Friday, November 8, 2019

Week of November 11

Hello Ranchers!!!

Just a friendly reminder that there is no school this coming Monday as we celebrate Veteran's Day. Please assist me in honoring all veterans of the United States Armed Forces. We thank you for your service.

This weekend, the building will be open on:

Saturday from 8AM to 6PM (Saturday School (8AM to Noon), Volunteer project outside the cafeteria (9AM to Noon), and men's soccer 2nd round of the states (4:00PM to 6:00PM).

Sunday (church service) - 8:00AM - 1:00PM

Monday - 9:00AM - 4:00AM (Only the exterior door by Ms. Silvas' room will be unlocked). 

It's back! The SWGHS Parent Empowerment Summit is on 16th from 9:00AM to 12:30. An amazing opportunity for our community members to visit an array of sessions that will help them better navigate as a parent! Lock it down in your calendar and share it with all! Post this on your door, set up an incentive with your class so their parents attend. If you have any interest in being a part of this in any way, please do not hesitate to reach out to Michelle Phillips!
Teachers:  Please begin to share the information with your email distribution lists.  Talk about it with your students as well.  The Parent Empowerment Summit is specifically for parents and guardians of middle and high school students however, students are welcome to volunteer. We will have childcare provided by our Early Childhood Classes.  Student groups from HOSA, SAVE and Service Learning will be participating at this time.  If additional students would like to volunteer or would like to represent an organization, please have them see Mrs. Michelle Phillips.

Parents:  No need to register for the free event.   This event has been well attended in the past and many parents have said it was the best parent workshop they ever attended. 

Ways to Win Prizes:
Teachers:  You will be entered into a drawing to win GOOD gift cards if you do any of the following…
  1. Copy Michelle Phillips on email distribution sharing the event and encouraging parents to attend
  2. Send proof that you invite friends on FB or share the event on Facebook
  3. Send proof of communication with students regarding how they will earn extra credit if their parent attends (a list of attendees will be sent to SWGH staff following the event with student names)
  4. You will be entered twice if you volunteer at the event, sign up sheet will be posted soon near the workroom (plus you will earn comp time for upcoming snow days)
  5. Lastly, if you have a way to advertise or get more parents to attend, let Michelle Phillips know as well. 
Thank you, this event is truly a team effort.

A gentle reminder....State Health Plan Open Enrollment began Saturday November 2 and will end November 19.  You may enroll online by visiting or by calling 855-859-0966 Monday through Friday 8am-10pm, Saturday 8am-5pm, Sunday 12pm-5pm
Please click on the link below to view the 2020 Open Enrollment Overview video for Active Members. 
Our United Way Campaign is rolling! We are already off to a great start and we want to continue our Reign as the Highest Supporter of the High Point Schools. Making a pledge can cost pennies a day but help with so many lives. The first payment will be paid in January.
 For Incentives, We Offer Comp Time for our Pledgers:
A pledge of $50
½ Day Comp Time
A Pledge of $100
1 Full Day of Comp Time
A Pledge of $200/More
2 Full Days of Comp Time

 I will place Certificates of Comp Time in your boxes while working Saturday School and as they come in. Please use the slip to give to Mrs. Harris for your comp time Logs/ use.
 As an added incentive, Staff that pledge at least $120 entered into a drawing for a New Car! I have placed the drawing cards in your boxes. Complete the form and There are two more drawings left… (Currently, a teacher at SW Elementary is in the semifinals for a new car, so it is real, and REAL CLOSE!!) 
 This year’s Campaign will end at Thanksgiving break. Please strongly consider adding to our cause and support of United Way. Please let me know if you have questions. 

GTCC registration for Spring semester classes are now open. They will need to come and see their counselor for more information and to adjust spring schedules early. Here is the link:

From the Attendance Committee...

This year in GCS there is a big focus on attendance.  While our school has always been heavily focused on this, each school has an attendance team that meets frequently to track students who are missing numerous days.  We believe it is important to provide a reminder of the protocol to follow when a student starts missing school – especially two consecutive days.  It is best practice for the teacher to reach out to the parent via phone call or email first.  This is less threatening than being heard from the social worker or counselor/admin.  It also conveys concern from you that the student is not in school.  If absences continue, or if you are unsuccessful after a few attempts to reach a parent, then it’s time to let Mrs. Phillips know.  She and Mr. Rainey aren’t shy about going to the home see what’s going on!

Fall Athletic Awards Ceremony Monday, Nov. 25 6:30.ore information form Coach Christman will be delivered to all coaches.
Please think about serving as a judge on our Senior Speech Night, November 19, 2019. The evening begins with dinner at 5:00 pm.
We will begin listening to student speeches at 6:00 in 15 minute increments until 8:00. A judge's scoring rubric will be provided for you.
If you would like to be a volunteer judge, please use the link located within this blog to the form "Be a Volunteer Judge for Senior Speeches"
This information is also available in the photo gallery on our website. Just click the “Read More” link.

Please remind all students to wear their OneCard badges OR show their paper pass. If they refuse, please submit it into Educator's Handbook so an administrator can have a conversation with the student/parent. Swiping starts at 7:40. Swiping supervisors be ready!  Students should not bypass the machines until an adult on duty allows them to pass.

Please check out the PTSA’s new gift card fundraiser Shop with Script! Go to and use our enrollment code A651D16964756 to purchase gift cards to help raise money for our school while doing your everyday shopping or getting a head start on holiday shopping. Our first order for physical gift cards will go in on November 18, 2019. Please email Casey Wall at casey.wall913@gmail with any questions.

As it relates to athletic schedules, please visit the SWHS Athletics page  


Monday, November 11
No School for students - Veterans Day

Tuesday, November 12
10:00AM - 11:00AM SST - Barnum's Office

Wednesday, November 13
TBA Mens Varsity Soccer OPEN DATE 3rd Rd. NCHSAA Playoffs vs. TBA Home
7:30AM - 8:00AM Instructional leadership Team - Media Center

Thursday, November 14

Friday, November 15
7:30 PM Mens Varsity Football OPEN DATE 1st Rd NCHSAA Playoffs vs. TBA Home
8:45AM - 9:45AM - Spotlight Breakfast - Media Center

Saturday, November 16
9:00AM -12:30 SWGHS Parent Empowerment Summit

More dates:

Tuesday, November 19
10:00AM - 11:00AM - SST - Barnum's Office
1st interim for 2nd quarter
5PM - 8PM - Senior Speech Night

Wednesday, November 20
All Planning Blocks - Professional Development

Thursday, November 21
7:30AM - 8:00AM Leadership team Meeting -  Media Center

Wednesday, November 27 - Friday, November 29
No School - Thanksgiving break

Remember to reference CANVAS (or that important links page) for all pertinent information. If you find that a document is not located on CANVAS, please inquire with one of the Assistant Principals, Tonja McPhail or Nicole Cutler.
- Mr. Hettenbach


Front Office Lobby                               Taylor
Attendance intersection                       Ramey/Murphy
Corridor between C & D (Silvas' hall)       Silvas
Inside Media Center                            Powell
C/D halls and stairwells roamer          Culler
Cafeteria Inside (late bus)                   Graves
Cafeteria inside                                   Chapman
Cafeteria outside                                 Donovan
Student lot outside gym                      Davison
Gravel lot behind cafeteria                 McDonald
Card Swiping Student lot                    Palma, Mode, Nadeau, Vogel
Card Swiping Front Door                    ComptonLasher, Chambers
Academy gym (inside)                        Gann
Academy gym (hallway)                     Crawford


1st Lunch
Teacher 1                                             Caldwell
Teacher 2                                             Cook, A
Teacher 3                                             Hmiel
Teacher 4                                             Corriher

2nd Lunch
Teacher 1                                             Hammersley
Teacher 2                                             Hinson
Teacher 3                                             Graves
Teacher 4                                             Littles-Thiam

3rd Lunch
Teacher 1                                             Bratton
Teacher 2                                             Palma
Teacher 3                                             Campbell
Teacher 4                                             Powell

4th Lunch
Teacher 1                                             Vlazny
Teacher 2                                             Cox.J
Teacher 3                                             Cook, M
Teacher 4                                             Repko

Please assist us in keeping students seated until the bell rings. Also – if you have lunch supervision, you can dismiss your class 2 minutes (no earlier) in order to get to the cafeteria before the students arrive.

Teacher 1 = Inside Cafeteria at Cashiers transitioning to old section of cafeteria
Teacher 2 = Outside serving line inside old section of cafeteria transitioning to large section of cafeteria
Teacher 3 = Outside line in hall transitioning to cafeteria exit
Teacher 4 = Float between both dining rooms

We are... Southwest!

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