One more day of testing (Make up exams). Thank you for everything you have done to prepare for these days. Your efforts are much appreciated!
Please make sure you are keeping counselors and grade level admin in the loop of students who may potentially fail. Remind students of make up time... tomorrow, June 1st from 8-Noon in the media center, after state exams 6/4-6/7, as well as June 10th (make up exam day). These are opportunities if your are available. Also -please keep records of your grades, parent contacts, etc., in case administration gets any calls after you depart for the summer.
From the desk of Kristy Cline:
Senior Grades – ASAP, once seniors have taken your exam please post their grades.
Underclassmen Grades are due by the end of the day Wednesday, June 12th
*****English II & English III teachers may be affected with a delay in exam scores.
For any course that has a EOC/NC final exam please enter the following until the scores are in:
4th qtr = actual grade
Exam (E1) = INC
Semester Final grade (F1) = INC
********SENIORS ONLY - USE AVERAGE OF Q3 & Q4 FOR FINAL GRADES(F1) – no exam grades
*****Math 1 & Math 3 teachers will be averaging Q3 & Q4 for Final grades (F1) - no exam grades
**********All teacher made exams can be entered and completed the afternoon of the exam. (you do not need to wait)
Use 6/10 or 6/11 for exam due dates – you will not be able to click for the green E2 Grades Complete. It will still calculate, just make sure you do click for
Q3, Q4 and F1 Grades Complete.
Students that need to make up time due to too many absences should receive an “55” – use comment code:
56244- A “55” indicates the attendance policy was violated.
Reporting Periods
End of Reporting Period
Last Day Student to make up work/attendance
Last Day for teacher to change grade
Data Manager completes the Restore Process
06/25/2019 (Last day for teachers is 06/12/2019)
6/26/2019 at 5 PM
You will need to print out and give to me only the Score Sheet which is your spreadsheet with assignments & final grade. Please don’t turn them in until they are as correct as they will be.
Report cards will be mailed to students June 19th.
Reminder of mandatory attendance at Graduation per GCS. 8:00 start time on Saturday, June 8. Please be in the West Wing in the coliseum and robed no later than 7:30. More detailed instructions will be forthcoming next week from Sue Durant.
Upcoming dates:
Monday, June 3
5:30 - 7:00 Senior Awards Ceremony - Auditorium (If a student is receiving an award, they will receive an invitation)
Teacher made exams blocks 2 and 4. Normal day, schedule slightly revised
1st Block 8:35 to 9:40
2nd Block 9:45 to 11:40
3rd Block 11:45 to 1:40
1st lunch 11:40 to 12:05
2nd lunch 12:10 to 12:35
3rd lunch 12:40 to 1:05
4th lunch 1:15 to 1:40
Tuesday, June 4
Wednesday, June 5
4:00-6:30 - MANDATORY Graduation Practice SWHS Auditorium
Thursday, June 6
6:00-9:00 MANDATORY Graduation Practice Greensboro Coliseum
Friday, June 7
Testing Schedule:
Teacher made exams
6/3 - 2nd and 4th block - Tuesday, June 4th - adjusted schedule - full day
State Exams
6/4 - 1st block - dismiss at 1:35
6/5 - 2nd block - dismiss at 1:35
6/6 - 3rd block - dismiss at 1:35
6/7- 4th block - dismiss at 1:35
6/10 - Make ups - dismiss at 1:35
Saturday, June 8
8:00PM - 10:00PM Graduation Greensboro Coliseum (Each graduate receives 12 tickets) - Graduates should be in the coliseum (in the west wing) no later than 6:30PM- Staff should be in the coliseum and robed no later than 7:30PM
Monday, June 10
Make up day for STATE exams - dismiss at 1:35
Wednesday, June 19
Report Cards mailed to students
Remember to reference CANVAS (or that important links page) for all pertinent information. If you find that a document is not located on CANVAS, please inquire with one of the Assistant Principals, Karen Meier or Tinisha Shaw.
- Mr. Hettenbach
Front Lobby to Attendance A. Cook
Attendance intersection Hurt
Outside Media Center Steely
Inside Media Center Middleton
Cafeteria Inside (late bus) Compton
Cafeteria inside Baker
Cafeteria outside Richards
Student lot outside gym Szitas
Gravel lot behind cafeteria Brown
Card Swiping Student lot Palma/Vogel
Card Swiping Front Door Chambers/Doak/Greene/Taylor
Academy gym (inside) Lovett
Academy gym (hallway) Corriher
1st Lunch
Teacher 1 Muse
Teacher 2 Anderson
Teacher 3 Crawford
Teacher 4 Corriher
2nd Lunch
Teacher 1 Hinson
Teacher 2 Evans
Teacher 3 Arrington
Teacher 4 Spillman
3rd Lunch
Teacher 1 Canon
Teacher 2 Ridge
Teacher 3 Cook. M
Teacher 4 Dusek
4th Lunch
Teacher 1 Mode
Teacher 2 Montgomery
Teacher 3 Vonsteen
Teacher 4 Donovan
Please assist us in keeping students seated until the bell rings. Also – if you have lunch supervision, you can dismiss your class 2 minutes (no earlier) in order to get to the cafeteria before the students arrive.
Teacher 1 = Inside Cafeteria at Cashiers transitioning to old section of cafeteria
Teacher 2 = Outside serving line inside old section of cafeteria transitioning to large section of cafeteria
Teacher 3 = Outside line in hall transitioning to cafeteria exit
Teacher 4 = Float between both dining rooms
We are... Southwest!
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