Friday, December 6, 2019

Week of December 9

Hello Ranchers!!!

First and foremost, thank you for providing me with honest feedback from the survey distributed on Wednesday. I will provide the breakdown of the results to Leadership. Currently, 88 staff have filled out a survey. If you still have not filled out a survey, please see Mr. Miller and place that in my mailbox outside my door as soon as possible. 
This is a just a gentle reminder to let the students know we only have 10 days before the break, followed by 3 days after the break before Teacher Made exams start. Work should be turned in and time should be made up. 

To-Do’s Before Leaving for Break:
As you prepare to leave for the Winter Holiday Break, please note the following:
  • You can turn off your monitor, however Do Not turn your computer off.
  • Do Not disconnect or move computers, or their peripherals, VoIP phones.
  • Do Not turn off the copiers.
Have your Voicemail and your Out of Office Assistant in Outlook reflect the Holiday Schedule

Teacher made Exams

  • Exemption Cards will be distributed on Tuesday January 7th (Freshmen in the 9th grade gym in the morning. Upper-class students during all 4 lunches).
  • You can only exempt a non state exam (Year long AP exams can not have their “mid term” exempted”.
  • Last two Saturday Schools for Attendance Make-up are on :
Saturday, December 14
Saturday, January 11

Thursday, January 9
Teacher made exams blocks 1 and 3. Normal day, schedule slightly revised
             1st Block           8:10 to 10:05
             2nd Block         10:10 to 11:15
             3rd Block         11:20 to 1:35
                1st lunch          11:15 to 11:40 (11:45 late bell)
                2nd lunch          11:55 to 12:20 (12:25 late bell)
                3rd lunch          12:30 to 12:55 (1:00 late bell)
                4th lunch          1:10 to 1:35

             4th Block         1:40 to 3:15

Friday, January 10
Teacher made exams blocks 2 and 4. Normal day, schedule slightly revised      
                    1st Block           8:10 to 9:15
                    2nd Block         9:20 to 11:15
                    3rd Block         11:20 to 1:15

             1st lunch          11:20 to 11:45 (late bell same as 2nd lunch start time)
             2nd lunch         11:50 to 12:15 (late bell same as 3rd lunch start time)
             3rd lunch          12:20 to 12:45 (late bell same as 4th lunch start time)
             4th lunch          12:50 to 1:15

                    4th Block         1:20 to 3:15

Monday, January 13                        Block 1 exam
No Check Outs During Exams – school is dismissed at 1:00 for everyone.

Tuesday, January 14                        Block 2 exam
No Check Outs During Exams – school is dismissed at 1:00 for everyone.

Wednesday, January 15                Block 3 exam
No Check Outs During Exams – school is dismissed at 1:00 for everyone.

Thursday, January 16                      Block 4 exam
No Check Outs During Exams – school is dismissed at 1:00 for everyone.

Friday, January 17                            Make up exams
No Check Outs During Exams – school is dismissed at 1:00 for everyone.

As it relates to athletic schedules, please visit the SWHS Athletics page  


Monday, December 9
6:00PM - 7:30PM PTSA Meeting - Media Center

Tuesday, December 10
10:00AM - 11:00AM - SST - Barnum's Office
4:30 PM Coed Varsity Track Meet @ JDL Indoor W-S Home
5:00PM Womens Junior Varsity Basketball Grimsley High School Home
6:00PM Womens Varsity Basketball Grimsley High School Away
6:30PM Mens Junior Varsity Basketball Grimsley High School Home
7:30 PM Mens Varsity Basketball Grimsley High School Away 

Wednesday, December 11
7:30AM - Instructional leadership Team Meeting - Barnum's Office
4:30 PM Womens Junior Varsity Basketball R J Reynolds High School Away
6:00 PM Mens Varsity Wrestling Parkland High School Away
6:00 PM Womens Varsity Basketball R J Reynolds High School Away
7:30 PM Coed Varsity Swimming Tri-Meet vs. Northern Guilford/Morehead Away

Thursday, December 12
7:00-8:30PM - Winter Band Concert - Auditorium

Friday, December 13 
4:30 PM Mens Junior Varsity Basketball Ragsdale High School Away
6:00PM Womens Varsity Basketball Ragsdale High School Away
7:30 PM Mens Varsity Basketball Ragsdale High School Away

Saturday, December 14
8:00AM - Noon - Saturday School - Media Center


Wednesday, December 18
Planning Periods - PD - Test Training - ALL STAFF (Certified and Classified) Media Center 

Thursday, December 19
7:30am - Leadership Team Meeting - Media Center

Friday, December 20
Last day of school before break

Friday, January 3
Optional Teacher Work Day

Monday, January 6
Students/Staff return from break

Tuesday, January 7
Exam exemption card distribution - Freshman - AM/Gym, Upperclassmen - lunches

Thursday, January 9
Teacher Made exams - Blocks 1 and 3 - Full school day (See specific schedule above)

Friday, January 10
Teacher Made exams - Blocks 2 and 4 - Full school day (See specific schedule above)

Saturday, January 11
8:00AM - Noon - Saturday School - Media Center

Monday, January 13
Block 1 NCFE/EOC/CTE state exams - 1:00 Dismissal

Tuesday, January 14
Block 2 NCFE/EOC/CTE state exams - 1:00 Dismissal

Wednesday, January 15
Block 3 NCFE/EOC/CTE state exams - 1:00 Dismissal

Thursday, January 16
Block 4 NCFE/EOC/CTE state exams - 1:00 Dismissal

Friday, January 17
Make-up NCFE/EOC/CTE state exams - 1:00 Dismissal
End of Semester

Monday, January 20
Holiday - No School

Tuesday, January 21
Mandatory Workday for Teachers - No School for students

Wednesday, January 22
First day of 2nd semester

Remember to reference CANVAS (or that important links page) for all pertinent information. If you find that a document is not located on CANVAS, please inquire with one of the Assistant Principals, Tonja McPhail or Nicole Cutler.
- Mr. Hettenbach


Front Office Lobby                               Doak
Attendance intersection                       Vlazny/Ramey
Corridor between C & D (Silvas' hall)       Evans
Inside Media Center                            Duran
C/D halls and stairwells roamer          Dusek
Cafeteria Inside (late bus)                   Cooke, M
Cafeteria inside                                   Montgomery
Cafeteria outside                                 Cook, A
Student lot outside gym                      Steely
Gravel lot behind cafeteria                 Long
Card Swiping Student lot                    Boulton, Bratton, Byrd, Vogel
Card Swiping Front Door                    ComptonBaker, Chambers
Academy gym (inside)                        Repko
Academy gym (hallway)                     Caldwell


1st Lunch
Teacher 1                                             Taylor
Teacher 2                                             Allah
Teacher 3                                             Hagler
Teacher 4                                             Allred

2nd Lunch
Teacher 1                                             Cooke, D
Teacher 2                                             Connolly
Teacher 3                                             Keveryn
Teacher 4                                             Cox, S

3rd Lunch
Teacher 1                                             Talley
Teacher 2                                             Anderson
Teacher 3                                             Kornegay
Teacher 4                                             Canon

4th Lunch
Teacher 1                                             Doak
Teacher 2                                             Spillman
Teacher 3                                             Wesney
Teacher 4                                             Gillis

Please assist us in keeping students seated until the bell rings. Also – if you have lunch supervision, you can dismiss your class 2 minutes (no earlier) in order to get to the cafeteria before the students arrive.

Teacher 1 = Inside Cafeteria at Cashiers transitioning to old section of cafeteria
Teacher 2 = Outside serving line inside old section of cafeteria transitioning to large section of cafeteria
Teacher 3 = Outside line in hall transitioning to cafeteria exit
Teacher 4 = Float between both dining rooms

We are... Southwest!

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