS in order to avoid those marks and comments from Disappearing! 

From the desk of our very own CF, Nicole Cutler:

From the desk of our very own CF, Nicole Cutler:

Resources and Curriculum Updates:

Please see the attached document where resources have been gathered for teachers. One Stop Shop SWHS.docx The SWHS Canvas page is also being updated and houses lots of great information, please make sure to check out the “Modules” listed. The SWHS Licensed Teacher Teams page now has a “Curriculum Facilitator News” channel, curriculum updates from the district will be posted and uploaded there in order to cut down on school wide emails.

 Microsoft Innovator Educator

Courses have been developed for each school, here is the course for SWHS: #14665 GCS-PROFLRN: Microsoft Innovator Educators (MIE) Badge Initiative Fall 2020 (SOUTHWEST GUILFORD HIGH) Participants have the ability to earn between 0.3-2.0 Digital Learning Competency credits based on which pathway they choose to complete. Click the link for information on GCS Microsoft Innovative Educator – 2020:

Please complete your MIE pathway between August 26th – October 20th. Once you have completed your pathway, please download your certificates and upload them to the folder located in the files tab of the Curriculum Facilitator News channel.

Learning Pathways



21st Century Learning Design



Creating a Digitally Inclusive Learning Environment



Fostering a Dynamic Remote Learning Environment with Student-Centered Tools



Getting Started with Office 365 and Windows



Inclusive Classroom Foundation



Inclusive Classroom Specialization



Office 365 Teacher Academy



Skills for Future, Voice, and Collaboration



Student Centered Learning



Level Up with Office 365 and Windows



Interim Assessment Training for All EOC Teachers (Biology, English II, Math 1, Math 3) and EC Teachers Friday, September 18th at 8am-9am. Microsoft Teams Invite has been sent out with all Training materials.

Interim Assessment Calendar 2020-2021 School Year: Interim Assessment Calendar 20-21 

Remember that we are still following the NC grading policy (10 point scale)... just like we were prior to this past March. Please make sure your weights are alike within your department and shared to your students.  

From the desk of Renee Harris:

Staff Please try to complete Verification Forms Daily (along with your many other tasks) 😊

No set time just the day of… preferably or the next morning at the latest.

I will send reminders on Mondays and Thursdays (for now) so please set email reminders or phone alarms. After Sept. 21 only Monday reminders…

Feel free to use this link when students tell you they don't have a device, or internet, or need work, etc.... 

This past week, we starting delivering work to students houses... over 400 deliveries to be honest!  Also, if you have textbooks that students have inquired about, please label them and have them in front of the office. We will deliver those too!  Please do not ask us to deliver anything that you and a student have not individually discussed about (i.e entire class set of books).  

Last, we are not delivering anything that is currently in the atrium. We will only deliver items that are on the tables in the front office foyer area. If you are needing items picked up, you MUST fill out a form to have that work picked up and put on the routes. My goal is to have a steady drop off/pick up system every Tuesday and Thursday. AT the moment, due to the enormous amount of items, we are doing our bets to get all these items out (it will slow down a lot once the textbooks and consumable packets are finished). Please e-mail Jessica White with any questions related to this process.

Thank you Lisa Whitestone!  Lisa created a Canvas course for Service Learning to keep students/parents updated and to answer any questions they may have regarding Service learning at Southwest High School. Feel free to reach out to Lisa with any questions surrounding Service Learning. 

Reminder of counseling case loads....

Counselors' caseloads are as followed: Ms.Graves A-D 10th-12th, Ms.Campbell E-L 10th - 12th, Ms. Graham M-R 10th - 12th, Mrs. Hudgens S-Z 10th - 12th, Ms.Compton 9th grade counselor

If there are any items I have not addressed, or failed to get answers to you, please remind me so I can stay on top of those inquiries. 

We are in it it together. We got this. We are... Southwest!

Enjoy your weekend!

Mr. Hettenbach

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