Friday, January 15, 2021

Round Up for January 18


I hope this Staff Round Up finds everyone doing well and ready to close this semester out, and start the new semester. I am sure many of you have learned a lot from this past semester... what worked well for you, what did not, and what you want to try.....Thank you again for persevering through this tremendous learning curve. 

Please enjoy your holiday on Monday and take some time to reflect on the wonderful contributions Martin Luther King accomplished.

Martin Luther King was an activist and pastor who promoted and organized non-violent protests. He played a pivotal role in advancing civil rights in America and won a Nobel Peace Prize for his efforts to fight racial inequality in a non-violent matter. Thank you Dr. King for everything you have contributed to this country!

Here is the Faculty meeting recording. Reminder from the meeting... moving forward, LIVE attendance is required for faculty meetings. Coaches with practices/games are excused but must watch the meeting later that day/evening. Any other reason must be shared with Mr. Hettenbach
Mrs. Spillman will be sharing a collection of notes from the faculty meeting and will share them out. 

As we start back on campus this week, please let me know for those of you who have benefit approved "reasonable accommodations" if you need any PPE that we have on site or anything else that I can assist you with while working in your room. 

5 days a week Schedule

(starting Thursday, 1/21)

(if there are any changes moving forward, we will let you know)

 Start of school is 9:55, ending at 4:25

(Of course, one of these blocks is your planning periods)

 1st block 9:55-11:30

Students must be present within the first 10 minutes to be counted present and on time (when remote) Instruction starts at 10:05 to 11:05 with individual needs thereafter if requested (Office hours).

2nd Block 11:35-1:25

Students must be present within the first 10 minutes to be counted present and on time (when remote) Instruction starts at 11:45 to 12:45 with individual needs thereafter if requested. This block is longer for the need of a lunch break when we return face to face.(Office hours)

3rd Block 1:30-2:55

Students must be present within the first 10 minutes to be counted present and on time (when remote) Instruction starts at 1:40 - 2:40 with individual needs thereafter if requested.(Office hours)

4th Block 3:00 - 4:25

Students must be present within the first 10 minutes to be counted present and on time (when remote) Instruction starts at 3:10 - 4:10 with individual needs thereafter if requested.(Office hours)

Weaver Academy's schedule

 This is an FYI just in case you have Weaver students and therefore you know the conflicts ahead of time to work with them. 

Virtual Open House is on Wednesday January 27th

§  1st block 6:00

§  2nd block 6:20

§  3rd block 6:40

§  4th block 7:20

If you are handling your orientation from home, please keep in mind of what is in your background. 

2nd semester TEXTBOOK DISTRIBUTION for students


1/28 Front Circle 4-6:30pm

This will be communicated through orientation on 1/27 and via all teachers who need students to pick up books.

1st semester textbooks

should returned the week of 1/19, place on table in the front circle (inside if raining)… please be sure student’s name and teacher’s name are posted on returned books.

  • Schedule is 9:05-4:35pm. 
  • No one is allowed to enter prior to 8:00 other than custodians, essential personnel and the "temperature checkers". 
  • Everyone must enter the front doors, and exit the same doors. 
  • Please sanitize before entering. (Sanitizer will be located outside the door). 
  • Please refer to the attestation questions when arriving (no need for the QR code to be accessed)
  • Your temperature check MUST be taken so you can submit that as well. 
  • Sign in AND sign out will be required (clean writing utensils then transferred to dirty - they will be sanitized every day multiple times). This will be near the entrance of the school. 
  • Masks must be worn at all times unless you are in your room/office alone. 
  • If you have children whose schedule is not aligned with our schedule, they can come with you but must follow all health and safety protocols and must be under your supervision at ALL times. 
Anyone who has knowledge of a staff member or student with COVID, MUST be reported to Mr. Hettenbach

From the desk of Kristy Cline

Powerteacher Pro - Semester ending Instructions - click on this LINK
Grade change form - click on this LINK

Please make sure all grades in Canvas have been synced to PowerteacherPro.

Grades should be submitted by the end of the day Monday, January 25th.    

Dates to use for Exams are 1/14 & 1/15.  Or you can just enter the grade in the Grade column of the E1 term and skip creating an assignment.  Either way works.

If you leave an exam grade blank, the Final Grade is to be calculated 50% 1st Quarter and 50% 2nd Quarter.

 Same thing if you mark the exam exempt, F1 would calculate Q1 50% and Q2 50%.

 For state exams you should be entering in an exam grade so it will calculate Q1 40%, Q2 40% and E1 20%, and this is already set in everybody's gradebook settings to calculate this way for F1 (final grade). (It is only if someone leaves the exam grade blank or exempt that it will calculate 50%, 50%)

 Grading Update – All final grades as Fs must be submitted as INC. The parent should be communicated by you and should be given an opportunity for grade recovery to earn a final grade of a 60/D. 1st day of recovery is January 20th – 10th day is February 2nd.

Grade changes can be submitted after spreadsheets have been turned in.  I have attached the grade change form that has to be filled out for all grade changes. You will make the change in your gradebook but you have to give me the form to let me know what you have changed in order for me to store the grade in their historical marks.   

You will need to print out and give to me only the Score Sheet which is your spreadsheet with assignments, Qtr 1 & 2, Exam & Final (Follow instructions)

Don’t print out until all grades are complete.  You can slide it under my door which is located across from the dance room, C106.

 Report cards will be printed on January 27th and will be given/mailed to students Thursday, January 28th.

Counselors' caseloads are as followed: Ms.Graves A-D 10th-12th, Ms.Campbell E-L 10th - 12th, Ms. Graham M-R 10th - 12th, Mrs. Hudgens S-Z 10th - 12th, Ms.Compton 9th grade counselor

Weekly Schedule of Events:


Monday, Jan. 18th- Practices only    Basketball, M. Lax, M. Soccer


Tuesday, Jan. 19th-   Home Basketball vs. Parkland  6/7:30 PM


·        Practices start at 3:45 for all sports, but Football (5:30 PM)


Wednesday, Jan. 20th- Practices adjusted time  Start 4:30-45 check-ins Football 5:30


Thursday, Jan. 21st- JV Basketball home vs. WG 5PM


Friday, Jan. 22nd- JV Basketball Home vs. WCA 5 PM


                             V GBB Home vs. Parkland      6 PM


                             V. MBB Home vs. Parkland    7:30 PM


Swimming vs. Parkland at Smith

HS          6 PM


***Note*****- Football, Softball, W. Tennis and W. Soccer will practice next week.  Please reach out to coach for adjusted times.  

Thanks all and Go Cowboys!

Brindon Christman




Saturday, January 16

TBA Coed Varsity Cross Country 3A West Regional XC Meet @ McAlpine Park Home

12:00 PM Coed Varsity Swimming Ben L. Smith High School Home

Monday, January 18th

MLK Holiday - No School for Staff and Students

Tuesday, January 19th

Mandatory workday for teachers - No School for students

Thursday, January 21

1st day of 2nd semester starts

Monday, January 25

Grades should be submitted by the end of the day

Tuesday, January 26th

PSAT for those who enrolled

Asynchronous instruction for students not testing

Wednesday, January 27th

Open House 6:00PM - 7:20PM

 Thursday, January 28th

Textbook Pick up 4:00 - 6:30 - Front Circle

Reports cards mailed home

Tuesday, February 2nd

Last day for students to make up assignments

Wednesday, February 3rd

Last day for teachers to change grades

We are in it it together. We got this. We are... Southwest!

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