Friday, January 20, 2017

Week of January 23, 2017

Events of the Week: Teachers, please make sure that you complete your Mid-Year PDPs. We want to make sure everything is completed and signed off before January 25th. Also, we will begin second round observations at the beginning of 2nd semester. I know that this is a tough time of year with this crazy weather, but please try to be here all week. It is very difficult to shuffle administrators and proctors for these exams. If you are truly sick, I understand. 

This Week:
Jan. 23rd
- 2nd Block Exams
Jan. 24th
- 3rd Block Exams
- Exam Make-Up Day
Jan. 25th
- 4th Block Exams
Jan. 26th
- Exam Make-Up Day
Jan. 27th
- 1st day of the new semester
- Students report to homeroom to receive their spring semester schedule
No PLCS this week 

- Make sure grades are complete in Power School by 5:00 PM on January 31st 
- Please check the duty roster so you know when you have duty in the new semester.

Next Week:
Jan. 31st
- 1st Semester Grades due by 5:00 PM
Feb. 1st
- Faculty Meeting in the Media Center at 7:50 AM
Feb. 3rd
- Students and staff can wear RED in support of National Heart Month
PLCS this week 

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