Sunday, September 1, 2019

Week of September 3rd...

Hello Ranchers!   

What a great week!  Minus AM transportation (and we are working on that), I can not ask for a better first week. It took everyone on the ranch to make this happen. Thank you!

Please continue to set high expectations and deliver quality instruction. With all the classroom visits Mrs. Cutler and the admin team did, we found many common positive observations; a visually welcoming classroom, engaging and exciting activities that reviewed classroom and school wide expectations, greeting all visitors with respectful and responsive service, and more. Thank you, thank you, thank you.
FYI - OneCard will not start until we communicate to the entire staff - stay tuned.

Please take a moment to catch up on the safety/security modules GCS requires all staff to complete.

Please assist the counseling team with consistently sharing information from their department (through your e-list, reminds, on your white board, etc.)

Seniors should start to work on college applications.

FASFA opens up Oct. 1 so start to begin the application with parents (, go to for one stop shop for scholarships searches, apply for college, study for tests, send transcripts, and much more.

Look at counseling website for more information on SW site.

Seniors need to complete the NC Residency which is required by all NC Schools. That is also located on

Students, especially juniors and seniors, begin to tour schools. Register on the college site.

Juniors and sophomores begin to study for PSAT held on October 16th. Go to for study skills.
Check remind and emails weekly for information from the counseling department

Counseling Info and  Assignments
Anna Compton - Freshmen -
Galissia Graves - A-D -
Shelli Campbell - E-L -
Kendra Graham - M-R -
Janet Hudgens - S-Z -

Ms. Graves' codes:
10th-12th graders with last names A-D
Seniors: @graves2020 
Juniors: @graves2021

Sophomores: @graves2022

Mrs. Hudgens' codes:
10th – 12th graders with last names S - Z 
Seniors:  Tell people to text @hudgsw20 to the number 81010 
Juniors: Tell people to text @hudgsw21 to the number 81010
Sophomores: Tell people to text @hudgens22 to the number 81010

Ms. Graham's codes:
 10th-12th graders with last names M-R
Seniors: @graham2020
Juniors: @graham2021
Sophomores: @graham2022

Mrs. Campbell's codes:
10th - 12th graders with last names E-L
Seniors: Campbell2020 @cowgirl20
Juniors: Campbell2021 @cowgirl21
Sophomores: Campbell2022@cowgirl22

Ms. Compton 's codes:
9th grade - @7467_f4

As it relates to athletic schedules, please visit the SWHS Athletics page  

Tuesday, September 03
4:30 PM Womens Varsity Golf Conference Match @ Jamestown Park Home
4:30 PM Womens Varsity Tennis Cornerstone Charter Academy Home
5:30 PM Mens Junior Varsity Soccer Ronald Reagan High School Home
7:00 PM Mens Varsity Soccer Ronald Reagan High School Home

Wednesday, September 04
7:30am - 8:00am Faculty Meeting - Media Center (breakfast sandwiches, water, and coffee)
4:00 PM Womens Varsity Golf Match vs. EF/Ragdale @ Jamestown Park Home
4:30 PM Womens Varsity Tennis East Forsyth High School Away
5:00 PM Womens Junior Varsity Volleyball Northwest Senior High School Home
6:30 PM Womens Varsity Volleyball Northwest Senior High School Home

Thursday, September 05
4:30 PM Womens Varsity Tennis Ben L. Smith High School Away
5:00 PM Womens Junior Varsity Volleyball Ragsdale High School Away
5:30 PM Mens Junior Varsity Soccer Ragsdale High School Home
6:30 PM Womens Varsity Volleyball Ragsdale High School Away
7:00 PM Mens Varsity Soccer Ragsdale High School Home
7:00 PM Mens Junior Varsity Football Page High School Away

Friday, September 06
7:00 PM Coed Varsity Cross Country Friday Night Lights XC Festival @ Ivey Redmon Park Away
7:30 PM Mens Varsity Football High Point Central High School Home

More dates:

Thursday, September 12
1st interim report for the first quarter

Friday, September 27

12th grade and underclass picture retakes

Remember to reference CANVAS (or that important links page) for all pertinent information. If you find that a document is not located on CANVAS, please inquire with one of the Assistant Principals, Tonja McPhail or Nicole Cutler.

- Mr. Hettenbach

First week supervision team did a GREAT job setting the expectations. We need to keep this up, particularly lunches (students should not be standing around, students should not travel table to table, please look for electronic devices and confiscate them if they are out). 7:40 is AM supervision start time (collect comp time)


Front Office Lobby                               Taylor
Attendance intersection                       Ramey/Hmiel
Corridor between C & D (Silvas' hall)       Silvas
Inside Media Center                            Powell
C/D halls and stairwells roamer          Culler
Cafeteria Inside (late bus)                   Cook, M
Cafeteria inside                                   Montgomery
Cafeteria outside                                 Cook, A
Student lot outside gym                      Steely
Gravel lot behind cafeteria                 Long
Card Swiping Student lot                    Cooke, D, Cox, S, Hammersley, Vogel
Card Swiping Front Door                    Lovett, Canon, Chambers
Academy gym (inside)                        Gann
Academy gym (hallway)                     Crawford


1st Lunch
Teacher 1                                             Allred
Teacher 2                                             Corriher
Teacher 3                                             Hagler
Teacher 4                                             Crawford

2nd Lunch
Teacher 1                                             Connolly
Teacher 2                                             Haith
Teacher 3                                             Keveryn
Teacher 4                                             Littles-Thiam

3rd Lunch
Teacher 1                                             Bratton
Teacher 2                                             Steely
Teacher 3                                             Kornegay
Teacher 4                                             Talley

4th Lunch
Teacher 1                                             Demercurio
Teacher 2                                             Spillman
Teacher 3                                             Montgomery
Teacher 4                                             McDonald

Please assist us in keeping students seated until the bell rings. Also – if you have lunch supervision, you can dismiss your class 2 minutes (no earlier) in order to get to the cafeteria before the students arrive.

Teacher 1 = Inside Cafeteria at Cashiers transitioning to old section of cafeteria
Teacher 2 = Outside serving line inside old section of cafeteria transitioning to large section of cafeteria
Teacher 3 = Outside line in hall transitioning to cafeteria exit

Teacher 4 = Float between both dining rooms

We are... Southwest!

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