I hope each and every one of you are enjoying Memorial Day weekend! I would like to personally honor and remember all of the men and women who died fighting for our country. Thank you for everyone who has and continues to serves our country.
I would like to thank all staff who contributed to the annual senior picnic. Once again, it turned out to be a great day in celebrating our seniors and their accomplishments over the last 4 years. Also, I hope many of you have seen some of the videos and pictures posted of the Graduation Walk that occurred on the campuses of Florence, SWES and SWMS. It was a great morning to watch the joy of everyone involved.
We now have 3 regular instructional days left until teacher made exams start on Friday. Please review the schedules below and make sure your students are aware of these slight schedule changes on 5/31 and 6/3.
I would like to thank all staff who contributed to the annual senior picnic. Once again, it turned out to be a great day in celebrating our seniors and their accomplishments over the last 4 years. Also, I hope many of you have seen some of the videos and pictures posted of the Graduation Walk that occurred on the campuses of Florence, SWES and SWMS. It was a great morning to watch the joy of everyone involved.
We now have 3 regular instructional days left until teacher made exams start on Friday. Please review the schedules below and make sure your students are aware of these slight schedule changes on 5/31 and 6/3.
Memorial Day - NO SCHOOL
Tuesday, May 28
7:00-8:00 Spring Sports Banquet - Auditorium
Thursday, May 30
8AM - 8:30 PM Freshmen exemption cards distributed - Freshmen Gym
12-2PM Upperclass exemption cards distributed - cafeteria
Friday, May 31
Seniors must have everything turned in and all time made up.
Teacher made exams blocks 1 and 3. Normal day, schedule slightly revised
1st Block 8:35 to 10:30
Tuesday, May 28
7:00-8:00 Spring Sports Banquet - Auditorium
Thursday, May 30
8AM - 8:30 PM Freshmen exemption cards distributed - Freshmen Gym
12-2PM Upperclass exemption cards distributed - cafeteria
Friday, May 31
Seniors must have everything turned in and all time made up.
Teacher made exams blocks 1 and 3. Normal day, schedule slightly revised
1st Block 8:35 to 10:30
2nd Block 10:35 to 11:40
3rd Block 11:45 to 2:00
1st lunch 11:40 to 12:05
2nd lunch 12:15 to 12:40
3rd lunch 12:50 to 1:15
4th lunch 1:30 to 2:00
4th Block 2:05 to 3:35
Saturday, June 1
8AM-Noon Last Saturday School (make up time) - Media Center
Monday, June 3
5:30 - 7:00 Senior Awards Ceremony - Auditorium (If a student is receiving an award, they will receive an invitation)
Teacher made exams blocks 2 and 4. Normal day, schedule slightly revised
1st Block 8:35 to 9:40
2nd Block 9:45 to 11:40
3rd Block 11:45 to 1:40
1st lunch 11:40 to 12:05
2nd lunch 12:10 to 12:35
3rd lunch 12:40 to 1:05
4th lunch 1:15 to 1:40
Tuesday, June 4
Wednesday, June 5
4:00-6:30 - MANDATORY Graduation Practice SWHS Auditorium
Thursday, June 6
6:00-9:00 MANDATORY Graduation Practice Greensboro Coliseum
Friday, June 7
Testing Schedule:
Teacher made exams
5/31 - 1st and 3rd block - Monday June 3rd - adjusted schedule - full day
6/3 - 2nd and 4th block - Tuesday, June 4th - adjusted schedule - full day
State Exams
6/4 - 1st block - dismiss at 1:35
6/5 - 2nd block - dismiss at 1:35
6/6 - 3rd block - dismiss at 1:35
6/7- 4th block - dismiss at 1:35
6/10 - Make ups - dismiss at 1:35
Saturday, June 8
8:00PM - 10:00PM Graduation Greensboro Coliseum (Each graduate receives 12 tickets) - Graduates should not be at the coliseum (in the west wing) later than 6:30PMMonday, June 10
Make up day for STATE exams - dismiss at 1:35
Wednesday, June 19
Report Cards mailed to students
Remember to reference CANVAS (or that important links page) for all pertinent information. If you find that a document is not located on CANVAS, please inquire with one of the Assistant Principals, Karen Meier or Tinisha Shaw.
- Mr. Hettenbach
Front Lobby to Attendance Connolly
Attendance intersection Hurt
Outside Media Center Shavers
Inside Media Center Haith
Cafeteria Inside (late bus) Talley
Cafeteria inside Frohne
Cafeteria outside Hudgens
Student lot outside gym Mode
Gravel lot behind cafeteria Lasher
Card Swiping Student lot Nadeau/Vogel
Card Swiping Front Door Chambers/Doak/Greene/Taylor
Academy gym (inside) Demercurio
Academy gym (hallway) Allah
1st Lunch
Teacher 1 Murphy
Teacher 2 Connolly
Teacher 3 Philpott
Teacher 4 Davison
2nd Lunch
Teacher 1 Brown
Teacher 2 Richards
Teacher 3 Keveryn
Teacher 4 Gaines
3rd Lunch
Teacher 1 Long
Teacher 2 Shaw
Teacher 3 Hudgens
Teacher 4 Davis
4th Lunch
Teacher 1 Littles-Thiam
Teacher 2 Manley
Teacher 3 Whitestone
Teacher 4 Shavers
Please assist us in keeping students seated until the bell rings. Also – if you have lunch supervision, you can dismiss your class 2 minutes (no earlier) in order to get to the cafeteria before the students arrive.
Teacher 1 = Inside Cafeteria at Cashiers transitioning to old section of cafeteria
Teacher 2 = Outside serving line inside old section of cafeteria transitioning to large section of cafeteria
Teacher 3 = Outside line in hall transitioning to cafeteria exit
Teacher 4 = Float between both dining rooms
We are... Southwest!
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