Friday, May 28, 2021

Round Up for June 1st

Staff - 

Testing is almost over, which means the year is almost over!  Good riddance, right? Please, please, please enjoy this long weekend!  Each and every one of you deserve it, plus some!!!! 

While you enjoy this wonderful long Memorial Day weekend, please take a moment to honor and mourn the military personnel who have died in the performance of their military duties. 

CTEs/EOCS Exam Schedule (remaining)

Monday, May 31st

HOLIDAY – No School

Tuesday, June 1st

Block 3 Exam

Students can arrive no earlier than 9:15, and no later than 9:55

Estimated dismissal time 1:30-2

 Wednesday, June 2nd

Block 4 Exam

Students can arrive no earlier than 9:15, and no later than 9:55

Estimated dismissal time 1:30-2

 Thursday, June 3rd

Make Exam Day

Students can arrive no earlier than 9:15, and no later than 9:55

Estimated dismissal time 1:30-2

Friday, June 4th

Mandatory work day for staff – No student Day

EOCs (Taken May 27th - June 3rd according to the Block exam day - see calendar):
Math 1
English 10
Math 3

State exams for CTE (Taken May 27th - June 3rd according to the Block exam day - see calendar):


Business Management I

Business Management II

Health Science I

Interior Design I

Child Development

Principles of Business and Finance

Sports and Entertainment Marketing I

Early Childhood Education II 

Senior Grades – ASAP, once seniors have taken your exam please post their grades (using exam dates below). Grades need to be finalized for seniors Friday, May 28th.

Underclassmen Grades are due by the end of the day Friday, June 4th.

Dates to use for Exams are 6/02 or 6/03 or you can just enter the grade in the Grade column of the E1 term and skip creating an assignment.  Either way works.

GCS Final Exams can be exempt ONLY if the exam brings the overall grade down – 10% weight but the final grade can NOT lower their overall grade(50 if they do not take it, 60 is applied if they take it and have a lower grade.)

Teacher Made Exam or Project – 10% weight and the final grade can NOT lower their overall grade

Teacher made exams/projects can be exempt ONLY if the student has an A/B.

The easiest way to exempt is to enter the exam grades and just hit exempt. 

 New from the testing office – EOC’s if a student refuses to take it, their grade becomes a 50. The lowest grade a student can get on an EOC taken, is a 60.  (follow the same rule of “if brings grade down”)

Grade changes can be submitted after spreadsheets have been turned in.  I have attached the grade change form that has to be filled out for all grade changes. You will make the change in your gradebook but you have to give me the form to let me know what you have changed in order for me to store the grade in their historical marks.   

You will need to print out and give to me only the Score Sheet which is your spreadsheet with assignments, Qtr 3 & 4, Exam & Final (Follow instructions)

Don’t print out until all grades are complete.  You can slide it under my door which is located across from the dance room, C106.

Report cards will be mailed to students June 15th.

A reminder that I would like to see everyone at the Greensboro Coliseum on Saturday June 5th for the 8PM graduation.  I will work out comp time deals of some sort. More information will come out as we continue to move forward. Additionally, Please assist Stephanie Powell in any capacity as many of your know Graduation is a massive and stressful undertaking.  

Thank, thank you, thank you for everything you continue to do!

Senior Timeline (as of April 23rd30th, May 7th, May 14th, May 21st)
Please share with your seniors!

Printable copy HERE


Monday, May 31st
Memorial Day - No School

Tuesday, June 1st
Block 3 state exam students only attend school - dismissal between 1:30-2
ALL students (Face to face AND remote) MUST take this exam on campus

MANDATORY Graduation Practice - SWGHS Stadium - 3pm-5pm

Wednesday, June 2nd
Block 4 state exam students only attend school - dismissal between 1:30-2
ALL students (Face to face AND remote) MUST take this exam on campus

Last School Day for students

MANDATORY Graduation Practice - Greensboro Coliseum 9AM

Thursday, June 3rd
Make up state exam students attend school - dismissal between 1:30-2
ALL students (Face to face AND remote) MUST take this exam on campus

Friday, June 4th
Mandatory Workday for employees - no school for students

Saturday, June 5th

Graduation - Greensboro Coliseum - 8PM

Saturday, June 5th
Graduation - Greensboro Coliseum - 8PM

Whether positive or negative, attitudes are contagious!

We are in it it together. We got this. We are... Southwest!

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