Monday, January 9, 2017

Week of January 9, 2017

Events of the Week: We just lost a lot of time before the end of this semester. I know many of you were really pushing to get all the information to our students and begin your reviews. Hopefully, we will not have any more inclement weather before or during our exams. No Leadership Meeting this week. We will have our next Leadership Meeting on February 8th. 

This Week:
Jan. 9-10th
- No School due to inclement weather
Jan. 12th
- Winter Chorus Concert at 7:00 PM in the auditorium (Moved from Tuesday Night)

- Make sure grades are updated in PowerSchool. With the inclement weather, we do not have much time left in this semester. 
- Encourage your students that owe time to come before or after school to make up time for their absences.

Next Week:
Jan. 16th (Holiday)
- Martin Luther King Jr. Holiday No school for Students and Staff
Jan. 18th
- 1st Block Exams
Jan. 19th
- 2nd Block Exams
Jan. 20th
- 3rd Block Exams
No PLCS this week 

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