On Monday, November 2nd, Southwest will administer the Equal Opportunity School's (EOS) Survey for students. Through our work as a staff, we continue to create access and opportunity for all students that express an interest in expanding their opportunities in education. We have seen varying programs support students in their academic pursuits based on their interests and desires. Let's continue that trend! Our goal is to get 100% of our staff AND 100% of our students to complete the survey! We are currently at 32% with our staff surveys.
If you are a 2nd block teacher, the survey will be administered schoolwide on Monday, November 2nd, during 2nd block classes. The survey link is below and can be posted to your Canvas page on Monday in preparation for your students to take the survey during class. Students will need their student ID to log into the survey. It is important that you explain to your students that this is their opportunity to have a voice and to be heard. When we achieve a higher completion rate, we are provided with the most comprehensive data to outreach to African American students, students of color, and low-income students to invite them into higher-level courses. This work continues and has increasingly impacted students over the past three years here at Southwest. We have done some great work!
If you are on this e-mail, you will be administering the survey during your class time. Please take note of who is in attendance to take the survey and make the goal 100%. If a student does not show, then give them an opportunity to take the survey the next day. You will complete a Microsoft Form with students that did not complete the survey by Tuesday
afternoon. I will send that out Tuesday, midday.
Please push all students to take the survey and remember the goal is
Students will need their student ID to log into the survey.
Resources and Curriculum Updates:
Please see the attached document where resources have been gathered for teachers. One Stop Shop SWHS.docx The SWHS Canvas page is also being updated and houses lots of great information, please make sure to check out the “Modules” listed. The SWHS Licensed Teacher Teams page now has a “Curriculum Facilitator News” channel, curriculum updates from the district will be posted and uploaded there in order to cut down on school wide emails.
2020-2021 PLCs
The goals of effective professional learning communities:
· Increase student achievement
· Create meaningful and quality task and assessments
· Establish professional relationships
· Improve teaching and learning
Effective professional learning community:
· Always Assume Positive Intentions: All members come with the intention to work and assume the same of their colleagues
· All members focus on increasing student achievement
· Work to create meaningful and quality task/assignments/projects/assessments aligned with course curriculum standards
· Understand and prepare to implement the district curriculum framework
· Unpack the curriculum standards to make constructive instructional decisions
· Set SMART goal(s) (often connected to the most pressing instructional challenge, service-learning project, quality task, or a skill)
o Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Relevant, and Time-Bound
· Analyze student data for strengths, weaknesses, and remediation strategies
· Review concepts and skills necessary to master standards
· Develop effective lesson plans and assessments
· Share instructional practices, pedagogical knowledge, and teaching experiences
· Always end with an action, plan, or solution
This school year, the focus is for your team to use data to drive instruction and increase student achievement. Below, I have attached the fall PLC meeting schedule as well as copies of the data protocol and assessment analysis documents to be used as you meet. A link will be created weekly for you to submit your data protocol/meeting minutes to Canvas. All meeting minutes should be posted by the end of each week by 5:00 pm to Canvas as an attached Word document.
The PLC documents can be found in Canvas. The agenda is attached to this e-mail and the exemplar can be found in Canvas.
HOSA has planned to serve the community through various activities that we've been doing the past years.
These events will occur in the Media Center parking lot. Masks, social distancing MUST be utilized.
Oct. 31st - "Trick or Can" students will collect can goods during Halloween in their own neighborhood. Out of the Garden can pick up collected goods on Monday - Nov. 2nd
November 20th - "Cover the City" - collecting slightly or new blankets for the Homeless and Urban Ministry. A representative will come to collect the blankets this day.
December 18th - "Rylie's Blessings" - collecting new or slightly used toys to be donated to Wake Forest's Pediatric Unit playroom.
Have you left your mark at SWGHS? Buy a Legacy Brick to commemorate your time as a Southwest Cowboy, and make a contribution to your sport, band or chorus to help fund critical equipment and uniform purchases and fees! AND get a great deal RIGHT NOW! The first 21 seniors/senior families to purchase a Legacy Brick this year will get 21% off the price of the brick! That's $21 off the $100 brick! Click here to order your brick, and enter 212021 in the promo code field to take advantage of this deal!
Please support our SW Athletic Dept. and Booster Club by promoting and giving to a wonderful cause! It is a simple process. Just click on the QR code and the paypal link below.
Also check out this awesome video that our Women's Soccer athletes took part in!
Attention- Tryout/First Official Dates of Practice for XC and Volleyball
Check-in Location: SW Gym
Volleyball- Group A 3:45, Group B 4:30 PM
XC- 4:15 PM
Note- We are still looking for 9th-12th boys and girls to join our XC team this fall. Please reach out to Coach Patrick or Coach Baker at or
Upcoming Return to Play Sports:
Nov. 9th- M/W Swimming Times/Dates: TBA email Coach Byrd:
Nov.9th – Men’s JV/V Soccer Times/Dates: TBA email Coach Manley:
Nov. 9th- Men’s Lax Times/Dates: TBA email Coach Kanowicz:
M. Soccer- Nov. 10th/12th 4 PM check-in (Gym Parking lot) Conditioning- SW Elementary School field Practice Ends: 5:15/30
Tuesday- 3:45 Volleyball, 3:45- W. Basketball, 5:15- M. Basketball, 4:30-XC, 4:45-Cheerleading
Wednesday- 3:45 Volleyball Tryouts (Pod 1 Jr/Sr- 3:45, Pod 2 Fr./So.- 4:45 PM), XC- 4:15 PM
Thursday- 3:45 Volleyball Tryouts (Pod 1 Jr/Sr- 3:45, Pod 2 Fr./So.- 4:45 PM), XC- 4:15 PM
Friday- 3:45 Volleyball Tryouts (Pod 1 Jr/Sr- 3:45, Pod 2 Fr./So.- 4: PM), XC- 4:15 PM
*Note- Nov. 4, 5, and 6 is a Dead Period. Only VB and XC are allowed to practice.
We are in it it together. We got this. We are... Southwest!
Enjoy your weekend!
Mr. Hettenbach