Hello Ranchers!!!
We have a very busy week ahead so please make sure you read and plan accordingly.
A pep rally will be held Friday from 2:30 to dismissal - more details will be forthcoming.
In preparation for next week’s Homecoming, please plan to participate and encourage students to participate… it is what you make it…some positive school spirit is always a good thing!
A pep rally will be held Friday from 2:30 to dismissal - more details will be forthcoming.
In preparation for next week’s Homecoming, please plan to participate and encourage students to participate… it is what you make it…some positive school spirit is always a good thing!
- Spirit
Days flyer and PowerPoint were attached to an email from Tracy Repko (10/16 1:45PM)
- Student
Council and Leadership Class students plan on decorating the halls this
weekend (see below which halls and the theme)
- If you
would like to decorate your own door…. Please feel free to do so.
There is not anything formal planned… but we are playing the Hornets so
that could be fun to create! And would help with momentum!
Movie Madness Monday Junior- cafe hall from attendance to cafe door
Too Tired Tuesday Sophomore- lunch corridor to stairwell in D
Way Back Wednesday Freshman- front door to trailer door
Growing Up Thursday Seniors- upstairs D
Cowboys vs Aliens Friday Leadership- Main Hall: Cowboys vs and Aliens
Too Tired Tuesday Sophomore- lunch corridor to stairwell in D
Way Back Wednesday Freshman- front door to trailer door
Growing Up Thursday Seniors- upstairs D
Cowboys vs Aliens Friday Leadership- Main Hall: Cowboys vs and Aliens
Mrs. Repko and the students thank you
in advance for your support!!!!
We have a VERY busy week ahead with athletic events, Chorus concert, Orchestra Concert and all Homecoming activities, including the Homecoming Dance Saturday night. Any help at these events would be greatly appreciated. Please see the calendar below for all events scheduled.
This coming Friday is the end of the first quarter.Please make sure your students are making up 45 minutes for each block absent. Do not count the first 3 days. Mrs. O'Neal will send another Attendance Waiver list out as well. Any student who has NOT completed their make up time should receive a 55 as their grade until they have made up time. If their grade is lower than a 55, please use that grade. Please do not put a grade on a student's report card that will send the homes a false understanding of their student's grades.
It's back! The SWGHS Parent Empowerment Summit. An amazing opportunity for our community members to visit an array of sessions that will help them better navigate as a parent! Lock it down in your calendar and share it with all! Post this on your door, set up an incentive with your class so their parents attend. If you have any interest in being a part of this in any way, please do not hesitate to reach out to Michelle Phillips!
Teachers: Please begin to share the information with your
email distribution lists. Talk about it with your students as well.
The Parent Empowerment Summit is specifically for parents and guardians of
middle and high school students however, students are welcome to volunteer. We
will have childcare provided by our Early Childhood Classes. Student
groups from HOSA, SAVE and Service Learning will be participating at this
time. If additional students would like to volunteer or would like to
represent an organization, please have them see Mrs. Michelle Phillips.It's back! The SWGHS Parent Empowerment Summit. An amazing opportunity for our community members to visit an array of sessions that will help them better navigate as a parent! Lock it down in your calendar and share it with all! Post this on your door, set up an incentive with your class so their parents attend. If you have any interest in being a part of this in any way, please do not hesitate to reach out to Michelle Phillips!
Parents: No need to register for the free event.
This event has been well attended in the past and many parents have
said it was the best parent workshop they ever attended.
Ways to Win Prizes:
Teachers: You will be entered into a drawing to win
GOOD gift cards if you do any of the following…
- Copy Michelle Phillips
on email distribution sharing the event and encouraging parents to attend
- Send proof that you invite
friends on FB or share the event on Facebook
- Send proof of
communication with students regarding how they will earn extra credit if
their parent attends (a list of attendees will be sent to SWGH staff
following the event with student names)
- You will be entered
twice if you volunteer at the event, sign up sheet will be posted soon
near the workroom (plus you will earn comp time for upcoming snow days)
- Lastly, if you have a
way to advertise or get more parents to attend, let Michelle Phillips know
as well.
Thank you, this event is truly a team effort.
Great job to all tutorial teachers who provided the proper passes for Tuesdays and Thursdays and held high expectations for students to arrive at 3:30 and stay until 4:30. The halls did not have any "roamers" and were dismissed at the bell, not before. Kudos!!!
As Mr. Miller mentioned in PD on Wednesday, students need to start wearing their badges/lanyards. Students can have any lanyard they'd like, and
if they need one, let one of their teachers know (there are a bunch in the mail room).
This coming week, while we will all start telling
students to wear cards. we need to ask them to have them displayed when checking the dress code. On
Thursday and Friday of this coming week, we will put out the swiping machines, just so that they can see the
new placements. The language from the staff to students is that we will start
2nd Quarter with swipes. (10/29).
October 21st - October 25th is CFNC NC College Application Week and the counseling team at SW is working hard to ensure ALL seniors take advantage and have access to the opportunity. To help with the cause we need you to STOP and ASK! If you know, work directly with, or see a senior in passing STOP and ASK them the following questions:
- What are your plans after high school?
- Have you taken the SAT or ACT?
- Have you and your parents filled out the FAFSA?
- Have you and your parents filled out the Residency Determination Status (RDS) form?
- How do you plan to pay for your college experience?
Based on their response, please send them to their respective counselor to assist, even seniors who are not college bound! In addition, if the spirit moves you, talk about your college experience to spark interest and thought. Thank you for your participation!
In addition,
Seniors will have the opportunity to receive assistance for college applications Monday Oct. 21-Oct. 23rd in Media Center. A link was sent out to students to sign up. Although we have sent a link, we will not turn away students that need help. Students will have a green and white CFNC sticker as proof that they attended the lab for help.
If they need assistance after the scheduled lab days, please send them to their assigned counselor.
You will receive a NC Countdown to College flyer in your box. If you could fill out the flyer and post it on your door during this week that would be great!
Counseling Info and Assignments
Anna Compton - Freshmen - comptoa@gcsnc.com
Galissia Graves - A-D - gravesg3@gcsnc.com
Shelli Campbell - E-L - campbes2@gcsnc.com
Kendra Graham - M-R - grahamk2@gcsnc.com
Janet Hudgens - S-Z - hudgenj@gcsnc.com
Ms. Graves' codes:
10th-12th graders with last names A-D
Seniors: @graves2020
Juniors: @graves2021
Sophomores: @graves2022
10th – 12th graders with last names S - Z
Seniors: Tell people to text @hudgsw20 to the number 81010
Juniors: Tell people to text @hudgsw21 to the number 81010
Sophomores: Tell people to text @hudgens22 to the number 81010
Ms. Graham's codes:
10th-12th graders with last names M-R
Seniors: @graham202
Juniors: @graham2021
Sophomores: @graham2022
Mrs. Campbell's codes:
10th - 12th graders with last names E-L
Seniors: Campbell2020 @cowgirl20
Juniors: Campbell2021 @cowgirl21
Sophomores: Campbell2022@cowgirl22
Ms. Compton 's codes:
9th grade - @7467_f4
It’s College Application week … ALL WEEK for SENIORS
Staff… College Shirts and Jeans every day if you can’t find a themed outfit to support from above
Seniors…College Shirts every day (Jeans with College Shirts on Friday only) if they can’t find a themed outfit to support from above
Seniors…College Shirts every day (Jeans with College Shirts on Friday only) if they can’t find a themed outfit to support from above
Monday, October 21
HC 2019 Spirit Days - Movie Madness Monday- Dress like your favorite movie character
College application week - Staff and seniors wear college shirts all week long. Any staff who wears a college shirt can wear jeans each day. Seniors can wear jeans on Friday IF they wear a college shirt. Stickers will be passed out if students sign up to come to the computer lab for college applications.
9:00 AM Womens Varsity Golf OPEN DATE NCHSAA 3A Central Regionals @ Greensboro National Golf Course Away
5:30 PM Mens Junior Varsity Soccer Parkland High School Home
6:00 PM Womens Varsity Volleyball OPEN DATE Piedmont Triad Conference Tournament 1st Round @ Higher team site Home
7:00 PM Mens Varsity Soccer Parkland High School Home
Tuesday, October 22
HC 2019 Spirit Days - Too Tired Tuesday - PJ Day
College application week - see Monday
10:00AM - SST meeting - Barnum's Office
7:00 - Orchestra Concert
TBA Womens Varsity Golf OPEN DATE NCHSAA 3A Central Regionals @ TBA Away
TBA Womens Varsity Volleyball OPEN DATE Piedmont Triad Conference Tourament Semi-Finals Home
5:00 PM Coed Varsity Cross Country Conference Championship Meet @ Ivy Redmond Home
5:30PM Mens Junior Varsity Soccer Ben L. Smith High School Home
7:00 PM Mens Varsity Soccer Ben L. Smith High School Home
Wednesday, October 23
HC 2019 Spirit Days - Way Back Wednesday- Decades- 50’s, 60’s, 70’s, 80’s
College application week - see Monday
Powder Puff Game 6-8pm
6:00 PM Womens Varsity Volleyball OPEN DATE PT 3A Conference Tournament Finals Home
Thursday, October 24
Soccer Breast Cancer Awareness Game
HC 2019 Spirit Days - Growing Up Thursday- Fresh: Babies; Sophomores: College; Juniors: Soccer Moms/Baseball Dads; Seniors: Senior Citizens; Staff: Teenagers
College application week - see Monday
Blood Drive - 8AM - 2PM - Old Gym
7:00 - Chorus Concert
5:30PM Mens Junior Varsity Soccer Western Guilford High School Home 7:00 PM Mens Varsity Soccer Western Guilford High School Home
7:00 PM Mens Junior Varsity Football Western Guilford High School Away
Friday, October 25
HC 2019 Spirit Days - Friday- Cowboys vs Aliens…What’s your favorite? Cowboys and Cowgirls in theme can wear Jeans to support the day!
College application week - see Monday
7:30 PM Mens Varsity Football Western Guilford High School *Homecoming* Home
End of the first quarter
2:30 to dismissal - Pep Rally - Coggins Gym
Friday - Homecoming Court & Game
Lunch blocks - PTSA Baked Potato Lunch -Mrs. Lovett's classroom
Saturday, October 26
TBD - Volleyball (more information will be forthcoming)
8:00PM - 11:30PM Homecoming Dance
FAFSA Day - GTCC-Jamestown -9AM - Noon
More dates:
Mandatory Workday for teachers - no school for students - sign in AND out
Wednesday, October 30
Pre-ACT bubbling - sophomores - more info to come
Seniors - grad supplies Order Date during morning hours - schedule will be forthcoming - Coggins Gym
Saturday, November 16
9-12:30 SWGHS Parent Empowerment Summit
Remember to reference CANVAS (or that important links page) for all pertinent information. If you find that a document is not located on CANVAS, please inquire with one of the Assistant Principals, Tonja McPhail or Nicole Cutler.
Remember to reference CANVAS (or that important links page) for all pertinent information. If you find that a document is not located on CANVAS, please inquire with one of the Assistant Principals, Tonja McPhail or Nicole Cutler.
Front Office Lobby Muse
Attendance intersection Ramey/Bell
Corridor between C & D (Silvas' hall) Heffner
Inside Media Center Hinson
C/D halls and stairwells roamer Hagler
C/D halls and stairwells roamer Hagler
Cafeteria Inside (late bus) Cooke, M
Cafeteria inside Montgomery
Cafeteria inside Montgomery
Cafeteria outside Cook, A
Student lot outside gym Steely
Gravel lot behind cafeteria Long
Card Swiping Student lot Palma, Mode, Nadeau, Vogel
Card Swiping Front Door Ingram, Lasher, Chambers
Academy gym (inside) Holmes
Academy gym (hallway) Corriher
1st Lunch
Teacher 1 Holmes
Teacher 2 Ingram
Teacher 3 Hagler
Teacher 4 Lovett
2nd Lunch
Teacher 1 Littles-Thiam
Teacher 2 Murphy
Teacher 3 Keveryn
Teacher 4 Bell
3rd Lunch
Teacher 1 Anderson
Teacher 2 Canon
Teacher 3 Kornegay
Teacher 4 Chemel
4th Lunch
Teacher 1 Philpott
Teacher 2 Byas
Teacher 3 Wood
Teacher 4 Butler
Please assist us in keeping students seated until the bell rings. Also – if you have lunch supervision, you can dismiss your class 2 minutes (no earlier) in order to get to the cafeteria before the students arrive.
Teacher 1 = Inside Cafeteria at Cashiers transitioning to old section of cafeteria
Teacher 2 = Outside serving line inside old section of cafeteria transitioning to large section of cafeteria
Teacher 3 = Outside line in hall transitioning to cafeteria exit
Teacher 4 = Float between both dining rooms
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