I hope this Round Up finds you resting during your weekend as we prepare to see our 9th graders on campus Monday.
I want to let you know my personal feelings about this upcoming week. Is my anxiety level up? Of course! And it is up because I want this to be a very successful week, for you, and for our students. However, I KNOW we will have to make adjustments as we move through the next few weeks. Please know that is to be expected and it is going to be ok.
This week, Guilford County starts vaccinating all of their employees. You will get a code to sign up. Hopefully you see what a sample code looks like and then jump on it when you receive yours. Please do not share this with anyone else. Please take advantage of this when it is your turn (of course if you are wanting to get vaccinated). If your appointment interferes with your asynchronous instruction, please post recorded lessons for your students.
As Monday will soon be upon us, I challenge us all to focus on welcoming the students, building relationships, setting the tone for the class using the RANCH acronym, demonstrating and reinforcing the health and safety expectations, and of course, playing your role in the school wide culture change. Let's be at our supervision posts, redirecting when necessary, motivating our students and making this an inclusive environment for all. I look forward to seeing everyone in the halls, energized in the classrooms, and doing what you all do best!
Thank you again for all your hard work!
We are resilient, we are together, we will rise up!
We are Cowboy Strong!
SWGHS Staff Operations Manual
Do you feel like there is something missing from this manual? Please e-mail any administrator of what it is and where the location should be. As we continue to build this, we are hoping this becomes the ultimate Staff Handbook. Thank you to everyone who has played a role in this development!
Please deliver and facilitate discussion using the SWGHS RANCH powerpoint with in-person and remote students on Monday and Thursday. The information describes our school expectations and encourages students to think about them as it relates to health and safety in this pandemic. In addition to the powerpoint, feel free to use this Ranch Life poster. Let’s ensure that character counts at the Ranch!
When students return to
in-person/face-to-face (F2F) instruction, please follow the following
attendance reporting procedures in PowerSchool.
In-Person (F2F) Students:
Teachers must take attendance for
in-person students daily prior to the end of the class period. Any student
who is absent should be marked as an
Unexcused Absence (2A) or with an Excused Absence code.
In-Person (F2F) Students should be
marked as 1R- Present Off-Site on their remote days.
Quarantined In-Person (F2F)
In-person (F2F) students who have
been exposed to/or have a confirmed case of COVID-19 will be asked to
remain home for 14 days. The school nurse will notify school
staff of students who need to be quarantined based on public health
data. Public health and/or school staff should notify parents if
students need to be quarantined. Public health officials are the only
designees who can quarantine staff or students.
If the quarantined
can work remotely, student should be
provided work to be completed at home and assigned a 1R- Present Off-Site.
is too ill to work from home, the
student should be assigned a 1D – Quarantine.
Unless the teacher is sick, instruction
continues to be provided during quarantine. If the teacher is sick, alternate
plans are made to provide instruction to students while the teacher is
Remote or Virtual Students:
Students who are learning remotely
should be assigned the 1R - Present Off-Site. Attendance for
these students should be taken and updated within the 10-day
reporting window.
Social Emotional Learning
When students begin their return on February 22nd, we will NOT be allowed to have our own children in the building, UNLESS they are enrolled with us. On Wednesdays, as long as we do not have any student functions on these days, I will allow you to bring your non-SW children to the building. Please plan/ govern yourselves accordingly.
Dress Code
- Jeans with fabric underneath covering holes
- Joggers/Sweatpants/Athletic leggings acceptable
- Shorts/dresses not shorter than finger tips or top of knee
- No sagging pants
- No pajama pants/slippers
- Any t-shirts with no inappropriate language, symbols, alcohol/drug, political views (amongst other items), that can cause disruption, or is inappropriate to the education environment.
- All shirts should have sleeves (no tank tops/muscle shirts) (Be understanding with female dress attire, i.e dresses….)
- Masks - We require students to refrain from wearing masks that can cause disruption to the education environment. Some suggestions for acceptable masks; designs with no words, plain in color, Sw logo, etc.
- Sweatshirts (even with hoods) are acceptable as a primary top – but hoods must stay down while in school
- No hats
- No midriffs, “topdriff”, “Backdriff”
- No transparent clothes
Please encourage your students to bring clear water bottles (since we have water bottle filling stations, Water fountains are closed off, and to encourage car riders as best possible to assist with the limited capacity for buses.
I will NOT have the bells ring on Wednesdays. The “90 minute time frame” starts with the face to face come February 22nd with those who are in front of you.
The current bell schedule (with lunch bells forthcoming)… we all know this can change.
9:05 – Staff is in room
9:15 – Students allowed in building and right to gym/class
9:55 – 1st block starts
10:05 – late bell
11:30 – 1st block ends
11:35 – 2nd block starts
11:45 – late bell
1:25 – 2nd block ends
Lunch bells will be added within here (forthcoming)
1:30 - 3rd block starts
1:40 – late bell
2:55 - 3rd block ends
3:00 - 4th block starts
3:10 – late bell
4:25 - 4th block ends
Students MUST exit the campus (athletes are to go to their locations)
4:35 – staff may be dismissed
Note: Please make sure that we do not send students to the front office or attendance office to use the phone if they become sick in their class. Any student stating they do not feel well, must be escorted by an administrator. The administrator or administrative representative will escort the student to the isolation room due to a a process that must take place.
Please use the Substitute list below. If there are any issues with the sub saying they will not sub at this time, please let Mrs. Barnum know.
Frontline/AESOP using the instructions below:
Go to GCS web page.
- Click on Staff
- Then under Miscellaneous click on Frontline Education
(formerly AESOP)
- Once you click on that link it should automatically
sign you into AESOP
****If you are at home, you can use that same link but
use your email user name and email password to
sign in.
Do not use your phone number and the last
5 digits of your SSN. (That will not work)
Folks - as the below link was made to assist people for clarity. It is not a platform to complain, or put items in that we can not control. Board decisions, timing of vaccinations, state allotments, etc. If you need a Hettenbach listening session, please let me know. Also - try not to repeat your question or concern. Many questions/concerns are repeated.
Question/Concerns from faculty Meeting
As shared in the faculty meeting, Electronic versions of the 1st semester report card were sent out on Thursday, January 28th and to parents' and students' e-mail addresses (up to 5 e-mail addresses). If they did not receive this, please have them e-mail Mrs. Cline to ask her to update their e-mail address so they can receive all electronic information pertaining to their student.
Ms. Rainey-Farmer and Ms. McIver will oversee RS and Isolation rooms. Note: No student should ever be sent to an isolation room without administrative escort. .
ACT Testing
Teachers and Counselors of Juniors:
To help with communication of this information, please share this on your canvas pages and any other broadcast communication methods you use.
Please see additional information below and attached concerning the accounts students must create....
All students taking the ACT will create an account in to enter non-test information and select college or university score recipients. Students must also complete the non-test information on the answer folder on test day before beginning testing. is the only place where students will be able to indicate the schools that will receive their ACT score. This is a new procedure. If students do not plan to attend college, they should still complete the MyACT process to have access to their test scores online.
Resources Needed to Create a MyACT Account
Personalized copies of the Non-Test Instructions for Student form will contain personally identifiable information (PII) and must be picked up in person by the student or their parent/guardian in the front lobby at SWHS.
Timeline for Entering Information in
The non-test information section in MyACT is expected to go live for students on February 20th; students may enter their MyACT information at that time. Students will not be able to enter their student code or select college score recipients in MyACT before February 20th.
The Guilford Apprenticeship Partners program is still accepting applications. If you are an interested junior or senior, it’s not too late to apply!
GAP is a four year apprenticeship program with tracks in Manufacturing, Information Technology and Cybersecurity, Automotive, VAC/Electrical/Plumbing. It’s open to all juniors and seniors who meet the GAP requirements of good attendance and a minimum GPA of 2.5-2.8. For more information about the GAP program, visit or contact Mrs. Cook at
Remind codes Class of 2024 Students
Class of 2024 Parents
Ms. Graves 10th - 12th last names A -D
Remind codes 10th Grade Last Name A-D @swghs2023
11th Grade Last Name A-D @swghs2022
12th Grade Last Name A-D @swghs2021
Ms. Campbell 10th - 12th last names E - L
Remind codes 10th Grade Last Name E-L @cowgirl23
11th Grade Last Name E-L @cowgirl22
12th Grade Last name E-L @cowgirl21
Ms. Graham 10th- 12th last names M - R
Remind Codes 10th Grade Last Name M-R @graham2023
11th Grade Last Name M-R @graham2022
12th Grade last Name M-R @graham 2021
Mrs. Hudgens 10th - 12th last names S - Z
Schedule an appointment at
Remind Codes 10th Grade Last Name S-Z @swgh2023
11th Grade Last Name S-Z @hudgens22
12th Grade Last Name S-Z @hudgsw21
Have you left your mark at SWGHS?
For Game Schedules go to
Brindon Christman
We are in it it together. We got this. We are... Southwest!
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