We are heading into the fastest quarter of the year with the various days off, vacations etc. Please do your very best to focus on your curriculum and not let yourself be distracted. In case you have not looked at the calendar, we only have one week of instruction/review after the December holidays before heading into Semester 1 Final exams. And of course, this is without any inclement weather.... With everything that happens over the next 8 weeks, don't get blindsided by the speed in which this quarter moves. Thank you for EVERYTHING you do to engage your students the full 90 minutes, use data to correctively instruct, hold students accountable, contact parents... and the list goes on. I am a very lucky individual to have the best staff around. Thank you.
Gentle reminder to turn back the clocks...
This is yet another example of how this community can demonstrate how we contribute back. We always lead the county with the amount of donations we contribute to United Way. Our Leadership class and student council will be leading our student drive. At lunch on November 6-8, Student Council Officers will be having a “donation” raffle. Every $1 donation enters them into a raffle for roughly 1 of 4 prizes. Before and after school on November 6, Leadership Class members will be distributing flyers in the car line about the console coin dump. Before and after school on November 7 and 8, Leadership Class members will be collecting in the car line. On November 6th and 7th - classroom request (with no incentive). We are asking every student in 2nd block to bring a quarter or two. Thank you for helping us support United Way!
Teachers: Please begin to share the information with your email distribution lists. Talk about it with your students as well. The Parent Empowerment Summit is specifically for parents and guardians of middle and high school students however, students are welcome to volunteer. We will have childcare provided by our Early Childhood Classes. Student groups from HOSA, SAVE and Service Learning will be participating at this time. If additional students would like to volunteer or would like to represent an organization, please have them see Mrs. Michelle Phillips.Gentle reminder to turn back the clocks...
Starting Nov. 2nd you can go online to signup for health
Go to
GCS website>select benefits>following links for State Health.
If you
need help with enrollment 3 enrollers will be here on November 5 from 4-6pm in
the media center.
United Way campaign for students is this week!
As a reminder regarding attendance, students who have more than 3 absences excused or unexcused will need to make up time for each absence over three with each individual teacher. If this is not made up by each end of the quarter, the grade is printed as 55/F until time is made up. You do not count suspension days coded as 3 or 3A, and any dates listed on Mrs. O'Neal's waiver list.
Please think about serving as a judge on our Senior Speech Night, November 19, 2019. The evening begins with dinner at 5:00 pm.
If you or your club/sport are interested in working on the outdoor dining area and earning some service learning hours, we are looking for volunteers on November 9th, Saturday from 9AM - 1PM behind the cafeteria. We will need pole hole digging tools and shovels to move gravel along with the individuals to use those tools. If you are interested, simply show up. The more individuals present, the quicker this gets finished.
Please think about serving as a judge on our Senior Speech Night, November 19, 2019. The evening begins with dinner at 5:00 pm.
We will begin listening to student speeches at 6:00 in 15 minute increments until 8:00. A judge's scoring rubric will be provided for you.
If you would like to be a volunteer judge, please use the link located within this blog to the form "Be a Volunteer Judge for Senior Speeches"
This information is also available in the photo gallery on our website. Just click the “Read More” link. https://www.gcsnc.com/southwest_guilford_high
From the desk of Kristy Cline:
10 day window for students to make up is 11/12
All grades need to be submitted by the end of the day Thursday, Oct 31st.
All grades need to be submitted by the end of the day Thursday, Oct 31st.
Grade changes can be submitted after spreadsheets have been turned in. I have attached the grade change form that has to be filled out for all grade changes. You will make the change in your gradebook but you have to give me the form to let me know what you have changed in order for me to store the grade in their historical marks.
You should be entering grades for all students. INC’s are only for students that have had medical issues or student’s that have been pre-approved by Mr. Hettenbach to receive INC’s.
Students that need to make up time due to too many absences should receive an “55” and use comment code:
56244- A “55” indicates the attendance policy was violated. Follow the dates for the 10 day window below.
You will need to print out and give to me only the Score Sheet which is your spreadsheet with assignments & QTR Grade. (screen shots are included in the attachment so you can see exactly what I am asking for)
Report cards will be printed on Nov. 4th and they will be given to students Tuesday, November 5th.
It's back! The SWGHS Parent Empowerment Summit is on 16th from 9:00AM to 12:30. An amazing opportunity for our community members to visit an array of sessions that will help them better navigate as a parent! Lock it down in your calendar and share it with all! Post this on your door, set up an incentive with your class so their parents attend. If you have any interest in being a part of this in any way, please do not hesitate to reach out to Michelle Phillips!
It's back! The SWGHS Parent Empowerment Summit is on 16th from 9:00AM to 12:30. An amazing opportunity for our community members to visit an array of sessions that will help them better navigate as a parent! Lock it down in your calendar and share it with all! Post this on your door, set up an incentive with your class so their parents attend. If you have any interest in being a part of this in any way, please do not hesitate to reach out to Michelle Phillips!
Parents: No need to register for the free event. This event has been well attended in the past and many parents have said it was the best parent workshop they ever attended.
Ways to Win Prizes:
Teachers: You will be entered into a drawing to win GOOD gift cards if you do any of the following…
- Copy Michelle Phillips on email distribution sharing the event and encouraging parents to attend
- Send proof that you invite friends on FB or share the event on Facebook
- Send proof of communication with students regarding how they will earn extra credit if their parent attends (a list of attendees will be sent to SWGH staff following the event with student names)
- You will be entered twice if you volunteer at the event, sign up sheet will be posted soon near the workroom (plus you will earn comp time for upcoming snow days)
- Lastly, if you have a way to advertise or get more parents to attend, let Michelle Phillips know as well.
Thank you, this event is truly a team effort.
OneCard identification badge wearing will be starting this past week. Students should have a OneCard and their own Lanyard. We had roughly 350+ students without their cards and Mr Miller will get those students their cards Monday or Tuesday. Students may tell you they need a OneCard or a Lanyard.
Students will use the OneCards to
- Swipe into school
- Purchase Cafeteria Meals
- Checkout materials in the Media Center.
Please remind students to wear their badges OR show their paper pass. If they refuse, please submit it into Educator's Handbook so an administrator can have a converation with the student/parent. Swiping starts at 7:40. Swiping supervisors be ready! Students should not bypass the machines until an adult on duty allows them to pass.
Counseling Info and Assignments
Anna Compton - Freshmen - comptoa@gcsnc.com
Galissia Graves - A-D - gravesg3@gcsnc.com
Shelli Campbell - E-L - campbes2@gcsnc.com
Kendra Graham - M-R - grahamk2@gcsnc.com
Janet Hudgens - S-Z - hudgenj@gcsnc.com
Ms. Graves' codes:
10th-12th graders with last names A-D
Seniors: @graves2020
Juniors: @graves2021
Sophomores: @graves2022
10th – 12th graders with last names S - Z
Seniors: Tell people to text @hudgsw20 to the number 81010
Juniors: Tell people to text @hudgsw21 to the number 81010
Sophomores: Tell people to text @hudgens22 to the number 81010
Ms. Graham's codes:
10th-12th graders with last names M-R
Seniors: @graham202
Juniors: @graham2021
Sophomores: @graham2022
Mrs. Campbell's codes:
10th - 12th graders with last names E-L
Seniors: Campbell2020 @cowgirl20
Juniors: Campbell2021 @cowgirl21
Sophomores: Campbell2022@cowgirl22
Ms. Compton 's codes:
9th grade - @7467_f4
Registration for the 20/21 school year!
Nov. 4 - Nov. 15 in current English Classes. Students enrolled in English in the spring will also complete registration in the early part of the spring semester. Students must STILL LOG INTO POWERSCHOOL TO REGISTER IN THE SPRING SEMESTER. Please remember that the classes you register for are the classes we make every effort to get you in. These selections are how a a school wide scheduling matrix is created.
Students will receive a hard copy of the registration book to take home in the Spring of 2020.
An online copy of the registration book can be found here.
Information about Career & College Promise, GAP, and AP courses will be given to students in a folder that will be brought home.
Graduation Requirements
If your student is interested in earning college credit while in high school, sign up for Career & College Promise at GTCC. SWHS provides transportation to and from classes at GTCC for classes that begin as early as 9AM and end as late as 2PM.
Dual Enrollment Transfer Classes can be found here and the pathways can be found here. Dual Enrollment Technical Pathway Classes can be found here. If you are interested in this option, please let your school counselor know (ASAP) so that we can assist you with the process.
Counselors will adjust the course selection after they receive your enrollment information from GTCC.
Monday, November 4
6:00 PM Mens Junior Varsity Football Dudley Senior High School Away
Tuesday, November 5
No Athletics
Report cards distributed to students in homeroom from 3:05 to 3:15 - Do NOT dismiss students form school until the 3:15 bell rings.
Wednesday, November 6
7:30 AM to 8:15 AM - Faculty Meeting - Media Center
7:00 PM Mens Varsity Soccer OPEN DATE 1st Rd NCHSAA Playoffs vs. TBA Home
Thursday, November 7
7:00 PM Mens Junior Varsity Football Mount Tabor High School Away
Friday, November 8
7:30 PM Mens Varsity Football Mount Tabor High School *Senior Night Home
Saturday, November 9
TBA Womens Varsity Basketball Mount Tabor High School Scrimmage at Mount Tabor
HS Away
9:00 AM Coed Varsity Cross Country 3A NCHSAA State XC Meet @ Ivey Redmon Park Away
9:00 AM - Noon - behind the cafeteria (Outdoor eating area) Volunteer day - Service learning opportunity
8:00 AM-Noon - Saturday school
More dates:
Monday, November 11
No School for students - Veterans Day
Saturday, November 16
Tuesday, November 5
No Athletics
Report cards distributed to students in homeroom from 3:05 to 3:15 - Do NOT dismiss students form school until the 3:15 bell rings.
Wednesday, November 6
7:30 AM to 8:15 AM - Faculty Meeting - Media Center
7:00 PM Mens Varsity Soccer OPEN DATE 1st Rd NCHSAA Playoffs vs. TBA Home
7:00 PM Mens Junior Varsity Football Mount Tabor High School Away
7:30 PM Mens Varsity Football Mount Tabor High School *Senior Night Home
TBA Womens Varsity Basketball Mount Tabor High School Scrimmage at Mount Tabor
HS Away
9:00 AM Coed Varsity Cross Country 3A NCHSAA State XC Meet @ Ivey Redmon Park Away
9:00 AM - Noon - behind the cafeteria (Outdoor eating area) Volunteer day - Service learning opportunity
8:00 AM-Noon - Saturday school
More dates:
Monday, November 11
No School for students - Veterans Day
Saturday, November 16
9:00AM -12:30 SWGHS Parent Empowerment Summit
Remember to reference CANVAS (or that important links page) for all pertinent information. If you find that a document is not located on CANVAS, please inquire with one of the Assistant Principals, Tonja McPhail or Nicole Cutler.
Remember to reference CANVAS (or that important links page) for all pertinent information. If you find that a document is not located on CANVAS, please inquire with one of the Assistant Principals, Tonja McPhail or Nicole Cutler.
Front Office Lobby Doak
Attendance intersection Ramey/Butler
Corridor between C & D (Silvas' hall) Evans
Inside Media Center Duran
C/D halls and stairwells roamer Vonsteen
C/D halls and stairwells roamer Vonsteen
Cafeteria Inside (late bus) Graham
Cafeteria inside Wright
Cafeteria inside Wright
Cafeteria outside Philpott
Student lot outside gym Arrington
Gravel lot behind cafeteria Byas
Card Swiping Student lot Cooke, Cox.S, Hammersley, Vogel
Card Swiping Front Door Black, Canon, Chambers
Academy gym (inside) Repko
Academy gym (hallway) Caldwell
1st Lunch
Teacher 1 Taylor
Teacher 2 Allah
Teacher 3 Chambers
Teacher 4 Byrd
2nd Lunch
Teacher 1 Brown
Teacher 2 Connolly
Teacher 3 Davis
Teacher 4 Cooke, D
3rd Lunch
Teacher 1 Lasher
Teacher 2 Donovan
Teacher 3 Gaines
Teacher 4 Manley
4th Lunch
Teacher 1 Spillman
Teacher 2 Gillis
Teacher 3 Hudgens
Teacher 4 McDonald
Please assist us in keeping students seated until the bell rings. Also – if you have lunch supervision, you can dismiss your class 2 minutes (no earlier) in order to get to the cafeteria before the students arrive.
Teacher 1 = Inside Cafeteria at Cashiers transitioning to old section of cafeteria
Teacher 2 = Outside serving line inside old section of cafeteria transitioning to large section of cafeteria
Teacher 3 = Outside line in hall transitioning to cafeteria exit
Teacher 4 = Float between both dining rooms
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