Friday, May 28, 2021

Round Up for June 1st

Staff - 

Testing is almost over, which means the year is almost over!  Good riddance, right? Please, please, please enjoy this long weekend!  Each and every one of you deserve it, plus some!!!! 

While you enjoy this wonderful long Memorial Day weekend, please take a moment to honor and mourn the military personnel who have died in the performance of their military duties. 

CTEs/EOCS Exam Schedule (remaining)

Monday, May 31st

HOLIDAY – No School

Tuesday, June 1st

Block 3 Exam

Students can arrive no earlier than 9:15, and no later than 9:55

Estimated dismissal time 1:30-2

 Wednesday, June 2nd

Block 4 Exam

Students can arrive no earlier than 9:15, and no later than 9:55

Estimated dismissal time 1:30-2

 Thursday, June 3rd

Make Exam Day

Students can arrive no earlier than 9:15, and no later than 9:55

Estimated dismissal time 1:30-2

Friday, June 4th

Mandatory work day for staff – No student Day

EOCs (Taken May 27th - June 3rd according to the Block exam day - see calendar):
Math 1
English 10
Math 3

State exams for CTE (Taken May 27th - June 3rd according to the Block exam day - see calendar):


Business Management I

Business Management II

Health Science I

Interior Design I

Child Development

Principles of Business and Finance

Sports and Entertainment Marketing I

Early Childhood Education II 

Senior Grades – ASAP, once seniors have taken your exam please post their grades (using exam dates below). Grades need to be finalized for seniors Friday, May 28th.

Underclassmen Grades are due by the end of the day Friday, June 4th.

Dates to use for Exams are 6/02 or 6/03 or you can just enter the grade in the Grade column of the E1 term and skip creating an assignment.  Either way works.

GCS Final Exams can be exempt ONLY if the exam brings the overall grade down – 10% weight but the final grade can NOT lower their overall grade(50 if they do not take it, 60 is applied if they take it and have a lower grade.)

Teacher Made Exam or Project – 10% weight and the final grade can NOT lower their overall grade

Teacher made exams/projects can be exempt ONLY if the student has an A/B.

The easiest way to exempt is to enter the exam grades and just hit exempt. 

 New from the testing office – EOC’s if a student refuses to take it, their grade becomes a 50. The lowest grade a student can get on an EOC taken, is a 60.  (follow the same rule of “if brings grade down”)

Grade changes can be submitted after spreadsheets have been turned in.  I have attached the grade change form that has to be filled out for all grade changes. You will make the change in your gradebook but you have to give me the form to let me know what you have changed in order for me to store the grade in their historical marks.   

You will need to print out and give to me only the Score Sheet which is your spreadsheet with assignments, Qtr 3 & 4, Exam & Final (Follow instructions)

Don’t print out until all grades are complete.  You can slide it under my door which is located across from the dance room, C106.

Report cards will be mailed to students June 15th.

A reminder that I would like to see everyone at the Greensboro Coliseum on Saturday June 5th for the 8PM graduation.  I will work out comp time deals of some sort. More information will come out as we continue to move forward. Additionally, Please assist Stephanie Powell in any capacity as many of your know Graduation is a massive and stressful undertaking.  

Thank, thank you, thank you for everything you continue to do!

Senior Timeline (as of April 23rd30th, May 7th, May 14th, May 21st)
Please share with your seniors!

Printable copy HERE


Monday, May 31st
Memorial Day - No School

Tuesday, June 1st
Block 3 state exam students only attend school - dismissal between 1:30-2
ALL students (Face to face AND remote) MUST take this exam on campus

MANDATORY Graduation Practice - SWGHS Stadium - 3pm-5pm

Wednesday, June 2nd
Block 4 state exam students only attend school - dismissal between 1:30-2
ALL students (Face to face AND remote) MUST take this exam on campus

Last School Day for students

MANDATORY Graduation Practice - Greensboro Coliseum 9AM

Thursday, June 3rd
Make up state exam students attend school - dismissal between 1:30-2
ALL students (Face to face AND remote) MUST take this exam on campus

Friday, June 4th
Mandatory Workday for employees - no school for students

Saturday, June 5th

Graduation - Greensboro Coliseum - 8PM

Saturday, June 5th
Graduation - Greensboro Coliseum - 8PM

Whether positive or negative, attitudes are contagious!

We are in it it together. We got this. We are... Southwest!

Friday, May 21, 2021

Round Up for May 24th...

Staff - 

We are almost there!

The magic number is.... 1 full instruction day left, and 9 TOTAL days left. 

Please be sure your students know exactly what their exam days are. While I know all of you communicate this, many of our students may need this repeated multiple times. Feel free to use the exam calendar form the Community Blog to reinforce the exam schedule. 

Please remember to always put the "earned" grade in at all times so we can provide immediate transparency regardless of any agreements or deals made with the students. If you have ANY senior who is failing, please alert Derek Anderson, Emily Wright and their assigned counselor. We just want to make sure we do not get any blindsides as we approach the end of the year. 

Regarding Teacher Made Exams/Projects and GCS FE days, exemptions...
(These are full days regardless of whether a student has an exam or not)

GCS Final Exams can NOT be exempt– 10% weight but the final grade can NOT lower their overall grade

Teacher Made Exam or Project - 10% weight and the final grade can NOT lower their overall grade.

Teacher made exams/projects can be exempt ONLY if the student has an A/B

(consistent with last semester as voted upon by staff)

While the test dates are within the calendar at the end of this blog, here is some additional pieces of information students and families must know. 

AP students on the day of their AP exam, can learn asynchronously for the remaining classes. Some teachers may ask them to come for further test preparation in other areas. Please help us make the best decision for your student. 

NCVPS, AP, IB, and APEX Courses—AP, IB, and APEX students will NOT take the GCS Final Exams. If a NCVPS student is required that take a final exam by their NCVPS teacher, the student does not have to take the GCS Final Exam. 

GCS Final Exams MUST be taken on campus. Remote students are required to report to campus on these days at 9:30.

For EOC/State exams, students will report to school at the start of the day (9:15) on the days they have state exams. 

If you are still unsure, please reach out to your student’s teacher immediately. 

GCSFE Reminders

Below are some reminders for the GCSFE administration:

  • Remind students to bring their devices on Tuesday and Wednesday for GCS finals.
  • Let Mrs. Moore know if you need extra desks.
  • Release the correct exam to ALL students in your block the morning of the exam.
  • Post login links and directions for students to see.
  • Send students receiving accommodations to their test site as soon as they arrive. (You will receive an email stating where to send your students today).
  • Allow students to login and begin the exam as soon as they arrive to your classroom or separate setting.
  • Lock the test for any students who are absent.
  • Monitor the test in the OLA Student Admin.
  • Be sure that students are receiving the correct accommodations if you are proctoring a pull out.
  • If you are the back up for extended time sessions, please check in with the teacher in that room to see if you are needed beyond that block.
  • Verify that students fully submit the exam before leaving.
  • Call or email Mrs. Moore for assistance.

GCS FEs/Teacher-Made Exam Schedule


Monday, May 24


Regular Bell Schedule

 Tuesday, May 25

Remaining Teacher Made Exams/GCS Final Exams, CTE Teacher Made exams blocks 1 and 3. Normal day, schedule slightly revised

                1st Block           9:55 – 12:00

                2nd Block         12:05 to 1:10

   Lunch Plan (* Send Student(s) 5 minutes before Lunch start time*) 

1st Lunch

12:10 - 12:30

2nd Lunch

12:25- 12:45

3rd Lunch

12:40- 1:00

                 3rd Block         1:15 to 3:20

                4th Block         3:25 – 4:25

Wednesday, May 26

Remaining Teacher Made Exams/GCS Final Exams, CTE Teacher Made exams blocks 2 and 4. Normal day, schedule slightly revised      

                1st Block           9:55 – 11:00

                2nd Block         11:05 – 1:10

Lunch Plan (Please Plan to Either eat FIRST or LAST lunch, as to not interrupt testing. Meaning, Teachers that normally have 2nd lunch, please choose one of the two options listed below. *Send Student(s) 5 minutes before the lunch start time


1st Lunch (Before Testing) 

11:10 - 11:30 

Last Lunch (After Testing) 

12:40 - 1pm

                3rd Block         1:15 – 2:15

                4th Block         2:20 – 4:25


CTEs/EOCS Exam Schedule

Thursday, May 27th

Block 1 exams only

Students can arrive no earlier than 9:15, and no later than 9:55

Estimated dismissal time 1:30-2

Friday, May 28th

Block 2 exams only

Students can arrive no earlier than 9:15, and no later than 9:55

Estimated dismissal time 1:30-2

Monday, May 31st

HOLIDAY – No School

Tuesday, June 1st

Block 3 Exam

Students can arrive no earlier than 9:15, and no later than 9:55

Estimated dismissal time 1:30-2

 Wednesday, June 2nd

Block 4 Exam

Students can arrive no earlier than 9:15, and no later than 9:55

Estimated dismissal time 1:30-2

 Thursday, June 3rd

Make Exam Day

Students can arrive no earlier than 9:15, and no later than 9:55

Estimated dismissal time 1:30-2

Friday, June 4th

Mandatory work day for staff – No student Day

GCS Final Exams include (Taken on May 25th and 26th during their class times):
Civics and Economics

American History 1 and 2

World History

Earth and Environmental

Physical Science



English 1, 3, 4

Math 2

During EOC/State exams, students should report to school on the days they have state exams. 

EOCs (Taken May 27th - June 3rd according to the Block exam day - see calendar):
Math 1
English 10
Math 3

State exams for CTE (Taken May 27th - June 3rd according to the Block exam day - see calendar):


Business Management I

Business Management II

Health Science I

Interior Design I

Child Development

Principles of Business and Finance

Sports and Entertainment Marketing I

Early Childhood Education II 

The following CTE exams will NOT be taken on the normal state exam days as these exams are Teacher Made this year (Taken on May 25th and 26th during their class times)

Digital Design and Animation

Microsoft Excel

Engineering Technology I

Engineering Technology II

Adobe Visual Design

Adobe Video Design

Health Science II


Drafting I

Drafting II

Nursing Fundamentals

Game Art Design

Microsoft Word and PowerPoint

AP Computer Science Principles

AP Computer Science A

Computer Science Principles

Interior Design II

Entrepreneurship I

All other classes will be providing their final exams on either May24, 25th or 26th


Senior Grades – ASAP, once seniors have taken your exam please post their grades (using exam dates below). Grades need to be finalized for seniors Friday, May 28th.

Underclassmen Grades are due by the end of the day Friday, June 4th.

Dates to use for Exams are 6/02 or 6/03 or you can just enter the grade in the Grade column of the E1 term and skip creating an assignment.  Either way works.

GCS Final Exams can NOT be exempt – 10% weight but the final grade can NOT lower their overall grade(50 if they do not take it, 60 is applied if they take it and have a lower grade.)

Teacher Made Exam or Project – 10% weight and the final grade can NOT lower their overall grade

Teacher made exams/projects can be exempt ONLY if the student has an A/B.

The easiest way to exempt is to enter the exam grades and just hit exempt. 

 New from the testing office – EOC’s if a student refuses to take it, their grade becomes a 50. The lowest grade a student can get on an EOC taken, is a 60.  (follow the same rule of “if brings grade down”)

Grade changes can be submitted after spreadsheets have been turned in.  I have attached the grade change form that has to be filled out for all grade changes. You will make the change in your gradebook but you have to give me the form to let me know what you have changed in order for me to store the grade in their historical marks.   

You will need to print out and give to me only the Score Sheet which is your spreadsheet with assignments, Qtr 3 & 4, Exam & Final (Follow instructions)

Don’t print out until all grades are complete.  You can slide it under my door which is located across from the dance room, C106.

Report cards will be mailed to students June 15th.

A reminder that I would like to see everyone at the Greensboro Coliseum on Saturday June 5th for the 8PM graduation.  I will work out comp time deals of some sort. More information will come out as we continue to move forward. Additionally, Please assist Stephanie Powell in any capacity as many of your know Graduation is a massive and stressful undertaking.  

Thank, thank you, thank you for everything you continue to do!

Senior Timeline (as of April 23rd30th, May 7th, May 14th, May 21st)
Please share with your seniors!

Printable copy HERE


Monday, May 24th
Full regular bell schedule day of instruction for face to face students
Teacher Made Final Exams for Foreign Language, Cultural Arts and PE
5:00 PM Womens Varsity Tennis Mount Tabor High School Home

Tuesday, May 25th
Full day of instruction for face to face students
Teacher Made Final Exams for Blocks 1 and 3
Remaining Teacher Made Exams/GCS Final Exams, CTE Teacher Made exams blocks 1 and Adjusted bell schedule below:
1st Block 9:55 – 12:00 2nd Block 12:05 to 1:10
3rd Block 1:15 to 3:20 4th Block 3:25 – 4:25
NOTE: Remote students MUST come to campus for their GCSFE exams. They can arrive prior to, and leave thereafter, but MUST not be hanging out on campus.
5:30 PM Mens Junior Varsity Baseball Glenn High School Away
7:00 PM Mens Varsity Baseball Western Guilford High School Home

Wednesday, May 26th
Full day of instruction for face to face students
Remaining Teacher Made Exams/GCS Final Exams, CTE Teacher Made exams blocks 2 and 4. Schedule slightly revised. see below.
1st Block 9:55 – 11:00 2nd Block 11:05 – 1:10 (Lunch)
3rd Block 1:15 – 2:15 4th Block 2:20 – 4:25
NOTE: Remote students MUST come to campus for their GCSFE exams. They can arrive prior to, and leave thereafter, but MUST not be hanging out on campus.
12:00PM (Noon) AP English Language and Composition-Digital, At-Home
4:00PM AP Computer Science Principles-Digital, At-Home
4:30 PM Womens Varsity Tennis Parkland High School Away 5:00 PM Coed Varsity Track Conference Meet @ Ben L. Smith Away 6:00 PM Mens Varsity Wrestling Western Guilford High School Away

Thursday, May 27th
Block 1 state exam students only attend school - dismissal between 1:30-2
ALL students (Face to face AND remote) MUST take this exam on campus
12:00PM (Noon) AP Biology-Digital, At-Home
4:00PM AP Environmental Science-Digital, At-Home
5:00 PM Womens Varsity Tennis Southeast Guilford High School Home 

Friday, May 28th

Senior Picnic - May 28th 2:30 - 4:30.  Completed waivers are your ticket into the picnic.  They can be picked up at the front school entrance or in Mrs. Whitestone's room prior to this date.

Block 2 state exam students only attend school - dismissal between 1:30-2

ALL students (Face to face AND remote) MUST take this exam on campus

12:00PM (Noon) US Comparative Government and Politics-Digital, At-Home

12:00PM (Noon) Human Geography-Digital, At-Home

5:00 PM Coed Varsity Track Ragsdale HS Away 

7:00 PM Mens Varsity Baseball Western Guilford High School Away 

Sunday, May 30th
Senior Scholarship information provided to counselors

Monday, May 31st
Memorial Day - No School

Tuesday, June 1st
Block 3 state exam students only attend school - dismissal between 1:30-2
ALL students (Face to face AND remote) MUST take this exam on campus

MANDATORY Graduation Practice - SWGHS Stadium - 3pm-5pm

Wednesday, June 2nd
Block 4 state exam students only attend school - dismissal between 1:30-2
ALL students (Face to face AND remote) MUST take this exam on campus

Last School Day for students

MANDATORY Graduation Practice - Greensboro Coliseum 9AM

Thursday, June 3rd
Make up state exam students attend school - dismissal between 1:30-2
ALL students (Face to face AND remote) MUST take this exam on campus

Friday, June 4th
Mandatory Workday for employees - no school for students

Saturday, June 5th

Graduation - Greensboro Coliseum - 8PM

Saturday, June 5th
Graduation - Greensboro Coliseum - 8PM

Whether positive or negative, attitudes are contagious!

We are in it it together. We got this. We are... Southwest!

Friday, May 14, 2021

Round Up for May 17th...

Staff - 

Thank you for ANOTHER great week! 

We only have full face to face instructional days left until end of year exams and not 
including the AP exams as well as the May 24th for the specific teacher made exams. Of course this does not include any last minute adjustments, AP exams, etc.  I recommend sharing this "countdown" to your students as this number becomes more real as each day passes. Also - please be sure your students know exactly what their exam days are. While I know all of you communicate this, many of our students may need this repeated multiple times. 

Please remember to always put the "earned" grade in at all times so we can provide immediate transparency regardless of any agreements or deals made with the students. If you have ANY senior who is failing, please alert Derek Anderson, Emily Wright and their assigned counselor. We just want to make sure we do not get any blindsides as we approach the end of the year. 

Regarding Teacher Made Exams/Projects and GCS FE days, exemptions...
(These are full days regardless of whether a student has an exam or not)

GCS Final Exams can NOT be exempt– 10% weight but the final grade can NOT lower their overall grade

Teacher Made Exam or Project - 10% weight and the final grade can NOT lower their overall grade.

Teacher made exams/projects can be exempt ONLY if the student has an A/B

(consistent with last semester as voted upon by staff)

While the test dates are within the calendar at the end of this blog, here is some additional pieces of information students and families must know. 

AP students on the day of their AP exam, can learn asynchronously for the remaining classes. Some teachers may ask them to come for further test preparation in other areas. Please help us make the best decision for your student. 

NCVPS, AP, IB, and APEX Courses—AP, IB, and APEX students will NOT take the GCS Final Exams. If a NCVPS student is required that take a final exam by their NCVPS teacher, the student does not have to take the GCS Final Exam. 

GCS Final Exams MUST be taken on campus. Remote students are required to report to campus on these days at 9:30.

For EOC/State exams, students will report to school at the start of the day (9:15) on the days they have state exams. 

If you are still unsure, please reach out to your student’s teacher immediately. 

GCS Final Exams include (Taken on May 25th and 26th during their class times):
Civics and Economics

American History 1 and 2

World History

Earth and Environmental

Physical Science



English 1, 3, 4

Math 2

During EOC/State exams, students should report to school on the days they have state exams. 

EOCs (Taken May 27th - June 3rd according to the Block exam day - see calendar):
Math 1
English 10
Math 3

State exams for CTE (Taken May 27th - June 3rd according to the Block exam day - see calendar):


Business Management I

Business Management II

Health Science I

Interior Design I

Child Development

Principles of Business and Finance

Sports and Entertainment Marketing I

Early Childhood Education II 

The following CTE exams will NOT be taken on the normal state exam days as these exams are Teacher Made this year (Taken on May 25th and 26th during their class times)

Digital Design and Animation

Microsoft Excel

Engineering Technology I

Engineering Technology II

Adobe Visual Design

Adobe Video Design

Health Science II


Drafting I

Drafting II

Nursing Fundamentals

Game Art Design

Microsoft Word and PowerPoint

AP Computer Science Principles

AP Computer Science A

Computer Science Principles

Interior Design II

Entrepreneurship I

All other classes will be providing their final exams on either May24, 25th or 26th

A reminder that I would like to see everyone at the Greensboro Coliseum on Saturday June 5th for the 8PM graduation.  I will work out comp time deals of some sort. More information will come out as we continue to move forward. Additionally, Please assist Stephanie Powell in any capacity as many of your know Graduation is a massive and stressful undertaking.  

Thank, thank you, thank you for everything you continue to do!

Senior Timeline (as of April 23rd, 30th, May 7th, May 14th)
Please share with your seniors!

Printable copy HERE

SWGHS Staff Operations Manual

Do you feel like there is something missing from this manual? Please e-mail any administrator of what it is and where the location should be. As we continue to build this, we are hoping this becomes the ultimate Staff Handbook. Thank you to everyone who has played a role in this development!

From the desk of Social Worker Emily Wright

If you have students or parents who approach you with substance abuse concerns, please let me know.  The Lifestyles class and the Tobacco Education classes are still offered – but virtually – for students and their parents.  Students do not have to have been suspended to attend these classes. 

Also Student Support Services also puts out a newsletter with some information that may be useful to you and your students:


Please use the Substitute list below. If there are any issues with the sub saying they will not sub at this time, please let Mrs. Barnum know.

Access Frontline/AESOP using the instructions below:

 Go to GCS web page.

  • Click on Staff
  • Then under Miscellaneous click on Frontline Education (formerly AESOP)
  • Once you click on that link it should automatically sign you into AESOP


****If you are at home, you can use that same link but use your email user name and email password to sign in.


Do not use your phone number and the last 5 digits of your SSN.  (That will not work)

Mrs. Ognosky' s Updated Subs 2021.docx

From the desk of our Curriculum Facilitator, Natalya Moore

Click on THIS link to activate links without Mrs. Moore's Newsletter!

Scholarships, FAFSA, and more! Please share the Counselors' newsletter!


Career and College Promise offers North Carolina high school students the chance to

earn college credits at a community college campus. The program is tuition-free for high school juniors and seniors (semester fees will be due). You must have a cumulative unweighted GPA of 2.8 or higher or passing test scores.

Students can earn:

·        College credit transferable to all UNC System Institutions and many of NC’s Independent Colleges and Universities

·       A credential, certificate or diploma in a technical career

Important Dates:

Summer 2021 Semester:

·        March 15, 2021:  Priority Deadline for Early Registration

·        May 13, 2021: Deadline to submit new applications

·        June 2, 2021: First Day of 8 week summer classes

·        July 27, 2021: Last day of classes

Fall 2021 Semester:

·        March 15, 2021:  Priority Deadline for Early Registration

·        July 15, 2021: Deadline to submit new applications

New Student Admissions Meetings

Admissions Sessions are required for all new students.

Because of COVID-19, the recorded Admissions Session below replaces the required Admissions Meeting.  Please submit a completed application packet with all signatures after viewing the Admissions Session.

The Admissions Session includes information on the following:

·       General Program Information

·       Curriculum Pathways

·      How to navigate the website to search for classes

·       How to register for classes

·       Q & A

It is important that you and your student watch the entire recording.  Please right click on the link below to access the recorded meeting.

Recorded CCP Admissions Session

Once you and your student have viewed the Admissions Session:

1.    Determine your Career and College Promise Pathway –

Write the Pathway name and Code on your Verification Form.  Please refer to the Dual Credit Allowances Document for information on how the high school credits dual courses. 

There are two types of Career and College Promise Pathways:

o   College Transfer Pathways  – GTCC offers seven different college transfer


o   Career/Technical Education Pathways – GTCC offers numerous certificate and diploma programs.

Use the links below to learn more about them.

College Transfer Pathway


Career and Technical Education Pathway


2.     Complete the Application Packet (forms are attached). (Signatures may be obtained by email.)

The Application Packet includes:

o   GTCC Application for Admission – Student signature required on page 2.  Please do not include the social security number on the application for admission. 

o   Verification of Student Eligibility Form – Please make sure that you have all signatures required and that you have included the pathway.

o   Attendance Policy Form

o   Year-End High School Transcript – courses must be listed by grade level, signed and dated by principal and include a cumulative unweighted GPA.

Please send a copy of your latest transcript with the admissions packet. If you attend a public high school, you may request this through  Please provide your High School ID # on the Verification Form. If your transcript is in a sealed envelope, you may open it and scan it. 

o   Copy of Home School State Registration (if applicable)

o   Consent to Release Form – to be completed by the student.

o   Media Release Form – to be completed by the parent.

3.    Scan your application packet and email the documents as attachments using the attach

button to Do not copy and paste the documents into the body of the email.
Once you have submitted your application packet:

o   Please be checking the email listed on your application. If something is missing, you will be notified.  After the application is processed, the applicant will receive an email with Titan Account Activation Instructions.

o   After activating your Titan account, please log into your GTCC Titan Email and check it frequently.  You will receive registration instructions around March 1, 2021. Applicants who apply after March 15, will receive registration instructions after their application is processed.

o   Once you have registered for classes, you will be sent an email with instructions for our mandatory online CCP Orientation.

Please keep in mind that the purpose of CCP is for eligible high school students to earn college credits towards a college degree, diploma, or certificate.

Dual credit for high school graduation requirements is a bonus, but should not be what drives course selection. Courses in the CCP transfer pathways should be selected based on the published bachelor degree plan for the major at the university the student intends to transfer to after high school. 

Feel free to share Counselors information to the students.

Please visit the updated new counseling site for remind codes, scholarship information, etc. 
Counselors' caseloads are as followed: Ms.Graves A-D 10th-12th, Ms.Campbell E-L 10th - 12th, Ms. Graham M-R 10th - 12th, Mrs. Hudgens S-Z 10th - 12th, Ms.Compton 9th grade counselor
Remind Codes: Text 81010 with the messages

Remind codes Class of 2024 Students

                     Class of 2024 Parents

 Ms. Graves 10th - 12th last names A -D

Remind codes 10th Grade Last Name A-D @swghs2023

                     11th Grade Last Name A-D @swghs2022

                     12th Grade Last Name A-D @swghs2021

 Ms. Campbell 10th - 12th last names E - L

Remind codes 10th Grade Last Name E-L @cowgirl23

                     11th Grade Last Name E-L @cowgirl22

                     12th Grade Last name E-L @cowgirl21

 Ms. Graham 10th- 12th last names M - R

Remind Codes 10th Grade Last Name M-R @graham2023

                     11th Grade Last Name M-R @graham2022

                     12th Grade last Name M-R @graham 2021

 Mrs. Hudgens 10th - 12th last names S - Z

Schedule an appointment at

Remind Codes 10th Grade Last Name S-Z @swgh2023

                     11th Grade Last Name S-Z @hudgens22

                     12th Grade Last Name S-Z @hudgsw21

* Pre-Covid 19 picture - social distancing/masks were not required


Monday, May 17th
2nd Interim report for the 4th quarter
8:00AM AP Comparative Government and Politics In-Person, Paper/Pencil
8:00 AM AP Computer Science Principles In-Person, Paper/Pencil
12:00PM (Noon) AP Statistics In-Person, Paper/Pencil
5:00 PM Womens Varsity Tennis Western Guilford High School Home 
6:00 PM Mens Junior Varsity Baseball Northwest Guilford High School Away

Tuesday, May 18th
12:00PM (Noon) AP English Literature and Composition-Digital, At-Home
4:00PM AP Computer Science A-Digital, At-Home
6:00 PM Mens Varsity Baseball Ben L. Smith High School Home 

Wednesday, May 19th
12:00PM (Noon) AP European History-Digital, At-Home
12:00PM (Noon) AP US History-Digital, At-Home
4:30 PM Womens Varsity Tennis Northwest Guilford High School Home 4:30 PM Womens Varsity Tennis Dudley Senior High School Away 5:00 PM Coed Varsity Track Parkland High School Conference Meet at Parkland Away 6:30 PM Mens Junior Varsity Baseball Ledford Senior High School Home 6:00 PM Mens Varsity Wrestling Tri-Meet vs. Smith and Glenn Home

 Thursday, May 20th
12:00PM (Noon) AP US Government and Politics-Digital, At-Home
12:00PM (Noon) AP World History: Modern-Digital, At-Home
4:00PM AP Psychology-Digital, At-Home
5:30 PM Mens Junior Varsity Baseball West Forsyth High School Away 
5:00 PM Womens Varsity Tennis Ragsdale HS Home 
6:00 PM Mens Varsity Baseball Ben L. Smith High School Away 

Friday, May 21st
5:00 PM Coed Varsity Track Friday Night Under the Lights vs. Southern Guilford, Mount Tabor, Reagan Home

Monday, May 24th
Full day of instruction for face to face students
Teacher Made Final Exams for Foreign Language, Cultural Arts and PE
5:00 PM Womens Varsity Tennis Mount Tabor High School Home

Tuesday, May 25th
Full day of instruction for face to face students
Teacher Made Final Exams for Blocks 1 and 3
5:30 PM Mens Junior Varsity Baseball Glenn High School Away 7:00 PM Mens Varsity Baseball Western Guilford High School Home

Wednesday, May 26th
Full day of instruction for face to face students
Teacher Made Final Exams for Blocks 2 and 4
12:00PM (Noon) AP English Language and Composition-Digital, At-Home
4:00PM AP Computer Science Principles-Digital, At-Home
4:30 PM Womens Varsity Tennis Parkland High School Away 5:00 PM Coed Varsity Track Conference Meet @ Ben L. Smith Away 6:00 PM Mens Varsity Wrestling Western Guilford High School Away

Thursday, May 27th
Block 1 state exam students only attend school - dismissal between 1:30-2
12:00PM (Noon) AP Biology-Digital, At-Home
4:00PM AP Environmental Science-Digital, At-Home
5:00 PM Womens Varsity Tennis Southeast Guilford High School Home 
6:30 PM Mens Junior Varsity Baseball Glenn High School Home

Friday, May 28th

Senior Picnic - May 28th 2:30 - 4:30.  Completed waivers are your ticket into the picnic.  They can be picked up at the front school entrance or in Mrs. Whitestone's room prior to this date.

Block 2 state exam students only attend school - dismissal between 1:30-2

12:00PM (Noon) US Comparative Government and Politics-Digital, At-Home

12:00PM (Noon) Human Geography-Digital, At-Home

5:00 PM Coed Varsity Track Ragsdale HS Away 

7:00 PM Mens Varsity Baseball Western Guilford High School Away 

Sunday, May 30th
Senior Scholarship information provided to counselors

Monday, May 31st
Memorial Day - No School

Tuesday, June 1st
Block 3 state exam students only attend school - dismissal between 1:30-2
MANDATORY Graduation Practice - SWGHS Stadium - 3pm-5pm

Wednesday, June 2nd
Block 4 state exam students only attend school - dismissal between 1:30-2
Last School Day for students
MANDATORY Graduation Practice - Greensboro Coliseum 9AM

Thursday, June 3rd
Make up state exam students attend school - dismissal between 1:30-2

Friday, June 4th
Mandatory Workday for employees - no school for students

Saturday, June 5th

Graduation - Greensboro Coliseum - 8PM

Saturday, June 5th
Graduation - Greensboro Coliseum - 8PM

Whether positive or negative, attitudes are contagious!

We are in it it together. We got this. We are... Southwest!