Congratulations to the staff members who won the September GOOD to GREAT awards. These are awards that represent Guilford County Schools beliefs about Teaching and Learning; Growth Mindset (Tinisha Shaw), Consistency (Michelle Meck), Racial Equity (Bruner Rodriguez), Relationship (Guy Shavers), Diversity (Tony Philpott and Julia Duran) and Critical Thinking (Stephanie Powell). We already see mnay other staff who are leading the charge for the October awards. Keep up the great work!! Additionally, congratulations to Stuart Cox for winning the Horace Mann Crystal Apple Award. Stuart has demonstrated going above and beyond for his students
by taking the initiative to participate in extra peer observation walk thrus,
stealing great ideas from colleagues along the way.
Last, a big thank you for everyone who has been persevering through the challenges put in front of them and being in attendance each day, all day. All individuals that fell in this group had their name put in a hat for a $25 drawing. This past month's winner was Demario Greene. We will distribute these awards again the first Wednesday in November. As a side note, the Crystal Apple award will focus on PLCs! Thank you for continuing to move from GOOD to GREAT. I applaud each and every one of you are accepting this challenge.
As a reminder, Wednesday Walkthroughs are on hold due to the PSAT testing for 10th and 11th graders. If you wish to participate in any of these outside of your regularly scheduled walks, feel free to mention that to Ms. Shaw. These pick right back up next Wednesday, October 18th. Remember to check your calendar for your Wednesday Walkthrough dates.
Leadership team meeting has been moved from Wednesday AM to Thursday AM due to the PSAT (7:45 Barnum's office).
First round of evaluations are well under way and should be close to finished for Standard and Comprehensive cycle employees. Each staff member should be reflecting on how we are focused on integrating the EOCs (English 2, Math 1, Biology), and meaningful effort towards reducing the achievement and suspension gap. Additionally, as we have reviewed data for our school, AP and ACT should also be a focus. Thank you to everyone who is embracing this reflection and making a laser light focus on these goals.
As you meet your students at your doorway entering your classroom, never hesitate to ask a student to show you their SW spirit shirt. Students are taking more advantage of staff who do not address the code as it was written. Remember, we must be consistent.
Additionally, food and drinks, cell phone, hallway monitoring has been much improved as it relates to consistency. As a friendly reminder, much of this can be eliminated at the door before the students enter. Thank you to everyone who continues to demonstrate consistent managerial practices.
Monday(10/8) is the 2nd interim report distribution day for all students regardless of their grades. Please remember to contact all students who have Ds and Fs! Last, please make the effort to update grades in PowerSchool weekly.
Seniors will have a senior meeting on Wednesday in the auditorium at 8:45. Upon finishing, these seniors will be released early with the opportunity to visit GTCC for tours, apply for colleges, work on applications and resumes as well as explore career opportunities.
Thank you for everything you continue to do to make Southwest GREAT!
Mr. Hettenbach
WE ARE...SOUTHWEST!! Go Cowboys!
As a reminder, Wednesday Walkthroughs are on hold due to the PSAT testing for 10th and 11th graders. If you wish to participate in any of these outside of your regularly scheduled walks, feel free to mention that to Ms. Shaw. These pick right back up next Wednesday, October 18th. Remember to check your calendar for your Wednesday Walkthrough dates.
Leadership team meeting has been moved from Wednesday AM to Thursday AM due to the PSAT (7:45 Barnum's office).
First round of evaluations are well under way and should be close to finished for Standard and Comprehensive cycle employees. Each staff member should be reflecting on how we are focused on integrating the EOCs (English 2, Math 1, Biology), and meaningful effort towards reducing the achievement and suspension gap. Additionally, as we have reviewed data for our school, AP and ACT should also be a focus. Thank you to everyone who is embracing this reflection and making a laser light focus on these goals.
As you meet your students at your doorway entering your classroom, never hesitate to ask a student to show you their SW spirit shirt. Students are taking more advantage of staff who do not address the code as it was written. Remember, we must be consistent.
Additionally, food and drinks, cell phone, hallway monitoring has been much improved as it relates to consistency. As a friendly reminder, much of this can be eliminated at the door before the students enter. Thank you to everyone who continues to demonstrate consistent managerial practices.
Monday(10/8) is the 2nd interim report distribution day for all students regardless of their grades. Please remember to contact all students who have Ds and Fs! Last, please make the effort to update grades in PowerSchool weekly.
Seniors will have a senior meeting on Wednesday in the auditorium at 8:45. Upon finishing, these seniors will be released early with the opportunity to visit GTCC for tours, apply for colleges, work on applications and resumes as well as explore career opportunities.
Thank you for everything you continue to do to make Southwest GREAT!
Mr. Hettenbach
WE ARE...SOUTHWEST!! Go Cowboys!
Below are our games for next week. Feel free to navigate the athletic department's website....
Monday, October 09
5:00 PM Womens Junior Varsity Volleyball Eastern Guilford High School Away
6:30 PM Womens Varsity Volleyball Eastern Guilford High School Away\
Tuesday, October 10
10:30 AM Instructional Meeting - Barnum's Office
TBA Womens Varsity Tennis OPEN DATE Conference tourney Home
TBA Womens Varsity Tennis OPEN DATE Conference tourney Home
4:00 PM Womens Varsity Golf North Davidson High School Home
5:00 PM Womens Junior Varsity Volleyball North Forsyth High School Match Home
5:30 PM Mens Junior Varsity Soccer North Forsyth High School Home
6:30 PM Womens Varsity Volleyball North Forsyth High School Match Home
7:00 PM Mens Varsity Soccer North Forsyth High School Home
Wednesday, October 11
TBA Womens Varsity Tennis OPEN DATE Conference Championship Game Home
5:00 PM Coed Varsity Cross Country Conference meet @ SWGHS Home
8:45 AM - Senior Meeting - Coggins Gym
PSAT for 10th and 11th graders - Homerooms
8:45-10:00 Wednesday Walkthroughs - none scheduled
Thursday, October 12
7:45 AM - Leadership Meeting - Barnum's office
5:00 PM Womens Junior Varsity Volleyball Ben L. Smith High School Match Away
5:00 PM Womens Junior Varsity Volleyball Ben L. Smith High School Match Away
5:30 PM Mens Junior Varsity Soccer Ben L. Smith High School Away
6:30 PM Womens Varsity Volleyball Ben L. Smith High School Match Away
7:00 PM Mens Varsity Soccer Ben L. Smith High School Away
7:00 PM Mens Junior Varsity Football Ben L. Smith High School Home
Friday, October 13
7:30 PM Mens Varsity Football Ben L. Smith High School Away
Remember to reference CANVAS for all pertinent information. If you find that a document is not located on CANVAS, please inquire with one of the Assistant Principals or Tinisha Shaw.
Front Lobby Boulton
Attendance McDonald
Outside Media Center Wood
Inside Media Center Bednarski
Attendance McDonald
Outside Media Center Wood
Inside Media Center Bednarski
Cafeteria Inside (late bus) Baker
Cafeteria inside Middleton
Cafeteria outside Hammersley
Student lot outside gym Littles-Thiam
Gravel lot behind cafeteria Nadeau
Main hallway to Student Parking Haith
Gravel lot behind cafeteria Nadeau
Main hallway to Student Parking Haith
Academy gym (inside) Wright
Academy gym (hallway) Muse
1st Lunch
Teacher 1 Muse
Teacher 2 Holmes
Teacher 3 Haith
2nd Lunch
Teacher 1 Kornegay
Teacher 2 Shavers
Teacher 3 Philpott
3rd Lunch
Teacher 1 Cheriyan
Teacher 2 Duran
Teacher 3
4th Lunch
Teacher 1 Nadeau
Teacher 2 Richmond
Teacher 3 Bradshaw
Please assist us in keeping students seated until the bell rings. Also – if you have lunch supervision, you can dismiss your class 2 minutes (no earlier) in order to get to the cafeteria before the students arrive.
Teacher 1 = Inside Cafeteria at Cashiers transitioning to old section of cafeteria
Teacher 2 = Outside serving line inside old section of cafeteria transitioning to New section of cafeteria
Teacher 3 = Outside line in hall transitioning to cafeteria exit
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