Friday, January 27, 2017

Week of January 30, 2017

Events of the Week: The counselors and the admin team have worked hard to try to balance class schedules for the spring. Counselors are accepting course change forms until Feb. 3rd. Students with holes in their schedules and who are misplaced will get 1st priority. Let's start this next semester off right and make sure we are enforcing dress code, tardy sweeps, and other school policies. Half way to summer and only 50 days until Spring!

This Week:
Jan. 31st
- 1st Semester Grades due by 5:00 PM
Feb. 1st
- Faculty Meeting in the Media Center at 7:50 AM
Feb. 2nd
- 9th grade incentive trip
- Report Cards go home. Students report to homeroom at 3:30 PM
Feb. 3rd
- Students and staff can wear RED in support of National Heart Month
- EC Verification Day
- Instructional Meeting 2nd period in Mrs. Barnum's office
- Last day for students to turn in course change forms to guidance
No PLCS this week 

- Make sure grades are complete in Power School by 5:00 PM on January 31st 
- Please check the duty roster so you know when you have duty in the new semester.

Next Week:
Feb. 8th
- Leadership Team Meeting at 7:45 AM in Mrs. Barnum's Office
PLCS this week 

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