Friday, March 27, 2020

Week of Spring break


Thank you so much for all you are doing during this time. Please know I understand how difficult this is on you and I applaud you for your continuous efforts delivering instruction to your students while ALSO practicing self care. I also love seeing your faces from virtual meetings, even screenshots of your meetings. Please take a BREAK during Spring break. You all deserve it! I miss you all very much!

Last week, there was an article published in the news and record about seniors getting pass/fail grades along with other things to finish the school year. A grading committee has been formed in GCS, so there is at least a group of individuals who are sharing thoughts on how to proceed based on the state's restrictions.  As soon as I continue to get more specifics, you know me, I will get this information directly to you. I do not rely on the news, or hearsay,  as this information can often muddy the waters. 

Below is what I am sharing with parents this weekend:

"I hope this message finds you well. At this time, all of your students should be engaged with their teachers’ instruction. We have the ability to see your student's’ activity and at this time, we see only 10% of our student body disengaged. Thank you to the 90% who are continuing their studies as expected.  While we are still waiting on additional clarifications on the state’s Pass/Fail for seniors, it is still important for all seniors to be continuing their work as their studies will impact their future. Seniors who were failing as of March 16 need to communicate with their teachers to continue working and get that grade up or else they are in jeopardy of graduating on June 5.  For underclassmen, there has yet to be a decision on whether a numerical grade will be assigned, so please know it is vital for all students to be involved in their studies as their grades, if numerical, may end up being applied to their GPA, and cumulative credits towards graduation.

Additionally, the state has yet to waive the NCFEs so this is yet another reason for all students regardless of their grade to stay on their studies. I am sure we will find out more on this in the near future. AP exams are now finalized and are being communicated to you via your counselor and teacher. The format in how they are delivered will be different but will occur."

This week, Mrs. Cutler has been providing Mrs. French with a report on student activity in Canvas. Mrs. French has then followed up with a connect ed to all of those students who have been disengaged. Hopefully this assists you in your efforts to motivate students getting online. 

Please use the below form link form for the Student Support team to monitor and assist you in motivating students' engagement. 

Weekly Canvas Student Engagement Form
Teachers complete this form weekly, please only fill out for students that are inconsistent with engagement on Canvas.

I will be providing a NEW link to fill out regarding work verification. It will be a link that you only use for that week, with a new link sent each Monday morning. Be on the lookout Monday! It will be sent the morning of April 13th. This is a form to fill out daily that week. Due to the overload, I will send a new form each Monday. 

Administration has started their Canvas and web page walkthroughs. I love seeing and hearing about all the positive and hard work you all have put forward!  You are the best!!  If you have any questions or concerns or need to be reassured with what you are doing, simply contact anyone from the admin team (this includes Mrs. Cutler).

Below is a reminder from Mrs. Cutler to assist you as we continue to learn how to navigate with e-learning. Any questions should be directed to Mrs. Cutler. 

Zoom Security Reminders:
Virtual waiting rooms, the ability to admit students individually or all at once into your virtual classroom.
  • Watch this quick video breaking down how to admit participants from your waiting room into the meeting. Watch Now
  • Check out this blog post to learn how to secure your virtual classroom. Read More 
Disable or modify the chat feature, so that those on the call can't send private messages to each other.
1) click on the chat icon at the bottom of the screen (the chat box should appear on the right)
2) click the 3 dots near the bottom of the chat. It will give you a choice of who participants can chat with.

Coach Rainey and Mr. Donovan are offering the opportunity to join their book study if you would like. Simply e-mail them to join and they will tell you the rest!
IEP Read Alouds - reminder

Teachers should have individual student IEP’s at a glance at home.
Any teacher can give extended time to any student given our current situation. However, follow the iep accommodations as noted (study guides, multiple test sessions etc.) and contact EC case managers on modifications that you may be unclear as to how they can be provided.
Teachers should include on their Canvas page
Read aloud resources for classroom material are as follows:
Read aloud/Text to Speech plug in in Google Chrome
If they need read aloud for a word document they can go to this website and copy and past the text in the box and click the play button
 Teachers should include: If you would prefer an individualized read aloud, please contact Mrs. Ynoa Lantigua at .

Daily supervisions for the week:

I love you all, and we got this!  Why? Because we are..... SOUTHWEST!!!

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